A comprehensive list of journals on archaeology available at the AAR, both on subscription and open access
Issued by the Norwegian Institute in Rome. On all aspects of Mediterranean archaeology and art history. Open access to newest issues (and to several older issues).
Access to v.84 (2013) to v.86 (2015) (AAR only). The volumes prior to 2013 are available at the library.
Issued by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Focuses on excavations, finds, and problems from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. Open access.
Focusing on archaeology in combination with other disciplines (history, history of sciences and technology, architecture, art history). Issued by the ŁTN Research Center in Łódź, Poland. Open access.
Issued by the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Berlin. Open access (with moving wall).
An international journal of landscape archaeology. Access to v.1 (2004) to v.16 (2019) (AAR only).
The AJA, founded in 1895, is the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. It publishes research on the diverse peoples and material cultures of the Mediterranean and related areas, from prehistory through late antiquity and beyond. AAR only. Access also via JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). The AJA book reviews are open access.
This website has published a list of links to open-access journals in ancient studies (and also many other links).
Issued by the Institut d’Estudis Empordanesos. Open access.
The Annual publishes accounts of the BSA’s projects as well as articles on a wide range of Hellenic subjects spanning a variety disciplines from art to archaeometry and covering Greece throughout history. Access via JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). More recent volumes are available in the AAR Library.
Issued, since 1914, by the Scuola Archeologica Italiana in Atene. Special focus on ancient Greece, prehistory to Byzantine times (archaeology, architecture, topography, art history, history, epigraphy and more). Open access.
Antaeus : Communicationes ex Instituto Archaeologico Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Archaeology, especially of the Pannonian region, in pre-Roman and Roman times, the Migration Period, Early Middle Ages. Issued by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Open acces with moving wall.
Antike Kunst publishes on classical art and archaeology as well as regular reports on Swiss excavations in Mediterranean sites. All volumes are also available in the AAR Library.
Antike Welt publishes on topics from all areas of archaeology and cultural history, with a main focus on the classical world. Access via JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library has all volumes to v.41 (2010).
Issued by the Society of Antiquaries of London, the Antiquaries Journal aims to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the study of material culture, publishing papers from all periods, from prehistory to the recent past. It addresses research questions from a variety of perspectives, combining, for example, historical, art historical, architectural, linguistic, archaeological, and scientific data. AAR only; the older volumes are available in the Library.
Mainly focusing on the Iberian Peninsula, Antiquitas publishes on excavations, archaeology, material culture, prehistory and history, pre-Roman and Roman times. Issued by the Museo Histórico Municipal de Priego de Córdoba. Open access with moving wall. More recent volumes are available in the Library.
On the history and archaeology of North Africa, protohistory to Arabic conquest. Full text online, v.52 (2016) to present (AAR only) ; open access (with moving wall) via persée.
On world archaeology, reports new archaeological research and new methods. Access to v.84 (2010)–v.89 (2015) (AAR only). The volumes prior to 2010 are available at the Library.
AP is exclusively devoted to public archaeology, aiming to explore the multiple relations between archaeology and society. The fields covered are the economic and political impact of archaeology, archaeology as popular culture, the history and development of archaeology as a professional activity, the public image of archaeology, legal issues affecting archaeological practice and others. Open access.
A bibliographical bulletin on the field of ancient wall painting, published by the AIPMA (Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique).
Excavation reports, conference proceedings on archaeology, and classical art in Turkey. Full text online access from v.1 (1983) to the present.
Archaeologia maritima mediterranea : An International Journal on Underwater Archaeology publishes on, around and within the sphere related to underwater archaeology (finds and findings, excavation techniques, research methods, protection of sites, legislation, etc.). Full text online v.1 (2004) to v.16 (2019) (AAR only).
Publishes on archaeological investigations (from prehistory to industrial archaeology, with a special focus on classical archaeology) carried out in Italy by foreign universities and research institutions. Access to v.1 ( 2003) to v.18 (2020) (AAR only).
Issued by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. To access the most recent volumes (AAR only), click here. To access via JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall), click here.
On textiles of all epochs. Issued by the CTR (Centre for Textile Research) in Copenhagen. Open access.
Journals on methodologies, theories, different approaches, material culture, anthropology, sociology, etc., all accessible via JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only): Acta Sociologica ; American Anthropologist ; Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales ; Annual Review of Anthropology ; Anthropologica ; Anthropology Today ; Archives de sciences sociales des religions ; Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie ; Cambridge Journal of Anthropology ; Civilisations ; Comparative Studies in Society and History ; Cultural Anthropology ; Current Anthropology ; Dialectical Anthropology ; Historical Archaeology ; Historische Sozialforschung (Historical Social Research) ; L'Homme ; International Journal of Historical Archaeology ; JAR (Journal of Anthropological Research) ; Journal of Anthropology ; Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory ; Journal of Archaeological Research ; Journal of Ritual Studies ; Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (click here to access v.37 (1907)-v.95 (1965) and here to access the volumes beginning with v.1 (1995), with moving wall) ; Man ; Material Culture ; RES : Anthropology and Aesthetics ; Signs and Society ; Social Analysis : The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice ; Sociological Methodology ; Sociological Theory ; and World Archaeology.
Archaeometry publishes on the application of the physical and biological sciences to archaeology, anthropology and art history, including, among others, dating methods, artifact studies, mathematical methods, remote sensing techniques, conservation science, environmental reconstruction, biological anthropology and archaeological theory. Access to v.39 (1997) to v.62 (2020) (AAR only). The volumes prior to 1997 are available at the Library.
Focusing on underwater archaeology, from prehistoric to modern times. Open access thru persée (with moving wall) ; full text online to recent volumes : AAR only.
Published by the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), focusing on most recent research, new finds, and excavation reports, with a focus on the Mediterranean region covering periods from prehistory to Late Antiquity. Open access to recent volumes, older volumes follow successively.
Published by the Sapienza Università di Roma and covering art history, epigraphy, material culture, iconography and archaeology of the Etruscan, Italic, Greek and Roman worlds, prehistory to Late Antiquity. Access thru JSTOR with moving wall, beginning with v.24 (1972). The Library owns all volumes.
On theoretical and methodological aspects of computing and information technologies applied to archaeology. Issued by the CNR, Istituto di Scienze del patrimonio culturale together with the Dipartimento di archeologia e storia dell'arte. Open access. See also the special issues, the proceedings and the supplements, open access as well.
ArcheoLogica Data publishes contributions in the form of a dataset accompanied by an article, without chronological or territorial limitations. Aims to contribute to the sharing of “raw archaeological data”—from excavations, surveys, remote sensing, and more. Open access.
Archeologie sperimentali : Temi, metodi, ricerche focuses specifically on experimental methods in archaeology, privileging research fields such as archaeology of production, history of technology and of cratfs and industries. Issued by Università degli studi di Torino. Open access.
At the crossroad between the disciplines of archaeology and social siences, across the epochs. Every issue has a thematic focus. Open access.
Issued by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, on archaeology, material culture, epigraphy and numismatics, from protohistoric times to the early middle ages. Open access to volumes beginning with v.64 (1991). The Library has all volumes.
Issued by the Università degli Studi di Milano, publishes on classical antiquity (material culture, history, art history, epigraphy...), with special focus on the different cultures and the cultural exchanges around the Mediterranean. Open access.
Publishes archaeological studies on buildings, regardless of the period, type or function, addressing theoretical, methodological, interpretative and practical aspects of the archaeological discipline applied to the analysis of architecture. Issued by the CSIC and the Universidad del País Vasco. Open access.
‘Atiqot has been published since 1955, first by the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums (IDAM) and since 1990 by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The articles are not confined to a specific range of periods or topics, but to a geographical area—Israel—that has been influenced by almost every ancient culture that existed in the Levant. Access through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall: 1955-90 and v.20 (1991)-) and through the IAA site (v.50 [2005] to the present). The Library owns all volumes.
BABESCH: Bulletin antieke beschaving, published since 1926, on all aspects of classical archaeology in the Mediterranean area. Access to volumes 69 (1994) to the present (AAR only). The volumes prior to 1994 are available at the AAR Library.
Bibliotheca Orientalis is a quadrimonthly journal, issued by the Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, containing reviews and bibliographical data on books published on the ancient and modern Near East. The AAR Library’s online subscription covers v.54 (1997) to v.76 (2019).
Issued by the DG ABAP (Direzione generale Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio) of the Italian Ministero della Cultura. Publishes excavation reports, archaeological news in and around Rome and Italy, and conference proceedings. Open access to all volumes.
Issued by the Portale Numismatico dello Stato and the Ministero della Cultura. Open access to the Bollettino di numismatica, the Studi e ricerche and to the Materiali. The Library holds all the previous volumes in print as well as the monographic supplements.
On classical archaeology and ancient history ; excavation reports ; regional archaeology and review articles. Issued by the LVR-Landesmuseum Bonn, Germany. Open access with moving wall.
Issued by the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, Britannia publishes on all aspects of the archaeology and history of the Roman province of Britannia. Access via JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
The BAEFE publishes news, excavation reports, archaeological data and research articles from the EFA (École Française d'Athènes), the EFR (École française de Rome), the IFAO (Institut français d'archéologie orientale), the EFEO (École fançaise d'Extrême-Orient) and the Casa de Velázquez, united within the ResEFE (Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'étranger). Open access.
Founded in 1887 by the Association Pro Aventico, the journal publishes on all aspects related to Avenches in Roman times (Aventicum). Free access with moving wall.
BHA, inaugurated over 20 years ago, publishes on the histories of archaeologies (all aeras and all epochs), including also intersections with related histories, such as those of collecting, colonialism, exploration, fieldwork, heritage and museums. Open access.
One of the most important journals on the archaeology of the city of Rome. Access via JSTOR with moving wall, beginning with volume 82 (1970). Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg provides access to volume 1 (1872) to volume 53 (1925). The AAR Library owns the complete run.
Byrsa: Rivista di Arte, Cultura e Archeologia del Mediterraneo focuses on Punic antiquities. Access to more recent issues (AAR only); the earlier volumes are available in the Library.
CAA : Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology focuses on the application and development of digital technologies in archaeology, such as 3D modelling, spatial analysis, remote sensing, geophysics, semantic web and more. Open access.
Access to v.7 (1997) to v.27 (2017) (AAR only). The volumes prior to 1997 are available at the Library.
Issued by the Società Scientifica 'Scuola archeologica italiana di Cartagine'. Open access.
The École française de Rome publishes the preliminary results of its teams’ excavations in this electronic journal.
CLARA : Classical Art and Archaeology is a broad-scoped journal that covers a wide range of topics of classical antiquity. Issued by the Museum of Cultural History at the Universiy of Oslo. Open access.
On classical art and the classics at the intersection with contemporanean art & culture, and reception and influence. Open access.
These are the monographic publications on the excavations at Corinth, carried out by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Each volume deals with a particular building or set of buildings, or a particular class of material. Access via JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall) ; the Library owns all volumes.
Issued by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona. Several volumes have a thematic focus. Open access, v.1 (1995)-v.24 (2016).
Dissertationes Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae (Budapest). Papers from the Institute of Archaeological Sciences. Open access.
Issued by the Parco Archeologico di Pompei (Ministero della Cultura). Brand-new information on excavation results, on new finds, on new projects in Pompei. Open access.
Eidola : International Journal of Classical Art History focuses on archaic and classical Greece and the urban and provincial Roman world. It also welcomes essays on subjects in other areas of antiquity, acknowledging the continuity of an ancient figurative tradition which greatly influenced the production of images long after the empire ended. The Library's subscription ends with v.17 (2020). The volumes are available in the Library, too.
Published by the Etruscan Foundation. On all aspects of research related to the Etruscan and pre-Roman civilizations across archaeology, archaeometry, art history, epigraphy and history. AAR only.
Issued by the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The journal deals with the archaeology of ancient and early medieval / Islamic cultures of the Mediterranean Basin, the Near East, the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. Open access.
Issued by the Mediterranean Archaeological Society, Rethymno, Crete. On classical archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, with particular interest in ancient Greece. Open access.
Ex novo : Journal of archaeology, encompasses prehistory to modern period and focuses specifically on the multiple relations between archaeology and society, with an interdisciplinary approach, engaging with theoretical developments from disciplines such as history, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, social sciences, and colonial studies. Open access.
EXARC Journal publishes since 2004 on archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology and ancient technology. Open access.
FACTA : A Journal of Late Roman, Medieval and Post-Medieval Material Culture Studies promotes the publication of research results in post-classical archaeology, from Late Antiquity to contemporary age. Topics range from archaeology and production history to trade and consumption, including fields as environmental archaeology, bio-archaeology and archaeometry. AAR only, v.1 (2007)-v.15 (2021).
FOLD&R (shortened from Fasti On Line Documents & Research) is an archaeological journal published since 2004 by the International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC) in collaboration with the Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali.
Fornvännen is published by the Kungliga Vitterhetsakademien (Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities) and focused on Scandinavian archeology and medieval research.
Issued by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (German Archaeological Institute). On all aspects of data processing, digital technologies and infrastructure developed for and applied in archaeological research. Open access.
On issues such as the political and the ethical dimensions of archaeology, on questioning of archaeological truth claims, on demands for the return of cultural property, and else ; further, on critiques of ideology and discourse analyses, that include critiques of androcentrism, heteronormativity, and colonial discourse. Open access.
Twice a year, researchers are invited (see cfp) to discuss the theme of the border (e.g. : "Exceeding the border", "Imagining the border", "Materializing the border", "Investing (in) the frontier" and more). Spans protohistory, classical antiquity and the middle ages and their reception. Open access.
On archaeology and history of France, from the Iron Age to Roman times to the end of the Merovingian kingdom. Issued by the CNRS. To access the most recent volumes, click here or access thru persée (open access with moving wall). The Library has the more recent volumes. Check also Gallia préhistoire, for the archaeology of France in prehistoric times up to the Bronze Age (most recent volumes or access thru persée with moving wall).
Groma : documenting archaeolgy is focusing particularly on Mediterranean archaeology and to specific methodological aspects such as archaeological documentation and landscape archaeology. Issued by the Department of History and Cultures (DISCI) of the University of Bologna. Open access.
Issued by the Archäologisches Seminar at the Universittät of Bern, Switzerland, and focusing on classical archaeology and the history of classical art. Click here to access v.1 (1975) to v.21 (2009), also available in the Library. Beginning with v.22 (2017) online only, as HASBonline.
On history and archaeology of the ancient world. Published from v.1 (2008) to v.8 (2005) by the Asociación Interdisciplinar de Historia y Arqueología del Mediterráneo Herakleion. Open access.
IANSA : Interdisciplinaria archaeologica : Natural Sciences in Archaeology focuses on bioarchaeology, geoarchaeology, dating methods in archaeology and computational archaeology. Open access.
Issued by the Archaeological Institute of Albania, focusing on archaeology and history of Illyria. Free access thru persée (with moving wall).
AAR only. The Library’s subscription to online content covers v.26 (1997) to v.49 (2020). Volumes prior to 1997 are available in the Library.
Hosted by the Department of Archaeology at the University of York. Open access. See also supplemental publications ('e-monographs').
On Italian prehistory and protohistory. Issued by the Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà, Università di Bologna. Open access.
Iran is the journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies. It publishes research on the whole spectrum of Persian Studies, including Persian arts, archaeology, history, literature, linguistics, religion and philosophy, from the Palaeolithic to the Qajar period. Older volumes are available thru JSTOR (AAR only) or in the library.
Iraq is published on behalf of the British Institute for the Study of Iraq and publishes research on the history, art, archaeology, religion, economic and social life of Iraq, from the earliest times to about AD 1750. Issues prior to 2011 are available at JSTOR and in the Library.
Research articles and shorter notes pertaining to the Museum's permanent collection of antiquities, decorative arts, drawings, illuminated manuscripts, paintings, photographs, sculpture and more. Published by the J. Paul Getty Trust. Access thru JSTOR (v.1 (1974)-v.96 (1996), AAR only).
The Jahrbuch des Instituts (JdI) has been published since 1886, on the archaeology of the Mediterranean and Near East from prehistory to Late Antiquity, covering all areas of classical archaeology, such as art history and stylistic studies, iconography, typology, hermeneutics, history of classical architecture and more. While the DAI's Archäologischer Anzeiger publishes notes, micropublications, and excavation reports, the JdI contains in-depth studies. Open access to the most recent volumes ; older volumes follow successively.
Issued by the RGZM, Mainz (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum). Palaeolithicum to Early Middle Ages in Europe. Open access (v.1 (1954)-v.62 (2015)).
JCAA focuses on the application and development of digital technologies in archaeology, featuring papers in all the related disciplines, including, but not restricted to, 3D modelling, spatial analysis, remote sensing, geophysics, field recording techniques, databases, semantic web, statistics, data mining, simulation modelling, network analysis and digital reconstructions of the past.
Focusing on both prehistoric and historic periods of the Eastern Mediterranean, spanning thus three continents and bringing together Greece and the Aegaean, Anatolia, the Levant, Cyprus, Egypt and North Africa. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
On archaeological research worldwide, with no restriction regarding time period or cultural region, with a focus on the results of research in the laboratory, the survey region, or excavation. The Library's subscription ends with v.40 (2015). Available also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall), or in the Library, beginning with v.1 (1974).
JHP : A journal dedicated to the research of ceramics and objects of daily use of the Hellenistic period in the Mediterranean region and beyond. Open access.
Open access. Specific focus on interculturality in the ancient world.
The Journal of Maritime Archaeology is an international journal addressing all aspects of maritime archaeology, both terrestrial and underwater. Access thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
The JMR, issued by the Uludag University Mosaic Research Centre (Turkey), publishes on Greek, Roman, and Byzantine mosaics of Turkey in particular, on mosaics throughout the classical world in general. Open access.
JMA addresses questions concerning the archaeology of sound and rhythmical behaviour of past cultures all over the globe, including the study and reconstruction of certain or possible sound tools, the investigation of soundscapes, as well as related historical, anthropological and ethnological research. Open access.
JNES publishes on the civilizations of the Near East from prehistory to the end of the Ottoman period in 1922, embraings a uniquely broad scope of time, place, and topic (Assyriology, Egyptology, Hittitology, Hebrew Bible, and allied ancient studies, as well as a second area of emphasis in early, medieval, and early-modern Islamic studies). Accessible also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
The Journal of Open Archaeology Data features peer-reviewed data papers describing archaeology datasets with high reuse potential. The editorial team works with a number of specialist and institutional data repositories to ensure that the associated data are professionally archived, preserved, and openly available. Equally importantly, the data and the papers are citable, and reuse is tracked.
Journal of Roman Archaeology publishes research on Italy and all parts of the Roman world from about 700 BC to about AD 700, including all aspects of archaeology, in the broadest interpretation of that world. The Library's online subscription starts with v.26 (2013). All volumes are available in the Library.
Publishes on the literatures and civilizations of the Near East, North Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Inner Asia, the Far East and the Islamic World, including fields of research such as Arab music, Persian cuneiform, and of Buddhism in India, and more. AAR only ; access also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Free access thru the Museio Benaki. The journal contains research relating to the objects in the Museum's collections and annual reports on the activities of the Museum's research departments.
The Journal of Urban Archaeology is the first dedicated scholarly journal to recognize urban archaeology as a field within its own right. On the archaeology of urban societies and networks in all parts of the world and across all periods of time. Open access, v.1 (2020)-v.8 (2023).
Focusing on prehistory, including the beginnings and early development of complex societies. Open access.
Publishes research in archaeology and history on North Africa in ancient times. AAR only. All volumes are accessible in the Library.
New research and excavation results.
Layers : Archeologia Territorio Contesti with a special focus on landscape archaeology. See also the supplements and the Quaderni. Issued by the Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Open access.
The Carnets de l'ACoSt, issued by the Association for Coroplastic Studies (ACoSt), publishes research on coroplastic material or sculptural objects made in clay, from all regions and all periods. Open access.
Issued by the BILNAS (the British Institute for Libyan and North African Studies). Covers a broad range of subjects regarding Libya, including archaeology, ancient and Islamic history, geology, geography and social sciences. AAR only. Available also in the Library, including the older volumes.
Issued by the Universidad de Alicante. On prehistory, ancient history and archaeology, with special focus on the Iberian Peninsula. Open access.
Issued by the University of the Aegean, Greece, to 2020 and by Henan University, Kaifeng, China, since 2020. Open access.
The Library's subscription covers v.1 (2009) to v.11 (2019). Publishes on all aspects of archaeology and history of all the countries that look out upon the Mediterranean Sea.
Australian and New Zealand Journal for Mediterranean archaeology. Access thru JSTOR (without moving wall).
Click here to access the newer issues (AAR only). Accessible also thru persée (open access, with moving wall). See also the Chronique des activités archéologiques de l’École française de Rome, the yearly excavation reports of the EFR (open access). The Library has all volumes as well as the monographic series Collection de l’Ecole fançaise de Rome.
An international journal for the study of ancient pavements and wall revetments in their decorative and architectural context. Full text online (AAR only), v.1 (2004)-v.14 (2017).
Nouvelles de l’Archéologie presents the main trends and challenges facing archaeology in France and abroad. Each issue includes information on the latest scientific policies, on archaeological teaching and training, on the organization and undertaking of research, and on funding and employment opportunities. Further, it publishes information on various meetings and congresses and on issues relating to the preservation and presentation of the archaeological heritage, including publications, audiovisual productions, internet sites, and other means of communication. In addition, every other issue contains a special thematic section. AAR only.
Issued by the Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici, Università di Bologna. On all aspects of archaeology, from prehistory to late antiquity, the Greek. Italic and Roman cultures, the Ancient Near East, European medieval archaeology and more. Open access. The Library owns the full run.
Open Archaeology is a peer-reviewed, electronic-only journal that publishes original research on all aspects of archaeology without any geographical or temporal restrictions. The journal encompasses novel, interdisciplinary approaches to archaeological data including archaeological science, theory, and interpretation as well as archaeological heritage management and promotion. Open access.
Focusing on all aspects of classical civilization, issued by the Università di Perugia. Open access.
Published at University of Oxford. Covers the whole range of archaeology, from Palaeolithic to medieval times. Full text online (AAR only), v.16 (1997)-v.36 (2007). The volumes prior to 1997 are available in the Library.
Issued by the Archaeological Institute of the University of Groningen, Palaeohistoria focuses on material culture, excavation results, surveys, and coring campaigns.
PEQ is concerned not just with Palestine/the land of Israel, but with the wider region of the Levant (history, archaeology -- including biblical aspects --, art, languages, natural and earth ethnology, geography and more. The Library's online subscription covers v.129 (1997) to present ; older volumes are held by the Library.
Issued by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw. Open access.
The European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies (PCA) is an independent, international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the communication of postclassical research.
Pegasus: Berliner Beiträge zum Nachleben der Antike (issued by Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance), published v.1 (1999)-v.20 (2020) covered research in all disciplines focusing on the classical tradition and the reception and adaption of classical antiquity.
Issued by the Dipartimento di Lettere e Beni Culturali dell'Università degli Studi della Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli'. See also the Quaderni (supplemental volumes with thematic focus). Open access.
Pontica, the annual journal of the Museum of National History and Archaeology at Constantza (MINAC), has been published without interruption since 1968. The focus is on the archaeology and the history of the classical world, especially in the Black Sea area.
Issued by the Departamento de Ciências e Técnicas do Patrimonio at Universidade do Porto. On the archaeology and history of Portugal. Open access.
On the prehistory of the geographic area of the Mediterreanean. Open access.
Issued by the Società Friulana di Archeologia. Open access.
Radiocarbon is the international journal of record for technical and interpretive articles and date lists relevant to 14C and other radioisotopes and techniques used in archaeological, geophysical, oceanographic, and related dating. Radiocarbon is published by the University of Arizona (via the Arizona Board of Regents) in partnership with Cambridge University Press. Open access v.1 (1950)-v. 54 (2012).
Several fully or partly open access journals focusing on the archaeology and history of the Adriatic Sea region and the bordering areas : Annales Instituti Archaeologici (Zagreb) ; Archaeologia Adriatica (Zadar) ; Atti (Centro di ricerche storiche, Rovigno) ; Diadora (Archaeological Museum, Zadar) ; Histria archaeologica (Archaeological Museum of Istria, Pula) ; Journal of Dalmatian archaeology & history (Archaeological Museum, Split) ; MHM = Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea (Department of History, University of Zadar) ; Prilozi (Institute of Archaeology, University of Zagreb) ; Vjesnik : Archeological Museum Zagreb ; [...]
ADAJ (Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan) ; Aegypten und die Levante = Egypt and the Levant ; Ancient Iranian Studies : The International Journal of Iranian Studies ; Archaeology & History in Lebanon ; Archaeology in Jordan ; AsiAnA (Asia Anteriore Antica : Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures) ; ’Atiqot : Publication of the Israel Antiquities Authority ; Aula Orientalis : Revista de estudio del Próximo Oriente Antiguo ; Avar : An interdisciplinary Journal of Life and Society in the Ancient Near East ; BABELAO (Bulletin de l’ABELAO = Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Étude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales) ; BFSA Bulletin of the British Foundation for the Study of Arabia ; Bioarchaeology of the Ancient Near East ; Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research ; Caspian : The International Journal of Caspian Sea, Caucasus and Transoxiana Studies ; East and West ; Egitto e Vicino Oriente ; Estudios Orientales : Cuadernos monograficos de Historia del Proximo Oriente Antiguo ; Hadashot Arkheologiyot : Excavations and Surveys in Israel ; Historia i Świat with its first section dedicated to the research on the Ancient Near East ; IFAO Rapports d’activités annuels ; Iran ; Iranian Journal of Archaeological Studies ; Iraq ; ISIMU (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) ; Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology ; JANES : Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society ; Jerusalem Journal of Archaeology ; Journal of Near Eastern Studies ; Journal of the American Oriental Society ; Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists ; Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology ; MDOG : Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin ; Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph ; Near Eastern Archaeology ; Palestine Exploration Quarterly ; Persica antiqua ; QVO (Quaderni di Vicino Oriente) ; Revista del Istituto de Historia Antigua Oriental ; SHAJ (Studies in the history and archaeology of Jordan) ; Sinus Persicus ; Strata (The Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society) ; Studia Orientalia Electronica ; Syria : Archéologie, art et histoire ; TAU Archaeology ; Vicino Oriente ; ZDMG (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft) [...]
Archaeology and Early History of Ukraine ; Arheologia ; Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology ; Dacia ; KAREN : The Journal of the Institute of Black Sea Studies ; MAIASP : Proceedings in archaeology and history of ancient and medieval Black Sea region ; Materiale şi cercetări arheologice ; Peuce ; Pontica ; [...]. See also the volumes in the monographic series BSS (Black Sea Studies, issued by the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies) and the site Bibliotheca Chersonessitana that offers specialized literature for download.
Acta musei Napocensis ; Acta musei Porolissensis ; Antaeus (special focus on Pannonia) ; Aquincumi füzetek (excavations and archaeological research in Budapest area) ; Archaeologia Austriaca (ÖAW open access or JSTOR) ; Archaeological discoveries and excavations plus earlier volumes (Bulgaria) ; Archaeological excavations and research plus earlier voumes (Bulgaria) ; Archaeology plus earlier volumes (Bulgaria) ; Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology plus supplements ; Dacia ; Iliria (plus monographic volumes) ; JAHA (Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology) ; Novensia ; Numismatics, sigillography and epigraphy plus earlier volumes (Bulgaria) ; Römisches Österreich (Austria) ; Saš (Studia academica šumenensia) [...]
Aegyptiaca : Journal of the history of reception of Ancient Egypt (open access) ; Aegyptus (JSTOR, AAR only with with moving wall, and newer issues, AAR only) ; BIFAO (older issues open access, recent issues AAR only) ; IWNW (open access) ; JARCE (Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (JSTOR, AAR only, with moving wall) ; JEA (The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, JSTOR, AAR only, with moving wall) ; Shedet (open access) ; [...]
Some journals focusing on the archaeology and the history of ancient Greece: [...] ; AE (Archaiologikē Ephēmeris) ; the Annual of the BSA (JSTOR with moving wall) ; Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente ; Anthemon (issued by the Friends of the Akropolis) ; AURA (Athens University Review of Archaeology plus the supplements) ; the monographic series BAE (Vivliothēkē tēs en Athēnais Archaiologikēs Hetaireias) ; Ergon ; Hesperia ; the Journal of the Benaki Museum ; Karanos : Bulletin of Ancient Macedonian Studies ; Mentōr ; PAE (Praktika tēs en Athēnais Archaiologikēs Hetaireias) ; Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens ; Teiresias : Online review and bibliography on Boiotian Studies (click here for older issues 1971-2021) ; Tekmeria ; The Acropolis Restoration Newsletter ; Themata archaiologias [...].
Almogaren ; Anales de Arquelogía Cordobesa ; Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Empordanesos ; Antiquitas (Museo Histórico Municipal, Priego de Córdoba) ; Archivo Español de Arqueología ; Arqueología y Territorio ; Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid) ; Bulletí arqueològic : Reial Societat Arqueològica Tarraconense ; Caesaraugusta ; Complutum ; Conimbriga ; Cuadernos de Arquelogia Mediterranea ; Empúries ; Fòrum ; Iberia ; Hispania antiqua ; Hispania epigraphica ; nailos : estudios interdisciplinares de arqueología ; Onoba : Revista de Arqueología y Antigüedad ; Portugalia ; Pyrenae ; Revista portuguesa de arqueologia ; Saguntum : papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia ; Saldvie : Estudios de prehistoria y arqueología ; SEBarc : Sylloge epigraphica Barcinonensis ; Trabajos de arqueología Navarra ; Treballs d'arqueologia [...].
Antiquités africaines (AAR only to most recent volumes and also persée with moving wall) ; Bulletin d’archéologie algérienne ; Bulletin d’archéologie marocaine ; Cartagine: Studi e ricerche ; Karthago ; Libyan Studies ; [...]
Several journals on archaeological work and excavations in Rome's Northwest provinces (AAR only on subscription, open access or access with moving wall) : Archäologie im Rheinland ; Archäologie in Deutschland ; Archäologie in Westfalen-Lippe ; Archäologische Nachrichten aus Baden ; Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt ; Aremorica : Etudes sur l'ouest de la Gaule romaine ; Ausgrabungen und Funde in Westfalen-Lippe ; Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission ; Bonner Jahrbücher ; Britannia ; Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg ; Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier ; Gallia and its supplements ; Gallia préhistoire and its supplements ; Germania ; Limes (Das Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen Limeskommission) ; R.A.C.F. : Revue archéologique du centre de la France ; RAE : Revue archéologique de l'Est ; RAO : Revue archéologique de l'Ouest ; Trierer Zeitschrift [...]
Some journals focusing on archaeolgy and ancient history in Switzerland : Archäologie Baselland : Jahresbericht, Dokumentationen und Funde ; Archäologie Bern (= Annuaire du Service archéologique du canton Berne) and its predecessor Archäologie im Kanton Bern : Fundberichte und Aufsätze (= Archéologie dans le canton de Berne : chronique archéologique et textes) ; Archäologie Graubünden plus Sonderhefte ; AS: Archäologie Schweiz : Mitteilungsblatt von Archäologie Schweiz (= Archéologie Suisse : Bulletin d’Archéologie Suisse = Archeologia Svizzera : Bollettino di Archeologia Svizzera) and its predecessor Archäologie der Schweiz (= Archéologie suisse = Archeologia svizzera) ; Archäologie und Denkmalpflege im Kanton Solothurn ; Bollettino dell’Associazione archeologica ticinese ; Bulletin de l’Association Pro Aventico ; CAF = FHA (Cahiers d’archéologie fribourgeoise = Freiburger Hefte für Archäologie) ; Genava: revue d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie ; Magazin Augusta Raurica ; Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte (= Revue suisse d’art et d’archéologie = Rivista svizzera d’arte e d’archeologia) [...]
Some journals focusing on the material culture of Turkey & Asia Minor in classical times: ADALYA (The Annual of the is the Suna & İnan Kıraç Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilisations) ; Amisos ; Anadolu-Anatolia ; Anadolu Araştırmaları Dergisi (issued by Istanbul University) ; Anatolia antiqua (issued by the IFEA, the Institut français d’études anatoliennes ; issues prior to 2014 are accessible thru persée) ; Anatolian archaeology ; Anatolica (with moving wall, by the Netherlands Institute for the Near East in Leiden) ; ANMED (News of Archaeology from Anatolia’s Mediterranean Areas) ; Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı ; Archivum Anatolicum ; Arkeoloji Dergisi (Ege Universitesi, Izmir, several volumes) ; Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantıları ; Arkhaia Anatolika ; Cedrus ; Gephyra ; Heritage Turkey (issued by the British Institute at Ankara) ; Istanbuler Mitteilungen (issued by the DAI) ; Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı (Annual archaeological reports published by the Turkish ministry of Culture) ; Lycus Dergisi (issued by the Pamukkale University) ; Müze Çalışmaları ve Kurtarma Kazıları Sempozyumu ; Olba ; Seleucia ; TARE : Journal of the Turkish Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage ; TINA : Maritime archaeology periodical ; [...]
Issued by the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM), Mainz, and the Archäologische Staatssammlung München (Bavarian State Archaeological Collection, Munich). Open access.
On conservation and valorisation of all kinds of endangered, neglected, ruined architectural structures; further focusing on methods and approaches of study of and intervention on architectural heritage in archaeological contexts. Issued by the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Open access.
Issued by the CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), entirely focusing on the Phoenician and Punic culture. Open access.
Rivista di topografia antica = Journal of Ancient Topography. Full text online with access to the latest volumes ; the Library owns the full run.
Published by the DAI since 1829, the RM focuses on the archaeology, art and architecture of the ancient cultures of the Italic peninsula and surrounding regions. Open access beginning with v.127 (2021), previous volumes will be added subsequently. The Library owns all volumes.
Sicilia antiqua : An international journal of archaeology focuses entirely on Sicily, acknowledging its eminent role in ancient times, an intersection of goods, people and cultures due to its geographical centrality. It publishes on Sicily’s archaeology, material culture, history of art, of religion and more, from prehistory to late antiquity. Full text online (AAR ony) v.1 (2004)-v.16 (2019).
SIRIS : Studi e richerche della Scuola di specializzazione in Beni Archeologici di Matera publishes on all aspects of Greek and Roman material culture with a special focus on the Basilicata. Full text online, v.14 (2014) to present (AAR only) and open access (with moving wall). All the volumes are avaiable also in the Library.
On all epochs and cultures. STAR focuses on topics, methods and approaches such as : airborne remote sensing, geophysical techniques and imaging ; biological and biochemical approaches ; computational analyses ; forensic archaeology ; heritage studies and conservation methods ; spatial analyses and GIS ; underwater archaeological methods and more. Open access.
Published by the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Etruschi ed Italici, open access with moving wall. The Library owns the more recent volumes as well.
Edited by the Chair of Ancient History and Archaeology at the Faculty of History at "Alexandru Ioan Coza" University of Iaşi. Open access.
Focusing on the study of the material culture of antiquity, on relations between the Mediterranean and Central Europe, on the traditions of ancient art in European culture, and other related phenomena. Issued by the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the Univerzita Karlova, Prague.
Issued by the Institute of Archaeology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Open access with moving wall.
Bollettino del Centro Studi Archeologici di Boscoreale, Boscotrecase e Trecase.
Published since 1920 by the Institut français du Proche-Orient, on ancient Syria (including the current states Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Palestinian Territories). The covered chronological period runs from the prehistory until the Muslim conquest. Some issues are dedicated to specific topics. Access to all volumes, including the supplements (AAR only). Access also thru persée (with moving wall) and JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). The Library has the full run.
Issued by the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, publishes in the fields of Mediterranean archaeology, the Ancient Near East and ancient history. Open access with moving wall.
Technè : La science au service de l’histoire et de l’art de la préservation des biens culturels, issued by the C2RMF (Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France), on the intersection of research in humanities and applied science. Open access to more recent volumes.
The Archaeologist is the journal issued by the CIfA (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, UK). The CIfA publishes an Annual Review and a Yearbook, too.
The geographic focus of the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal (TRAJ) is the whole of the Roman world, including areas beyond the frontiers where Roman influence was evident; its temporal scope is from the Bronze Age to the late antique period. TRAJ provides a venue for innovative and interdisciplinary research in the field of Roman archaeology, promoting the use of theoretical approaches to the Roman past. The proceedings of the TRAC conferences are accessible here; the AAR Library holds all volumes.
Dealing with all aspects of classical art and architecture, throughout the Mediterranean. Open access.
Issued by the Turkish Foundation for Underwater Archaeology, with the aim to introduce the archaeological riches of Turkey and its seas to the world public and scientific institutions.
Issued by the CEPAP (Center d'Estudis del Patrimoni Archeològic de la Prehistòria, Barcelona) and the Departament de Ciènces de l'Antiguitat i de l'Edat Mitjana, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Open access.
Archaeologia maritima mediterranea (v.1 (2004)–v.16 (2019), AAR only) ; L'archeologo subacqueo (access to most recent volumes) ; Archaeonautica (to access v.1 (1977)–v.18 (2014) : click here ; to access most recent volumes (AAR only) : click here) ; Inernational journal of natutical archaeology (v.26 (1997)–v.49 (2020), AAR only) ; Journal of maritime archaeology (AAR only, with moving wall).
VAR, issued by the Universitat Politècnica de València, focuses on digital representation of historical heritage objects, buildings and landscapes thru 3D acquisition, digital recording and interactive and immersive tools for analysis, interpretation, dissemination and communication purposes by means of multidimensional geometric properties and visual computational modelling. Open access.
West & East : Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici. Issued by the Università degli Studi di Trieste (open access). See also the monographic supplements.
Workshop di archeologia classica : paesaggi, costruzioni, reperti has been published from 2004 to 2009, on all aspects of Greek and Roman archaeology. Full text online, AAR only.
A comprehensive list of journals on classical studies available at the AAR, both on subscription and open access.
Issued by the Classical Association of South Africa, publishing work on all fields of Classics, from textual criticism to the Classical Tradition / Reception Studies. The AAR Library provides access to all issues by subscription and (with moving wall) thru JSTOR.
Published by the Department of Classical Philology and Ancient History at the university of Debrecen, Hungary. Publishes in all areas of classical studies (philology, ancient history, literature, philosophy, religion, linguistics, art & material culture and more). Full text online (open access, one year after publication). The Library owns all volumes.
Issued by the Papyrology School of the Università Cattolica del S. Cuore in Milan, focusing on Egyptology and on Greek and Coptic papyrology. Access to newer issues via torrossa (AAR only) and via JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library owns all volumes.
Aevum : rassegna di scienze storiche, linguistiche e filologiche, issued by the Università Cattolica del S. Cuore in Milan. Focusing on history and philology in classical antiquity and the Middle Ages. Access to newer issues via torrossa (AAR only) or via JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Issued by the Università Cattolica del S. Cuore in Milan. Focuses on classical literature. Access via torrossa to newer volumes; the Library owns all volumes.
Agora: estudos clássicos em debate, issued by the Departamento de Línguas e Culturas at the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal. Covers all aspects of Classical Studies from the early beginnings of Greek and Latin literature and culture to their contemporary reception in western cultures. Open access.
aitia : regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXe siècle, on all aspects of the Hellenistic period (history, language & literature, philosophy and more). Open access.
AIUK : Attic inscriptions in UK collections. Each AIUK issue contains the inscriptions in a different UK collection, e.g. : the British Museum, the Ashmolean Museum, Petworth House, Fitzwilliam Museum, Leeds City Museum and more. Open access.
Akroterion : Journal for the Classics in South Africa. Focusing on all aspects of Classical civilization. Open access.
Research on reception, afterlife, and the classical tradition. Available at JSTOR (AAR only, with a moving wall) and OpenEdition (free access, with a moving wall).
Studies within the main range of the Danish Academy’s research activities (e.g., ancient history, archaeology, art history, history, literature, philology, the fine arts and architecture).
Issued by the Instituto de Filología Clásica at Universidad de Buenos Aires. Open access.
The areas of interest of the journal are Greek, Roman, and Jewish novelistic traditions, narrative texts of the Byzantine age, early Christian narrative texts, and the reception of these works in modern literature, film, and music. Full access with a moving wall, both to the journal issues and to the supplements.
Ancient Society is an annual journal founded in 1970 by the ancient history section of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Its main objective is the study of the society of the Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman world in all its aspects, including the relations with peripheral peoples and cultures. Available also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Ancient West & East is an academic journal devoted to the study of the periphery of the ancient world, its so-called barbarian milieu, the activities thereabouts of Greeks and Romans, and the relations between them and local peoples. AAR only.
Ancient World Online (AWOL) offers the full-text of open-access journals in classical studies from all over the world.
Founded in 1888, Année épigraphique takes each year an inventory of the new Greek and Latin inscriptions relative to the Roman world. It also offers commentary on inscriptions already published. Accessible thru JSTOR (with a moving wall, AAR only). All volumes are available at the AAR Library.
Antesteria : Debates de Historia Antigua. Universidad Complutense Madrid. Open access.
On all aspects of Late Antiquity (material culture, mentalities, historiography, book reviews and more). Issued by Universidad de Murcia. See also the monographic anejos.
AAR only. The library owns all volumes prior to the online subscription.
Issued by the Association pour l'Antiquité tardive, each volume has a thematic focus, with a time span from the fourth to the eight centuries and covering history, archaeology, epigraphy, law and language and literature. Access (AAR only) to the 10 most recent volumes. Older volumes are available in the AAR Library.
Review articles on publications in all fields of classical studies. Open access beginning with v.71 (2018). Earlier volumes, beginning with v.1 (1948) are available in the Library.
Prehistory to Byzantine times, with an approach on sociology and cultural anthropology. Issued by the Université de Strasbourg. Free access. See also Chroniques d'Archimède.
The Archiv für Papyrusforschung is the oldest specialized journal for papyrology in the world. It publishes articles, reports on newly published papyri, and editions of literary and documentary papyri. AAR only, beginning with v.41 (1995) ; the volumes prior to 1995 are available in the Library.
Published by the Classical Association of Finland, on all aspects of classical antiquity and its reception. Open access with moving wall. The more recent volumes are available in the Library.
Arethusa publishes literary and cultural studies of the ancient world that combine contemporary theoretical perspectives with traditional approaches to literary and material evidence. AAR only, beginning with v.29 (1996). Older volumes are available thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Argos : Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos, publishes on all aspects of classical philology, literature, philosophy and history, and on the reception of classical culture in Latin America. Open access.
Arion : A Journal for Humanities and the Classics, published by Boston University. Arion publishes on all aspects of Classics and has been awarded (2004) for bringing classics to readers outside academia. Access thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Arys : Antigüedad : Religiones y sociedades, issued by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, focuses on the interaction between religious and social phenomena in the ancient world. Open access to the volumes v.10 (2012) to present and to v.1 (1998)-v.9 (2011).
Astarté : Estudios de Oriente Próximo y el Mediterraneo, with a special focus on contacts, overlaps, relations, entanglements between the Ancient Mediterranean araeas and the Near East, on all fields of research (history, archaeology, history of art, religious history, language & literature and more). Issued by the CEPO (Centro de Estudios del Próximo Oriente, Madrid). Open access.
On Latin and Greek language and literature and related subjects. Issued by the Centro de Estudios Latinos at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Open access.
Axon : Iscrizioni storiche greche, with a specific focus on Greek inscriptions in their historical context. Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia. Open access.
BABELAO = Bulletin de l'ABELAO is the journal of the ABELAO, the Académie Belge pour l'Étude des Langes Anciennes et Orientales, publishes research on ancient languages and literature, philology, paleography, comparative literature and related fields (Ancient Greek, Coptic, Egyptian, Hebrew, Latin, Sanskrit, Sumerian, Syriac and more). Open access.
BGSJ publishes research on board games from all academic disciplines and through all periods, a good part of which deals with Greek and Roman antiquity. Open access.
Issued by Archivo Epigráfico de Hispania (at Universidad Complutense Madrid). Free access with moving wall.
Issued by the Portale Numismatico dello Stato and the Ministero della Cultura. Open access to the Bollettino di Numismatica, the Studi e ricerche and to the Materiali. The Library holds all the previous volumes in print as well as the monographic supplements.
Bollettino di studi latini publishes research on all aspects of Latin language and literature. AAR only (the Library owns the full run).
This publication is issued by the British Numismatic Society. On all aspects and periods of numismatics, classican antiquity included. Open access with moving wall.
Published since 1877 by the École française d'Athènes, on Ancient Greece and the Byzantine world, with special focus on archaeology, history and epigraphy. To access the most recent volumes, click here (AAR only). Open access through persée, with moving wall. The AAR Library has all volumes.
Published since 1923, the Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé focuses on Greek and Latin literature and on Greek and Roman civilization in a broader sense. Access through Persée (with moving wall); the more recent volumes are in the Library.
The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists has been the official journal of the American Society of Papyrologists since the publication of volume 1 in 1963 and is the only North American journal devoted to papyrology and related disciplines. For open access with moving wall, click here ; for accessing the most recent volumes (AAR only), click here. Accessible also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library owns all volumes.
The BICS, issued by Institute of Classical Studies, London, published on the whole range of classical studies (including history, art and archaeology, papyrology and more). To access the newest volumes, click here (AAR only). Those up to v.62 (2019) are accessible here (AAR only). Also available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). To access the Supplements to the BICS click here (JSTOR, AAR only with moving wall).
Βyzantina Symmeikta, published as Symmeikta between 1966 and 2007, is an international peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal published by the Institute of Historical Research-Byzantine Section of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens, Greece.
Bisanzio e l’Occidente (Università degli Studi di Milano) ; Bulletin of British Byzantine Studies (BBBS, open access) ; Byzantina (Centre for Byzantine Research, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Βyzantina Symmeikta (1966–2007: Symmeikta; open access) ; Byzantine Review (open access) ; Byzantinische Zeitschrift (online subscription beginning with v.88 (1995); older volumes in the Library ; Byzantion: Revue internationale des études byzantines (and through JSTOR with moving wall) ; Byzantion Nea Hellás ; Dumbarton Oaks Papers (open access ; access also thru JSTOR ; the Library owns all volumes) ; Erytheia (open access with moving wall) ; Estudios bizantinos (open access) ; Parekbolai : an electronic journal of Byzantine literature (open access) ; Porphyra and its special issues (both open access) ; Revue des études byzantines (persée with moving wall) ; Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (issued by the University of Lund and Uppsala University) [...].
Byzantinische Zeitschrift is the leading journal in the field of Byzantine studies. It publishes articles and reviews on all aspects of Byzantine literature, history, society, and culture. Each issue of the journal contains a large bibliographic section. To access online contents, click here (AAR only, v.88 [1995] to present). Older volumes, beginning with v.1 (1892), are available in the AAR Library.
Founded in 1924, Byzantion is devoted to Byzantine culture and covers literature, history, and art history, including the related disciplines. Every volume contains scholarly articles followed by a large bibliographical section. To access v. 82 (2012) to present, click here (AAR only). Accessible also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library owns all volumes.
A journal for ancient history that is issued by the Universidade de Lisboa. Open access.
Issued by the Saxo Institute of the University of Copenhagen. Open access.
Issued, formerly, by the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, and then by the Université d’Ottawa and Université de Laval. Publishes annually with a thematic focus, on all aspects of classical antiquity, early to late antique. AAR only.
On all aspects of ancient history, with a special focus on institutions and social structures in the Greek and Roman worlds. Issued by the Centre Gustave Glotz. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall) or persée (open access, with moving wall) ; more recent volumes are available in the Library.
Issued by the Departamento de Letras Clássicas of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Open access.
Formerly Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. All areas of Greek and Roman studies : literature, philology, philosophy, art & archaeology, reception, history of scholarship. Accessible also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
A journal of Roman thought. Edited jointly by the SIAC (Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron) and by the CSC (Centro di Studi Ciceroniani). Open access.
With special focus on the Classical tradition, the reception and the influence of Classical literature and thinking on the intellectual production of later times. Issued by the Instituto de Estudios Clásicos at Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina. Open acces. To access earlier volumes, click here.
On all aspects of Greek and Roman antiquity and Reception studies. Issued by the Institute of Classical Philology at the Jagellonian University in Kraków. Open access.
Published by the Center for Christian and Classical Studies of the Faculty of History, Alexandru Ioan Cuza-University Iaşi.
Classica et mediaevalia : revue danoise de philologie et d'histoire covers the fields of Greek and Latin languages and literature up to, and including the late middle ages as well as Graeco-Roman history and traditions as manifested in general history, history of law, history of philosophy and ecclesiastical history. Open access beginning with v.67 (2019): click here, several previous volumes, up to v.66 (2018) are available here. The Library has all volumes.
Issued by the Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos.
AAR only. Older issues available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
The Classical Journal is issued by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Access also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Older issues available at JSTOR (AAR only).
Older issues available at JSTOR (AAR only).
Older issues available thru JSTOR (AAR only).
Older issues also at JSTOR (AAR only).
Issued by the Classical Association of Ireland. Classics Ireland publishes on all aspects of the ancient world, with a special focus on the classical tradition in Ireland and the Celtic world (AAR only).
Center for Hellenic Studies, DC
Clotho (issued by the Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana University) publishes articles in the traditional fields of classical studies : Greek and Latin language and literature, textual criticism, rhetoric, philosophy, and history ; as well as archaeology, numismatics, epigraphy, papyrology, and paleography.
Issued by UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). On all aspects of classical studies. Many issues have a thematic focus. Open access.
On all aspects of Greek and Roman history and culture (literature, language, philosophy, religious history and the reception of classical antiquity in post-classical times). Issued by Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź (Poland).
The CRAI is published since 1865 by the French Académie des inscriptions et Belles -Lettres. Full text online with a moving wall thru Persée. More recent volumes are in the AAR Library.
Issued by the Universidad Complutense Madrid: Cuadernos de Filología Clásica (volume 1, 1971–volume 24, 1990) split as of 1991 in Cuadernos de Filología Clásica: Estudios Latinos and Cuadernos de Filología Clásica: Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos.
On all aspects of classical civilization. Isused by the Programa de Estudios Históricos Grecorromanos (PEHG), Departamento de Historia, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Católica Argentina. Open access.
Founded in 2004, published by the Université de Lille 3. Dictynna focuses on reflections and analysis into Latin poetics and the very notion of literature. It examines literary genre, narrative techniques, modes of representing the real, cultural fields such as myth, religion, morality, the State, and literary reception. Open access.
Issued by the Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Austria, publishes on all aspects of (classical) antiquity, Open access.
Dionysus ex machina : Rivista annuale di sudi sul teatro antico, on all aspect of ancient theater performances, stage, drama, reception and more. Open access.
Published from 1993 to 2012.
Electrum is published by the Department of Ancient History at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.
Issued by the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). Open access.
On all aspects of epigraphy and inscriptions in antiquity. Open access. The Library has the full run.
Erga, logoi : Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità : on ancient history, literature, law and culture. Open access. See also the supplements, Quaderni di Erga, logoi.
Issued by the UNED Madrid. Free access.
Issued by the Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos (SEEC). Has also Anejos (monographic supplements on various topics).
Eugesta: Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity, created in connection with the European Network on Gender Studies in Antiquity (EuGeStA) network.
Euphrosyne : Revista de filologia clássica, issued by the Centro de Estudios Clássicos at Universdade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. Publishes on Greek and Roman literature, linguistics and culture, as well as on Medieval Latin culture and literature, Neo-Latin Humanism, the Classical Tradition and its impact on European culture to the present day. Open access.
Issued by the Universidad de Huelva. Free access with moving wall.
Issued by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, focusing on classical literature, late antiquity and Middle Ages and the Classical Tradition. Open access.
FeRA : Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde, on all aspects of classical studies. Open access.
Issued by the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Figura focuses on appropriations and transfigurations of the classical legacy in the ancient and postancient world. Free access.
AAR only. Publishes on language and literature of Romanic Languages, Latin and Italian included.
Fortunatae : revista canaria de filología, cultura y humanidades clásicas, issued by ULL (Universidad de la Laguna, San Cristóbal, Tenerife, Spain). On all aspects of classical philology (open access).
Frammenti sulla scena : Studi sul dramma antico frammentario = Studies in Ancient Fragmentary Drama, issued by the Centro Studi sul Teatro Classico dell'Università degli Studi di Torino (Centre for Studies in Greek and Roman Theatre), focuses on the literary, linguistic, philological, cultural, archaeological and papyrological aspects of fragmentary Greek and Latin drama and of the minor theatrical traditions of the Mediterranean, as well as on studies on permanence, fortune and exegesis of theatrical texts in ancient, late antique, Byzantine and early Christian times. Open access.
Issued by the CIRST, the Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca di 'Studi sula Tradizione' (Università di Bari), publishing in many different areas of the humanities on the theme of the tradition and the reception of classical civilization and Late Antiquity in medieval, Renaissance-humanist, modern and contemporary times. Open access.
Archaic Greece, focusing on various fields (language and literature, history, art and archaeology, religion, and more). See also the monographic issues. Access through persée to v.1 (1997)-v.20 (2017) ; the volumes beginning with v.21 (2018) are accessible here. Open access.
Galenos focuses on the philology of medical texts, publishing studies on the manuscript tradition, new critical editions and commentaries related to ancient Medicine, Greek, Latin, Byzantine, Syriac, Arabic, and more. AAR only (JSTOR, with moving wall).
Focusing on the history and culture of the Eastern Mediterranean (epigraphy, archaeology, numismatics, history and more). Issued by the Research Centre for Mediterranean Languages and Cultures of Akdeniz University, Antalya. Open access.
Gerión: Revista de historia antigua, issued by Universidad Complutense, Madrid. Open access to all volumes.
The issues prior to 2010 are available via JSTOR. See also V&R eLibrary for the newest issues.
Critical journal for classical studies, covering all fields of classical antiquity. Older issues are available via JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). The Library subscribes to the online version beginning with v.88 (2016).
The Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft is publishing on all fields of classical antiquity, including review articles. Open access.
Graeco-Latina Brunensia is published by the Department of Classical Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, on all aspects of classical antiquity. Previously published as Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. N, Řada klasická, v. N1 (1996)–N13 (2008); and E., Řada archeologicko-klasická, v. E1 (1956)–E40 (1996).
The journal Grammateion, issued by the Greek Epigraphic Society, publishes on Greek inscriptions, ancient topography and history.
Grecorromana : Revista chilena de estudios clásicos, issued by the Departamento de Humanidades at the Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile. On all aspects of the Greco-Roman period. Open access.
The issues prior to 2001 are available via JSTOR. The AAR Library’s subscription to Greece and Rome includes the monographic supplements New Surveys in the Classics, available online as of v.36 (2006); previous volumes available in the library.
Greek and Roman Musical Studies, the first and, at present, the only specialist periodical in the fields of ancient Greek and Roman music, publishes papers offering cultural, historical, theoretical, archaeological, iconographical, and other perspectives on music in classical antiquity, and on its reception in later times. AAR only.
On all aspects of the Hellenic world from prehistoric antiquity through the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine periods. Issued by Duke University.
AAR only. Older volumes are available in the library.
Habis, issued by Universidad de Sevilla, publishes research articles on Greek & Latin language & literature, up to Medieval and Byantine times. AAR only and also open access with moving wall. More recent volumes are available in the Library.
Accessible thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). More recent volumes are available at the AAR Library.
HCS is the first periodical exclusively devoted to the history of classical scholarship. It features contributions on any aspects of the history of classical studies, in any geographical context, from the Middle Ages to the late twentieth century, covering the whole range of the discipline: from ancient history to literary studies, from epigraphy and numismatics to art history and archaeology, from textual criticism to religious and linguistic studies.
The AAR Library’s subscription covers v.34 (2007) to present. Prior volumes are available in the library.
Published by Trinity College, Dublin. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Heródoto - Revista do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre a Antiguidade Clássica e suas conexões Afro-asiáticas : Journal of the Study and Research Group on Classical Antiquity and its Afro-Asian Connections, published by the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. With special focus on the Afro-Asian Connections. Open access.
The journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Publishes on Greek archaeology, art, epigraphy, history, and literature. Available also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Book-length studies in the fields of Greek archaeology, art, language, and history, issued by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Accessible via JSTOR (AAR only) 1 year after publication. The Library owns the complete series.
Focusing on the epigraphic evidence from the Iberian Peninsula (free access with moving wall).
Historia: Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte focuses on the entire period of Graeco-Roman antiquity. The issues prior to 2005 are available via JSTOR and at the AAR Library.
Issued by the Grup d'Estudis Historiogràfics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. On ancient history and archaeology, special focus on the Ancient Near East. Open access.
Historias del Orbis Terrarum is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on the history of the classical, medieval, and Renaissance times. Open access.
Historiká is an international open-access journal of Greek and Roman history published by the Dipartimento di studi storici at the Università degli studi di Torino.
Histos focuses on all aspects of ancient historiography and biography (including Jewish historiography, the Gospels and later Christian material) and of in-depth reviews of recent publications in the field. Open access. To consult the supplement volumes, click here.
Hormos : Ricerche di storia antica. Issued by the Università degli Studi di Palermo. Open access.
Issued by BiCL, Bibliotheca classica Petropolitana, Saint Petersburg. Open access.
Issued by Universidad de La Rioja, Spain. Published from v.1 (1998) to v.12 (2009). Open access.
Issued by the Department of Classics at the University of Illinois. Publishes on a variety of topics related to the Classics (Greek and Latin language and literature, history, archaeology, epigraphy, papyrology, patristics and more. AAR only. Access also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only):
Issued by the Università di Trieste, publishes on all aspects of Greek and Latin language and literature, up to Byzantine and Medieval times. Open access.
Interférence : Ars scribendi, issued by the HiSoMA (Histoire et sources des mondes antiques), covers all aspects of Latin writing and literature production in ancient Rome. Open access.
Older issues are available at JSTOR.
Focusing on Greek and Latin literature, published by the Societat Catalana d’Estudis Clàssics.
Issued by the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, Sapienza Università di Roma.
JoLCEL : Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literature. Publishes on the history of European literature from the perspective of Latin literature as a transnational and cosmopolitan influence. On a broad range of topics, on Latin literature throughout the ages and on the literatures and literary cultures in which Latin played a role, either as a language, a literature, an educational system, or as a literary culture. Closely linked to the research network RELICS (Researchers of European Literary Identity, Cosmopolitanism and the Schools)
The Journal for the Study of Judaism is a leading international forum for scholarly discussions on the history, literature, and religious ideas on Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman period. Access through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Journal of Greek Linguistics is focusing to the descriptive and theoretical study of the Greek language from its roots in Ancient Greek down to present-day dialects and varieties, including those spoken in Asia Minor, Cyprus, Tsakonia, and the Greek diaspora. Free access (brill open).
The AAR Library’s electronic subscription covers v.127 (2007) to present. Older issues available thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall) and at the Library.
Open access with moving wall. The Library has also the more recent volumes.
Edited by members and associates of the Centre for Late Antique Religion and Culture at Cardiff University. The scope of the journal is the study of late antique religion and culture from the late hellenistic period to the early Middle Ages, also in relation to earlier and later periods, in particular classical antiquity and the modern world.
Journal of Late Antiquity is focusing on the period of late antiquity writ large. It provides a venue for multidisciplinary coverage of all the methodological, geographical, and chronological facets of late antiquity, covering the late and postclassical world up to the Carolingian period and including the late Roman, western European, Byzantine, Sassanid, and Islamic worlds, ca. 250–800 CE.
The Library's online subscription starts with v.95 (2005). The issues prior to 2005 are available at JSTOR. All volumes are available in the Library.
Kadmos publishes research on pre-Greek and early Greek epigraphy. AAR only.
Karanos’s focus is on the historical, socioeconomical, and cultural perspectives related with ancient Macedonia, from the Argead dynasty to the Hellenistic Macedonian kingdoms and the Roman province of Macedonia. Issued by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Kentron : Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde antique, on a wide range of aspects of classical antiquity, publishing also issues with a thematic focus. Open access.
Kernos : Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique. Open access.
The volumes prior to v.77 (1995) are available in the Library.
Issued by the Universiy of Strasbourg, on the history of Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and the Ancient Near East. Open access with moving wall.
Publishes on all aspects of Late Antiquity. University of Warsaw. Open access.
The Société d'études latines de Bruxelles publishes the journal Latomus and a series of monographs (Collection Latomus), concerning all aspects of Latinity: texts, literature, history, institutions, archaeology, epigraphy, palaeography, Latin humanism, reception history, and more. Access here the more recent volumes (AAR only) or thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). The Library owns the complete run as well as the monographic series.
Issued by the Société des Études classiques, on all aspects of classical literature. To access the most recent volumes, click here (AAR only). Open access (with moving wall )to volumes after one year of publication. To access v.1 (1932) to v.68 (2000), click here. The Library owns the more recent volumes as well.
Issued by the Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil.
On classical and modern literatures with a special focus on comparative approach. Open access.
Listy filologické / Folia philologica is a scholarly journal for classical, medieval, and neo-Latin studies founded in 1874, published by the Institute for Classical Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Access thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The more recent volumes are available in the AAR Library.
Logeion : A Journal of Ancient Theatre publishes on every aspect of ancient Greek and Roman theater and drama, including its reception. Open access with moving wall.
Issued by Sapienza Università di Roma, open access.
Mare Nostrum : Estudos sobre o Mediterrâneo Antigo, published by the Laboratory of Studies on Roman Empire and the Ancient Mediterranean, University of São Paulo (Brazil). Open access.
The Library's subscription ends with v.83 (2019). Accessible thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Click here to access the newer issues (AAR only). Accessible also thru persée (open access, with moving wall). See also the Chronique des activités archéologiques de l’École française de Rome, the yearly excavation reports of the EFR (open access). The Library has all volumes as well as the monographic series Collection de l’Ecole fançaise de Rome.
Issued annualy by the Malta Classics Association. Open access.
Published by the AAAR, the Memoirs contain essays on a variety of subjects in the humanities, from classical antiquity to medieval and modern Italian studies. Access thru JSTOR (beginning with v.65 (2020) open access). The volumes are also available in the Library.
Published by the AAR, the series includes final reports on excavations, conference proceedings, or monographs on any topic related to the fields represented by the AAR. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only). The volumes of the series are also available in the Library.
Issued by the Universidad de Oviedo, Spain. Open access. Published v.1 (1977)-v.23/24 (2002-2003).
On all aspects of classical antiquity (philology, history, archaeology, epigraphy), combined with approaches from social sciences (ethnology, sociology, linguistics, psychology). Access thru persée (open access, v.1 (1986)-v.13 (1998)).
Revista internacional de investigación sobre magia y astrología antiguas. Issued by Universidad de Málaga.
Millennium: Yearbook on the Culture and History of the First Millennium C.E. pursues an interdisciplinary international approach transcending epochal boundaries to research the first millennium AD. Contributions from art and literary studies are published alongside historical, theological, and philosophical contributions on the Latin, Greek, and the Oriental cultures.
Minerva : Revista de filología clásica, issued by the Universidad de Valladolid. Open access.
This subscription covers the volumes 1948 to present. JSTOR provides access to the older volumes.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für klassische Altertumswissenschaft = Revue suisse pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique = Rivista svizzera di filologia classica. Free access with moving wall (ETH).
On all aspects of Greek and Latin language & literature. Issued by the department of classics at Universidad de Murcia. Open access.
Issued by the Classical Association of New England, NECJ publishes articles, notes and reviews on all aspects of classical antiquity. Open access to the more recent volumes.
New Voices, issued by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at The Open University, is publising on the reception of classical texts, ideas, performance, and material culture across different cultural contexts and in different media. Check also the conference proceedings. Open access.
Issued by the Direzione generale archeologia, belle arti e paessagio of the Italian Ministero della cultura. Open access.
Issued by the Centro de Estudios Clásicos of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Open access.
Issued by the Royal Numismatic Society. Started as The Numismatic Journal (1836-1837) ; The Numismatic Chronicle (1838-1842) ; The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society (1842-1903) ; The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society (1904-1965) ; and The Numismatic Chronicle (v.6 (1966) to present). Access thru JSTOR, with moving wall (AAR only). Most recent volumes available in the Library.
A journal devoted to the study of the world's oral traditions, past and present. On the creation, transmission, and interpretation of all forms of oral traditional expression, as well as investigations of relations between oral and written traditions, and more. Open access.
OZeAN : Online Zeitschrift zur Antiken Numismatik, issued by the Forschungsstelle Antike Numismatik at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, publishes on all aspects of numismatics, coin finds, monetary and economic history of the ancient world, iconography of ancient coins, museum and collection studies. Open access.
On all aspects of classical literature. Access from v.60 (2005) to present (AAR only).
On all aspects of Greek and Roman culture (language and literature, history and epigraphy, archaeology, art & iconography and more). To access the most recent volumes click here (AAR only). Accessible also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only) ; the Library owns all volumes in print.
PAN : Rivista di filologia latina, issued by the Università degli Studi di Palermo. On all aspects of Latin language and literature. Open access, beginning with 'nuova serie' 2012.
Published by the Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e di Scienze Filosofiche dell’Università del Salento e del Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Papirologici.
Click here to access v.1 (1970) to v.30 (2000) and here to access v.31 (2001) to present, hosted by the website of Ancient Narrative.
PHASIS : Greek and Roman Studies (founded in 1999) has been published annually by the Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Published since 1977 by St Petersburg State University; the journal is freely accessible.
The Library's online subscription to Philologus starts with v.139 (1995). The volumes prior to 1995 are available in the Library. A few older issues freely available at Gallica.
The journal of the Classical Association of Canada. Access thru JSTOR, with moving wall (AAR only). More recent volumes are available in the Library.
Published by the Laboratório de História Antiga at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Open access.
Issued by the International Plato Society. To access the volumes beginning with v.13 (2013), click here. To access v.1 (2001) to v.12 (2012), click here.
Open access.
On research on Ancient Greek and Byzantine poetry. Access (AAR only) to v.1 (2001)-v.12 (2012).
Polis: revista de ideas y formas políticas de la Antigüedad is issued by the Universidad de Alcalá. Free access with a moving wall.
Politica antica : Rivista di prassi e cultura politica nel mondo greco e romano. On political practice in Ancient Greece and Rome and on the conceptual issues that underpin it (political culture, the development of ancient political thought and its modern reception, the interaction between law and politcs). Open access.
Polymnia promotes the study of the mythographical tradition in Europe from antiquity to the seventeenth century. Open access.
Published by the Classics Department at the Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela. Open access.
Prometheus is publishing on Greek and Latin language & literature and related areas. Issued by the Dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità at the Università di Firenze. Open access.
Prudentia is a journal covering the thought, literature, and history of the ancient world, and to their tradition, founded in 1969 and published until 2008, by staff in philosophy, classics, and ancient history at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.
Publishes on Greek, Latin and Coptic texts : new text editions of documentary, literary, and subliterary papyri or corrections to previously published texts. Open access.
On all aspects of Classical civilization, specifically from an anthropological point of view. Issued by the Centro Dipartimentale Antropologia e Mondo Antico at the Università di Siena. Open access.
Access thru JSTOR, with moving wall (AAR only). Recent volumes are in the Library.
Ramus : Critical studies in Greek and Roman literature is a journal of criticism on Greek and Roman literature, with the full range of contemporary theoretical positions and methodologies, from Marxism, feminism, postcolonialism and social anthropology to narratology, deconstruction and reception studies. AAR only (older issues available in the Library proper).
Religion in the Roman Empire intends to further and document new and integrative perspectives on religion in the ancient world combining multidisciplinary methodologies, across the disciplinary boundaries of the history of religion, archaeology, anthropology, classics, ancient history, Jewish history, rabbinics, New Testament, early Christianity, patristics, Coptic studies, Gnostic and Manichean studies, late antiquity, and oriental languages. AAR only.
On all aspects of Greek and Latin literature, classical philology, ancient philosophy textual criticism and more. Issued by the Instituto de Lenguas y Literaturas Clásicas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Open access.
Published by the Sociedad de Estudios Latinos, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (SELat). Free access with moving wall (one year after publication).
RIHAO, issued by the IHAO (Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental ‘Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser’, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), publishes on history, archaeology, societies, culture and more of the eastern Mediterranean, from prehistory to Greek and Roman times. Open access.
Focusing on Roman Law, Romanistic tradition and historical-juridical sciences. Issued by the Faculdad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Area de Derecho Romano at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Open access.
Accessible via cairn, free access with moving wall. The AAR Library owns the more recent volumes, too.
Freely accessible thru Persée (with a moving wall) and thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). Recent volumes are available in the AAR Library.
Issued by the THAT (Textes pour l'histoire de l'antiquité tardive). On late antique texts (editions, translations, analyses, comparisons), always from a historic point of view (history, history of literature, rhetoric, religions, law, ideas, manuscript tradition, fortune and reception). Open access.
Accessible also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The AAR Library subscribes to the online version (AAR only) beginning with volume 30 (2012).
Journal for ancient philosophy and science, covering the full range of ancient philosophy (AAR only).
RIDROM : Revista internacional de derecho romano = International Review of Roman Law -- on Roman law, its influence, its reception, the Romanistic tradition. To access v.1 ()-v.26 (2021) click here. Open access.
Issued by the INASA (Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte, the National Institute of Archaeology and Art History), the RIASA was established in 1929 and is still one of the most authoritative Italian journals in the field of classical archaeology and art history. Open access until n.s.v.26 (2003).
The Libary's subscription ends with v.62 (2020). Access also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
On Roman law and its reception. Open access.
On all aspects of Greek and Latin language and literature, and in general on the Graeco-Roman world, history and material culture included. AAR only.
A journal of ancient, medieval, modern civil law. Open access.
Issued by the Laboratório sobre o Império Romano at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo in Vitória, Brazil.
Issued by the Department of Classics, Ancient History, and Archaeology at the University of Birmingham, Rosetta covers a wide range of topics in archaeology, ancient history, and classics, including book reviews and museum and conference reports. Free access.
Issued by the Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Medievale, Università del Salento. On all aspects of classical civilization, including language and literature, history, epigraphy, papyrology and more. Open access beginning with n.s.1 (2015). The previous volumes are available in the Library.
Schole : Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition. Issued by the Center for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition at the Philosophy Department of Novosibirsk State University, Russia. Open access.
Issued by the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (1992-2000), and the University of Otago, New Zealand (2001-2011), Scholia had published on a wide range of subjects dealing with classical antiquity, including late antique, medieval, Renaissance and early modern studies related to the classical tradition. See also Scholia Review (accessible thru the same website). Open access.
Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau = Revue suisse de numismatique = Rivista svizzera di numismatica. Continues Bulletin de la Société suisse de numismatique, v.1 (1882)-v.11 (1892) and Revue suisse de numismatique = Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau, v.1 (1891)-v.23 (1923). Open access with moving wall ; available also in the Library (most recent volumes).
Scripta antiqua : Ancient history, philology, arts and material culture, issued by the Bongard-Levin International Institute of the Classical World. On the history and culture of ancient civilization, with a special focus on ancient Eurasia. All articles are provided with an English summary. Open access.
Yearbook of the Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies. Open access with moving wall.
Issued by the Istituto di Storia Antica dell'Università di Pisa. Publishing on all aspects related to the ancient world, in both Greco-Roman and Oriental spheres, on language and literature, linguistics, archaeology, political, social, economic and religious history, history of law, cultural history and more. AAR only ; older issues also available thru JSTOR (and in the Library).
On all aspects (history, history of art, history of literature) of the Hellenistic period and its influence on later times. Full text online (AAR only), v.24 (2010)-v.31 (2017) ; the LIbrary has the full run (v.1 (1984)-v.31 (2017)).
Focuses on the transmission on issues of philosophy and science from Greek into Arabic and Syriac, and from Arabic into Latin, publishing also critical editions. Open access.
Issued by the Univesidad de Salamanca. Open access.
Studia Humaniora Tartuensia has published papers on all areas of the humanities, with special focus on classical studies and ancient history, Neo-Latin studies, classical tradition, history of scholarship and philosophy. Open access (v.1 (2000)-v.14 (2013)).
Issued by the Departament de Filologia Clàssica at the Universitat de València. Contributions on the main field of classical studies.
Studies in Late Antiquity is a forum for resarch on global late antiquity (150–750 CE). Primary points of interest include interconnections between the Mediterranean and Africa, Iran, Arabia, the Baltic, Scandinavia, the British Isles, China, India, and all of Asia, as well as disrupting the assumed connection between the late ancient and Christian Mediterranean and modern, Western Europe. AAR only.
Focusing on the civilizations of ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt (archaeology, art & architecture, epigraphy, history, iconography, literature, religion and more). Issued by the Département des Langues et Civilisations anciennes de la Faculté de Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal. Open access.
Issued by the Universitat de Barcelona. Open access with moving wall.
Symbolae Osloenses : Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies, covers all branches of classical research, including Mediaeval Latin, Byzantine, and Renaissance texts. Access to v.72 (1997) to the present ; the previous volumes are available in the Library.
Issued by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Open access.
Semestral publication of the center Histoire et Sources des Mondes Antiques (UMR 5189 - HiSoMa - EA Jean Palerne), focusing on syntax and semantics of ancient Greek.
On Ancient Greek language and literature, philology, philosophy and their reception by later authors. Issued by the Centro de Estudios Helenicos, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Open access.
Issued by the Institute of Historical Research at the University of Thessaloniki. On the history of the ancient world, with particular focus on ancient Greek history, epigraphy, numismatics, topography and historical geography. Open access.
On Roman law and related disciplines. Issued by Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo. Open access.
thersites : journal for transcultural presences & diachronic identities from antiquity to date, publishes in the field of classial reception studies, with a special focus on new approaches, applied theories and innovative methods. Open access.
Tables of contents to classics journals plus a few journals dealing with the Near East and Egypt, and the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Issued by the Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux. Free access via persée with moving wall.
TAPA is the official research publication of the SCS (Society for Classical Studies, founded in 1869 as the American Philological Association). Access to v.104 (1974) and following thru JSTOR, with moving wall (AAR only). The more recent volumes are available in the Library. Continues Transactions of the American Philological Association (access thru JSTOR : v.(1869) to v.27 (1896), AAR only) and Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association (access thru JSTOR : v.28 (1897) to v.103 (1972), AAR only).
On Greek and Latin literature, with approaches and methods of related disciplines such as narratology, intertextuality, reader-response criticism, oral poetics and more. One of the two annual issues is devoted to a specific subject. AAR only.
Issued by the Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy at the University of Vienna, publishing on all aspects of classical antiquity. Open access.
Tycho : Revista de iniciación en la investigación del teatro cláaico grecolatino y su tradición, issued by the Departament de Filología Clàssica, Universitat de València. Special focus on Greek and Latin drama and its reception. Open access.
On all aspects of classical antiquity (literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, religion and more). Issued by the Association Vita Latina (France). Open access with moving wall.
Issued by the University of Salamanca. On late antique latin literature. Open access.
WBAGon (Wiener Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte online), issued by the Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik at the university of Vienna, Austria, has a special focus on papyrology and epigraphy, and includes monographic issues as well as proceedings of conferences. Open access.
On all fields of classical philology, including the classical tradition. AAR only. Accessible also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Free online access with a moving wall.
The Yearbook of Ancient Greek Epic is the sole annual publication devoted exclusively to the study of ancient Greek epic, providing a platform for cutting-edge, synthetic research on ancient Greek epic from the archaic period to late antiquity. AAR only.
On legal history, covering the various jurisdictions of the ancient Mediterranean -- especially the Sumerian, the Greek and the Roman juristdictions --, their historical impact on Europe and Asia Minor as well as their reception and treatment in modern legal systems around the world. The AAR Library subscribes to this journal. Older issues are freely available here.
The ZPE publishes articles of almost all disciplines connected with the Greek and Roman world (literature, history, economic history, history of religion, philosophy, and more) mainly, but not exclusively, based on inscriptions and papyri. Full text online thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall) ; open access to many older issues (but not all). The Library owns all volumes.
Živa antika = Antiquité vivant, founded in 1951 and issued by the Institute of Classical Studies at the University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, publishes research articles from all areas of Classical Studies. Open access.
Focusing on cultural heritage and law, legal questions and art, questions of copyright, and similar issues.
Issued by the APT (Association for Preservation Technology International (AAR only).
Archeomatica : Teconologie per i beni culturali publishes on new methods and technologies for the restoration and conservation of monuments and objects of cultural heritage. Open access.
Issued by the Rathgen-Forschungslabor, the research laboratory of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (open access).
CeROArt : Conservation, exposition, restauration d’objets d’art. On pluridisciplinary approaches to issues of conservation, exhibition, and restoration of works of art, on cultural heritage and more. AAR only.
Launched in 1995, CMAS is the only journal that covers both theoretical and practical issues in heritage site management and conservation. Papers from around the world report on new thinking and best practice in site management and conservation. The AAR Library's subscription ends with v.22 (2020).
Also known as the Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter.
Culture & musées : Muséologie et recherches sur les cultures, on all fields of museology and cultural heritage. AAR only.
Issued by the ICCU (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico), focusing on the application of digital technologies and methods on the study and preservation of cultural heritage (primarily in Italy). Open access.
Heritage is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal of cultural and natural heritage science published quarterly by MDPI. See also the special issues.
World Reports on monuments and sites in danger. Issued by ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites). Open access.
Il capitale culturale : Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, issued by the Sezione di Beni Culturali dell'Università degli Studi di Macerata, with a multidisciplinary approach (archaeolgy, archivistics, museology, new technologies, restortaion & conservation ; legal, economic, logistical issues and more) on objects, sites and monuments of cultural heritage. Open access.
in situ : revue des patrimoines. On all aspects of heritage conservation. Issued by the ministry of culture, France. Open access.
The Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies has an overall focus on the care and exhibition of collection items. The scope thus includes conservation science, artifact studies, restoration, museum studies, environment studies, collection management, and curation. Issued by the UCL Institute of Archaeology.
JCHC (The Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime) focuses on objects of art and cultural heritage which is subject to destruction, crime, threat or violation. It further includes topics such as art and law or the activities of the TPC, the Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale. Open access.
Issued bu ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites). Open access.
Issued by the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC).
Issued by the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM), Mainz, and the Archäologische Staatssammlung München (Bavarian State Archaeological Collection, Munich). Open access.
On conservation and valorisation of all kinds of endangered, neglected, ruined architectural structures; further focusing on methods and approaches of study of and intervention on architectural heritage in archaeological contexts. Issued by the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Open access.
Issued by the IIC (Intsrnational Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works). Publishes on a range of subjects including, but not limited to, examination methods for works of art, new research in the analysis of artistic materials, mechanisms of deterioration, advances in conservation practice, novel methods of treatment, conservation issues in display and storage, preventive conservation, issues of collection care, conservation history and ethics, and the history of materials and technological processes. AAR only. Available also at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Blue Mountain Project: Historic Avant-Garde Periodicals for Digital Research (issued by Princeton University) is the common work of scholars, librarians, curators, and digital humanities researchers whose mission is to create a freely available digital repository of important, rare, and fragile texts that both chronicle and embody the emergence of cultural modernity in the West.
Catalog of titles; not full text.
Collection of mostly German research journals, listing also open access journals (complete or partial).
The EZB (issued by the University of Regensburg) comprises 79863 titles from all areas of research, 15099 of which are available online only. The availability of full-text access is indiciated by traffic-light symbols (free access; access by license or subscription; no access).
Gives access to hundreds of Italian journals and magazines on various subjects (history, history of art, archaeology, sciences, literature and more).
Full-text journals in the humanities and social sciences.
A large number of open access journals, several of which are French core journals in various disciplines.
Tables of contents to classics journals plus a few journals dealing with the Near East and Egypt, and the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Links to digitized Classics and Archaeology journals collected at Wikisource
A comprehensive list of journals on history available at the AAR, both on subscription and open access.
Aestimatio : Sources and studies in the history of science, issued by the IRCPS (Institute for Research in Classical Philosophy and Science), focuses on the history of science from antiquity to the early modern period. Open access. See also the old series of Aestimatio, providing reviews of books published in the history of science.
Issued by the Orthodox Academy of Crete. Focuses on the dialogue between archaeological, historical and theological subjects around Late Antiquity and the early Byzantine period, especially in the East. Open access.
Issued by the Instituto de historia antigua y medieval (IHAM) at Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Annual publication of the Association Jauna, on specific topics with overarching time span, from antiquity to early modern. Open access.
Entirely dedicated to offering a multidisciplinary perspective on the history of Florence. Open access.
Archivi delle emozioni focuses on the historical dimension of the affective components of human life, examining it in its artistic, literary, and cultural expressions at large, from antiquity to present times.
The Società romana di storia patria, founded in 1876, publishes the Archivio, focusing entirely on the history (material, political, economic, cultural, social...) of Rome and its territory, from Roman to contemporary times. Open access.
Archivio storico italiano publishes essays, commented documents, debates, reports on conferences, reviews, and notes all pertaining (or connected) to Italian history and covering a chronological period from the High Middle Ages to the twentieth century. Access through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Issued by the BSHS, the British Society for the History of Science. Most volumes have a thematic focus. Open access.
Blue Mountain Project: Historic Avant-Garde Periodicals for Digital Research (issued by Princeton University) is the common work of scholars, librarians, curators, and digital humanities researchers whose mission is to create a freely available digital repository of important, rare, and fragile texts that both chronicle and embody the emergence of cultural modernity in the West.
Last issues of the journal, issued by the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies.
BHA, inaugurated over 20 years ago, publishes on the histories of archaeologies (all aeras and all epochs), including also intersections with related histories, such as those of collecting, colonialism, exploration, fieldwork, heritage and museums. Open access.
Bisanzio e l’Occidente (Università degli Studi di Milano) ; Bulletin of British Byzantine Studies (BBBS, open access) ; Byzantina (Centre for Byzantine Research, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Βyzantina Symmeikta (1966–2007: Symmeikta; open access) ; Byzantine Review (open access) ; Byzantinische Zeitschrift (online subscription beginning with v.88 (1995); older volumes in the Library ; Byzantion: Revue internationale des études byzantines (and through JSTOR with moving wall) ; Byzantion Nea Hellás ; Dumbarton Oaks Papers (open access ; access also thru JSTOR ; the Library owns all volumes) ; Erytheia (open access with moving wall) ; Estudios bizantinos (open access) ; Parekbolai : an electronic journal for Byzantine literature (open access) ; Porphyra and its special issues (both open access) ; Revue des études byzantines (persée with moving wall) ; Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (issued by the University of Lund and Uppsala University) [...].
Byzantinische Zeitschrift is the leading journal in the field of Byzantine studies. It publishes articles and reviews on all aspects of Byzantine literature, history, society, and culture. Each issue of the journal contains a large bibliographic section. To access online contents, click here (AAR only, v.88 [1995] to present). Older volumes, beginning with v.1 (1892), are available in the AAR Library.
Founded in 1924, Byzantion is devoted to Byzantine culture and covers literature, history, and art history, including the related disciplines. Every volume contains scholarly articles followed by a large bibliographical section. To access v.82 (2012) to present, click here (AAR only). Accessible also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library owns all volumes.
California Italian Studies Journal, issued by the University of California, Berkeley, is publishing scholarly work in the field of Italian studies today. Relevant disciplines, among others, are medieval, early modern, modern, and contemporary studies, visual studies, the history of art and architecture, philosophy, religious studies, literary studies, film, media and new-media studies, political science, and any other cross-disciplinary and comparative field of inquiry. Open access.
Issued by the EGU (European Geosciences Union). On climate history of the Earth, covering all temporal scales of climate change and variability, from geological time to the last century. Open access.
Climates and cultures in history focuses on the social, cultural, political and economic dimensions of climatic variability in human history around the world. Open access.
Clio@Themis : Revue électronique d'histoire du droit, issued by the Clio et Themis association. Focuses on the history of law in its broadest sense, in a European perspective, from antiquity to present. Open access.
Comparative Studies in Society and History is an international forum for new research and interpretation concerning problems of recurrent patterning and change in human societies through time and the contemporary world. Access via JSTOR (AAR only), with moving wall.
Comptabilité(s) : revue d'histoire des comptabilités focuses on the history of accountancy and bookkeeping in all historical periods, publishing also thematic issues. Open access.
Critical Inquiry has been publishing the critical thought in the arts and humanities for almost forty years, written by critics, scholars, and artists on a wide variety of issues central to contemporary criticism and culture. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Cromohs is a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic history journal published in English. Over the last two decades it has established a solid reputation for scholarly rigor.
Published by the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East. On all aspects of crusading activity, from a Christian, Muslim or Jewish perspective, across social, political and military history, theology, law, literature, art, material culture numismatics and economic history and more. AAR only.
Published by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. To access v.1 (1846) to v.85 (1958), published as Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, click here (JSTOR, with moving wall). To access v.86 (1955) and following, click here thru JSTOR, partly open access, or thru MIT, open access beginning with v.150 (2021).
Issued by the SISSD (Società Italiana di Studi sul secolo XVIII, The Italian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies), covers the full range of eighteenth century subjects (literature, history, law, religion, philosophy, fine arts, music, more). Open access.
Dumbarton Oaks Papers was founded in 1941 for the publication of articles relating to Byzantine civilization, society and culture from roughly the fourth through the fifteenth century in the Roman Empire and in successor and neighboring states. Open access to all volumes ; accessible also thru JSTOR.
Erytheia: Revista de Estudios Bizantinos y Neogriegos, issued by the Asociación Cultural Hispano-Helénica (Madrid). Free access with moving wall.
Issued by the Sociedad Española de Bizantinística (S.E.B.).
Etudes eistémè : Revue de littérature et de civilization (XVIe-XVIII siècles) focuses on 16th to 18th century European literature and culture, each issue has a thematic focus. AAR only.
Food & History, published by the IEHCA (European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food), focuses on food from a historical perspective, embracing aspects of social, economic, religious, political and cultural history. It deals at the same time with questions of consumption, production, provisioning and distribution, medical aspects, culinary practices, gastronomy and restaurants.
Fragments : Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of ancient and medieval pasts focuses particularly on comparative and connective approaches in investigating the past, and on interdisciplinary approaches such as those that synthesize the insights of textual scholarship and archaeology, or history and sociology and more. Open access.
Issued by the association Mnémosyne, Genre & histoire publishes research within the fields of history, sociology, philosophy, anthropology literature and more, focusing on issues of genre. AAR only.
A journal dedicated to the study of warfare, arms and armor, and military history, from prehistoric times to the eighteenth century. Issued by the CSIC (Spain).
Histoire & mesure focuses entirely on history and measurements, by proposing tools and methods for statistical processing of information, using figures to measure historical phenomena and analyze processes, and, further, it aims to develop reflection on the content and relevance of data, on the conditions under which they have been produced -- thru all historical periods. Most issues have a thematic focus. Open access.
Histoire, médicine et santé : Revue d'histoire sociale de la médicine, de la santé et du corps publishes research on medical sciences and the history of medicine, health and the body, from ancient to modern times and in every cultural area. AAR only.
Historia i Świat, founded in 2012, publishes research on history, and is divided into two sections: Acta Militaria Iranica, dedicated to research in the warfare in antiquity and the history of Near East, and Acta Historica, dedicated to history in general, especially Easten Europe. Open access.
Publishes articles with a comparative focus on subjects such as historical approaches to art, literature, and the social sciences ; the history of mentalities and intellectual movements ; the terrain where religion and history meet. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Issued by the Institute of Historical Research, the journal Historical Research (published since 1923) has been a leading mainstream British historical journal. Its articles cover a wide geographical and temporal span: from Britain to the Far East, and from the early middle ages to the twentieth century, with a broad variety of approaches, including social, political, urban, intellectual, and cultural history. The Library’s subscription covers v.70 (1997) to present. To access the volumes up to v.92 (2019), click here; for v.93 (2020), click here.
Historische Sozialforschung = Historical Social Research, issued by GESIS (Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften), covers the fields of historical-social science research and empirical quantitative as well as qualitative social research. Access thru JSTOR (without moving wall, AAR only).
Historical Social Research = Historische Sozialforschung is a journal for the application of formal methods to history (quantitative and computer-assisted qualitative social research, historical sociology, social scientific history; cliometrical research, historical informaion science). Full text online. See also here for special issues or supplements on specific topics.
Bibliographic supplements to Historische Zeitschrift.
Historische Zeitschrift publishes, since 1859, on questions from all areas of history, without a regional or epochal focus. The Library's subscription ends with v.311 (2020). Accessible also thru JSTOR, v.1 (1859)-v.283 (2024), AAR only).
History and Theory is focusing on theory and philosophy of history, publishing principally in these areas: critical philosophy of history, comparative and global history, historiography, theoretical dimensions of historians' debates, historical methodology, critical theory, deconstruction, gender theory, interactions between history and the natural and social sciences, and more. For the more recent volumes click here (AAR only). Available also at JSTOR with moving wall (AAR only).
History of Humanities, issued by the Society for the History of the Humanities, focuses on the history of a wide variety of disciplines (archaeology, art history, historiography, literary studies, musicology, media studies, and more), tracing these fields from their earliest developments, through their formalization into university disciplines, and to the modern day. By exploring the history of humanities across time and civilizations and along with their socio-political and epistemic implications, the journal takes a critical look at the concept of humanities itself (AAR only).
Humanités numériques, a journal specialized in the scholarly uses of digital technology in the humanities and social sciences, presenting itself with the keywords experimentation, reflexivity, hybridisation, dialogue. Open access.
Issued by Villa I Tatti, The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies. Access also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Imago Mundi is a scholarly periodical devoted exclusively to the history of premodern maps, mapping, and map-related ideas from anywhere in the world. It was founded in Berlin in 1935 by the Russian émigré Leo Bagrow. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
A journal of the history of sciences, issued by the History of Science Society. Since its inception in 1912, Isis has featured scholarly articles, research notes, and commentary on the history of science, medicine, and technology, and also their cultural influences. Review essays and book reviews on new publications in the field are also included. An official publication of the History of Science Society, this is the oldest (and most widely circulating) English-language journal in the field (AAR only ; older volumes also available thru JSTOR as well as newer ones, however, with moving wall).
The Italian Political Science Review (IPSR/RISP) embraces all approaches to political science research, without restriction to any particular theory, method, or topic. Established in 1971, the Review is acknowledged as the flagship publication of the Italian political-science community, contributing greatly to its growth and development. Online access to v.23 (1993) to v.31 (2001).
Annali di storia di Firenze (open access) ; Archivio storico italiano (JSTOR with moving wall) ; BSGI : Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana (open access) ; Cahiers d'études italiennes (open access, issues with thematic focus) ; California Italian Studies (open access) ; clionet : per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi (open access) ; E-Review : Rivista degli Istituti Storici dell’Emiglia Romagna in Rete (open access) ; I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance (AAR only) ; Italian Politics (open access and JSTOR with moving wall, AAR only) ; Italianistica : Rivista di letteratura italiana (JSTOR, AAR only) ; Italica (JSTOR, AAR only) ; Italies (AAR only) ; Journal of Modern Italian Studies (AAR only) ; Laboratoire italien : Politique et société (AAR only) ; MEFRIM : Mélanges de l’École Française de Rome : Italie et mediterranée modernes et contemporaines (AAR only) ; Modern Italy (AAR only) ; Narrativa (AAR only, on contemporary Italian literature and literary production) ; Quaderni di italianistica (AAR only ; older issues are open access with moving wall) ; Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia (AAR only) ; storicamente : laboratorio di storia (open access) [...]
JOHD : Journal of Open Humanities Data features publications describing humanities data or techniques with high potential for reuse. Research fields of interest are Art History, Classics, History, Linguistics, Literature, Music and Musicology, Religious Studies and more. Open access.
The JHES covers all aspects of environmental history in its broadest sense, with a special focus on the interaction between environmental changes and social historical context. All epochs, all cultrues. Open access.
On all aspects of early modern European culture (literature, art, history, politics, sociology, religion, more). Issued by Università degli Studi di Firenze. Open access.
JHNR promotes the interplay between different areas of historical research (in the broadest sense), social and political sciences, and different research traditions and disciplines, while strengthening the dialogue between network research and “traditional” historical research. Open access. See also the website of the HNR (Historical Network Research Community, news, events, bibliographies, more).
The Journal of Interdisciplinary History publishes research that combine the study of history (all geographical areas and periods) with other scholarly disciplines such as material culture, big data, economics, technology, urban studies and more. Access here (AAR only ; accessible also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Journal of Late Antiquity is focusing on the period of late antiquity writ large. It provides a venue for multidisciplinary coverage of all the methodological, geographical, and chronological facets of late antiquity, covering the late and postclassical world up to the Carolingian period and including the late Roman, western European, Byzantine, Sassanid, and Islamic worlds, ca. 250–800 CE.
The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies covers late antiquity to the 17th century. Its topics include art, literature, theater, music, philosophy, theology, and history, and it embraces material objects as well as texts; women as well as men; merchants, workers, and audiences as well as patrons; Jews and Muslims as well as Christians.
The leading American journal for the study of European intellectual, political, and cultural history. The Library's subscription ends with v.92 (2020). Accessible also thru JSTOR (AAR, with moving wall).
Publishes research on the political, economic, cultural, and social history of modern Italy from 1700 to the present.
Publishes on the literatures and civilizations of the Near East, North Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Inner Asia, the Far East and the Islamic World, including fields of research such as Arab music, Persian cuneiform, and of Buddhism in India, and more. AAR only ; access also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Publishes research in intellectual history, comprising areas such as histories of philosophy, of literature and the arts, of the natural and social sciences, of religion, and of political thought. The issues prior to 1996 are available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Publishes research in art history, the history of ideas, and cultural history, including topics such as arts in their various forms, religion, philosophy, science, literature and magic, as well as intellectual, political and social life, from Antiquity to the dawn of the contemporary era. Accessible also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). Continues the Journal of the Warburg Institute, v.1 (1937)-v.2 (1939).
The Journal of Urban Archaeology is the first dedicated scholarly journal to recognize urban archaeology as a field within its own right. On the archaeology of urban societies and networks in all parts of the world and across all periods of time. Open access v.1 (2020)-v.8 (2023).
Publishes on all aspects of Late Antiquity. University of Warsaw. Open access.
After Constantine (open access) ; Antigüedad y cristianismo (open access) ; Antiquité tardive (AAR only; older volumes available in the library) ; Journal of Late Antique Culture and Religion (open access) ; Journal of Late Antiquity (AAR only) ; Late Antiquity : Studies in Source Criticism (open access) ; Revue des études tardo-antiques (open access) ; Studies in Late Antiquity (AAR only).
The Law and History Review encompasses American, European, and ancient legal history issues; furthermore, research in the fields of the social history of law and the history of legal ideas and institutions. The volumes prior to 2005 are available at JSTOR (AAR only).
The KNIR's publication, 1921 to 2002. Open access.
Mediterranea focuses on various areas of knowledge transfer from late antiquity to the early modern period, paying special attention to philological, philosophical, scientific, cultural, and religious fields of research.
Mediterranean Studies focuses on the Mediterranean world over a broad chronological span—from late antiquity to the Enlightenment. The journal’s interdisciplinary approach includes work on the arts, religions, cultures, histories, and literatures of the Mediterranean world. Access through JSTOR with a moving wall.
Méditerranée : Revue géographique des pays méditerranéens focuses on history and present times of all Mediterranean countries, looking at a wide range of topics (palaeoenvironment, geoarchaeolgy, economy, cultural heritage, urban spaces, and more) thru the lens of geography. AAR only.
1783 to 1957.
Interdisciplinary research on the intersection of the history fo science, philosophy and philology, focusing on the method, on the procedures by which one arrives at a given knolwedge; the concrete operations of the mind (and their outcomes, i.e. knowledge, texts). Open access.
Founded by the ASMI (Association for the Study of Modern Italy) in 1995, Modern Italy publishes leading research on the history, politics and social, economic and cultural life of Italy and the Italian peoples from the eighteenth century to the present. Click here to access v.10 (2005) to v.20 (2015) (AAR only) and here to access v.1 (1995) to present (AAR only).
Issued by the History of Science Society, an annual thematic journal highlighting recent research on significant themes in the history of science. AAR only; older volumes also available through JSTOR.
Issued by the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies. Publishes on all aspects of the Renaissance, Reformation and the Early Modern world (literature, geography, history, religion, art, music, society and more). AAR only ; the older volumes are open access with moving wall. Accessible also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
1948 to 1966.
The aim of the Review of International Studies is to promote the analysis and understand of international relations. It covers every aspect of international studies, including the political, economic, philosophical, legal, ethical, historical, military, cultural and technological dimensions of the subject. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall ; select recent articles are available at CUP). RIS continues the British Journal of International Studies (v.1 (1975)-v.6 (1980), JSTOR, AAR only).
Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire = Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis. Full text online (open access with moving wall thru persée). The newer volumes are available in the Library.
The Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines publishes research on the history of sciences, from the 18th to the 21st centuries. AAR only.
Full text online, thru persée (with moving wall). The AAR Library has also the more recent volumes.
Founded in 1927, the RSH publishes research on the relationship between literature and the humanities, social sciences, history and other disciplines (AAR only).
Older issues are available at JSTOR.
Issued by the SIFP (Società italiana filosofia politica, the Italian society of political philosophy), focusing specifically on the philosophical approach to political issues, in close confrontation with other theoretical perspectives (social, juridical, economic, political sciences etc.). Open access.
1970 to 1971.
The Sixteenth Century Journal provides readers with thought-provoking research and inquiry into the sixteenth century broadly defined (i.e., 1450–1648), maintaining a strong historical core and covering subjects from around the world. AAR only. Older volumes available also through JSTOR (AAR only).
Historical research focusing on the genesis, morphology and dynamics of pre-capitalist social structures : Ancient Near East, Ancient Greece and Rome, medieval and early modern Europe colonial and pre-Columbian America and more. Issued by the Centro de Estudios de Sociedades Precapitalistas at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Open access.
Specula iuris : an international journal on legal history and comparative jurisprudence. Open access.
Storia della storiografia = History of Historiography = Geschichte der Geschichtsschreibung. On all epochs and on all aspects and methods of historiography. The AAR's online subscription starts with v.61 (2012), older issues are available in the Library.
All epochs and cultures, from different disciplines. Open access.
Studi emigrazione = Migration Studies. Issued by the CSER (Centro Studi Emigrazione Roma). Open access.
Studies in Late Antiquity is a forum for resarch on global late antiquity (150–750 CE). Primary points of interest include interconnections between the Mediterranean and Africa, Iran, Arabia, the Baltic, Scandinavia, the British Isles, China, India, and all of Asia, as well as disrupting the assumed connection between the late ancient and Christian Mediterranean and modern, Western Europe. AAR only.
Subseciva Groningana: Studies in Roman and Byzantine Law, issued by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, is open access with a moving wall.
temporalités : revue de science sociales et humaines publishes research in the humanities and social sciences (history, sociology, economics, anthropology, linguistics, and more) that include analyses of temporal data and compare conceptions, uses and practices of time and reflections on the plurality of socio-historical temporalities. AAR only.
Published since 1872, comprises the papers read before the leading learned societies in the UK. The papers cover all aspects of history and are generally more reflective and wide-ranging. Full text online via JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Trivium : Revue franco-allemande de sciences humaines et sociales, publishes issues with a thematic focus across all historical periods. Open access.
Virtus : Journal of nobility studies focuses on all aspects of the history of the nobility and related areas of study, such as genealogy, heraldry, court studies and castellology. Open access.
Founded in 1948, World Politics is a quarterly journal of political science, representing all of the disciplines, methods, and viewpoints relevant to international relations and comparative politics. Available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Issued by the Universitat de Barcelona. Open access, v.1 (1980)-v.32 (2014-2015).
The Anuario de Estudios Medievales, issued by the CSIC, publishes on the most diverse aspects of the Middle Ages: political, social, economic, cultural, religious, literary, artistic history and more. The June issue is with a thematic focus, the December issue is miscellaneous. Open access.
On archaeological research and excavations, with a chronological focus on the Middle Ages, mainly, but not exclusively, in France. AAR only.
Arzanà : Cahiers de littérature médiévale italienne publishes research on the culture of the Italian Middle Ages in all its forms (literature, the history of production and textual forms, ideas, the arts, medicine, religious culture, etc.). AAR only.
Cahiers de recherches médievales et humanistes = Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies, on all fields and topics of Medieval times and the Renaissance. The two issues per year have a special thematic focus. Open access (with moving wall).
California Italian Studies Journal, issued by the University of California, Berkeley, is publishing scholarly work in the field of Italian studies today. Relevant disciplines, among others, are medieval, early modern, modern, and contemporary studies, visual studies, the history of art and architecture, philosophy, religious studies, literary studies, film, media and new-media studies, political science, and any other cross-disciplinary and comparative field of inquiry. Open access.
Camenae focuses on the reception of classical philosophy, literature, and science in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Issued by the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne, Paris. Open access.
This journal publishes research on romance literatures in medieval and Renaissance times. Supplement thematic monographs, Biblioteca di Carte Romanze, are also accessible. Open access.
Issued by SISMEL (Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino), publishing on history, philology, codicology, paleography and art history in medieval times. Open access.
Comitatus, issued by the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, published in any field of medieval and Renaissance studies, with a special interest in interdisciplinary approaches and cross-cultural scope. Open access v.1 (1970)-v.32 (2001).
Publishes on all aspects of medieval civilization (history, history of art, archaeology, philology and literature, philosophy, more). Includes also reviews. Open access.
Convivium publishes scholarship on exchanges and interactions in the arts of medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterreanean, and extends into the allied fields of anthropology, archaeology, historiography, literature, liturgy and history, covering a period defined by the broadest possible interpretation of the Middle Ages (3rd to 16th centuries). AAR only.
Different Visions : A Journal of New Perspectives on Medieval Art. Open Access.
Publishes research and theorerical articles on digital topics, on the application of digital technologies in the field of medieval studies. Open access.
Early Medieval Europe focuses on the history of Europe from the later Roman Empire to the eleventh century and covers Europe in its entirety, dealing with all kinds of material (archaeology, numismatics, palaeography, diplomatic, literature, onomastics, art history, linguistics, and epigraphy). The AAR Library’s subscription covers v.6 (1997) to present.
Eventum : a journal of medieval arts & rituals, publishes research on all medieval arts in and as rituals and the initiators, participants, spaces, structures, and artistic dimensions of all medieval rituals. Eventum defines 'medieval' in its broadest sense, covering Byzantine, Western European, Coptic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic, Armenian, Georgian and Slavic cultures from the 4th to the 15th centuries. Open access.
FACTA : A Journal of Late Roman, Medieval and Post-Medieval Material Culture Studies promotes the publication of research results in post-classical archaeology, from Late Antiquity to contemporary age. Topics range from archeology and production history to trade and consumption, including fields as environmental archeology, bio-archeology and archaeometry. Access to v.1 (2007) to v.15 (2021). AAR only.
Fragmentology : A Journal for the Study of Medieval Manuscript Fragments publishes on any aspect pertaining to Latin and Greek manuscript fragments in the Middle Ages. Issued by the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) with Codices Electronici AG. Open access.
Gesta publishes original research on medieval art and architecture, embracing all facets of artistic production from ca. 300 to ca. 1500 C.E. in every corner of the medieval world. Available also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall) and in the Library.
Historias del Orbis Terrarum is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on the history of the classical, medieval, and Renaissance times. Open access.
Journal of the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages (Motovun, Coratia). The AAR Library provides access to the most recent 10 years of publication; all volumes are available in the Library.
Humanistica Lovaniensia : Journal of Neo-Latin studies publishes research on medieval, Renaissance and modern Latin as well as critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Further, it provides the Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum, the annual bibliography of Neo-Latin studies. Open access (JSTOR and Peeters)
Issued by Villa I Tatti, The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies. Access also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
in-scriptions : revue en ligne d'études épigraphiques publishes research on written records of the medieval period, with special focus on epigraphic material.
A journal for the study of medieval European literatures, broadly conceived as the products of the interconnected textual cultures which flourished between Late Antiquity and the Renaissance in a region extending from the North Atlantic to the Eastern Mediterranean. Issued by the Dipartimento di Studi letterali, filologici e linguistici, Università degli Studi di Milano. Open access.
Full text online (AAR only) to more recent volumes ; the Library has the complete run, beginning with v.1 (1958).
The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies covers late antiquity to the 17th century. Its topics include art, literature, theater, music, philosophy, theology, and history, and it embraces material objects as well as texts; women as well as men; merchants, workers, and audiences as well as patrons; Jews and Muslims as well as Christians.
Issued by the North American Association of Medieval Latin. Access also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall), or in the Library.
Publishes chiefly, but not exclusively, on mystical and devotional texts, especially of the Western Middle Ages. Access through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). Continues Mystics Quarlerly.
Maniculae : Beiträge zur Überlieferungsforschung mittelalterlicher Texte publishes news on mediaeval manuscripts and codices. Issued by Arbeitsgemeinschaft Handschriftencensus. Open access.
A journal for manuscript research. Available also in the Library, older volumes included.
On all aspects of mediaeval culture, civilization and history, covering a time span from approx. the 5th to the 16th centuries, corresponding with the geographical boundaries of Latin Christianity in the High Middle Ages. Open access, beginning with v.12 (1999). Accessible also thru JSTOR (beginning witj v.1 (1988), with moving wall, AAR only).
Medieval Philosophy and Theology was a semiannual, peer-reviewed online journal devoted to the publication of articles in all areas of medieval philosophy, including logic and natural science, and in medieval theology, including Christian, Jewish, and Islamic. Coverage extended from the Patristic period through the neoscholasticism of the seventeenth century. Open access, v.1 (1991)-v.11 (2003), the last volume published.
Focusing on the period from c. 400 to 1500, this journal publishes comparative, interdisciplinary and transcultural studies on the Middle Ages. Open access (Österreichisce Akademie der Wissenschaften).
On all aspects of Middle Ages : literature, history, history of law, religious history, art & architecture and more. Each volume has a "dossier thématique". Older issues available thru persée. Open access with moving wall.
Issued by the Instituto de Estudos Medievais, Universidade Nova, Lisbona. On all areas of Medieval Studies. Open access
Mirabilia is a journal that focuses on literature, religion, philosophy, and art in the Middle Ages. Issued by the Institut d’ Estudis Medievals (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain). The institute publishes also Mirabilia Ars (with particular focus on art and aesthetics) and Mirabilia Medicinae (history of medicine and related issues).
On medieval thought and philosophy. Published by the FILO (Faculty of Philosophy and Arts) of the University of Buenos Aires. Open access.
Perspectives médiévales : Revue d'épistémologie des langues et litteratures du moyen âge is a journal of medieval language and literature, examining how medieval textual, visual and material objects were perceived, constructed, represented and understood in medieval, modern and contemporary times. AAR only.
Porphyra is the first Italian online magazine focusing exclusively on Byzantium. The supplementary volumes are dedicated to specific topics.
Issued by the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies. Publishes on all aspects of the Renaissance, Reformation and the Early Modern world (literature, geography, history, religion, art, music, society and more). AAR only ; the older volumes are open access with moving wall. Accessible also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
1948 to 1966.
Continues as Renaissance News, v.1 (1948)–v.19 (1966). In 1974, absorbs Studies in the Renaissance. Older issues available at JSTOR. For the current subscription, click here.
Renaissance Studies is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing articles and editions of documents on all aspects of Renaissance history and culture (history, art, architecture, religion, literature, and languages of Europe during the period and more). Access here the more recent volumes (AAR only) ; accessible also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Covers the whole range of medieval studies. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. Open access.
The Libary's subscription ends with v.62 (2020). Access also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Roda da Fortuna (Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona) is a journal that publishes on antiquity and the Middle Ages with an emphasis on interdisciplinary studies.
Scrineum rivista is publishing on the history of the written culture (antiquity to late middle ages), covering fields such as diplomatics, manuscript studies, palaeography, codicology and more. Open access.
Edited by the Centre d’Études des Manuscrits (CEM) ASBL (Brussels). Not the newest issues. For further information (e.g., additional resources, indexes, and more), please consult the CEM’s website.
Founded in 1926, Speculum is the first journal in North America devoted to the Middle Ages. Covering a time span from approx. 500 to 1500, it publishes on all aspects of the Middle Ages (art, history, literature, philosophy and theology, music, science, law, economics and more). AAR only. Issues prior to 2005 are available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Studi di storia medioevale e di diplomatica publishes on all aspects of middle ages history, with a special focus on palaeography and diplomatics. Open access.
Available at JSTOR, with moving wall (AAR only).
1954 to 1974.
Traditio : Studies in ancient and medieval history, thought, and religion (AAR only). Issues prior to 2002 available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Viator : Medieval and Renaissance Studies, issued by UCLA. Transcultural studies from Late Antiquity to early modernity, with special focus on articles that cross frontiers, examine meetings between cultures, or employ methods of different disciplines simultaneously. Full text online (AAR only) to the last ten years or so ; older volumes are available in the Library.
A comprehensive list of journals on the history of music and musicology available at the AAR, both on subscription and open access.
A journal with the focus on the philosophy of music and music aesthetics, music history and theory, music analysis and its philosophical implications, the relationship between philosophy, theory and psychology of music and more. Open access.
The Library's subscription to Early Music History ends with v.39 (2020). Available also at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Greek and Roman Musical Studies, the first and, at present, the only specialist periodical in the fields of ancient Greek and Roman music, publishes papers offering cultural, historical, theoretical, archaeological, iconographical, and other perspectives on music in classical antiquity, and on its reception in later times. AAR only.
On the archaeology of sound and rhythmical behaviour of past cultures all over the globe, the study and reconstruction of certain or possible sound tools, and more. Open access.
Edited by a consortium of music-theory faculty at Yale, the Journal of Music Theory fosters conceptual and technical innovations in abstract, systematic musical thought and cultivates the historical study of musical concepts and compositional techniques, addressing also the influences of philosophy, mathematics, computer science, cognitive sciences, and anthropology on music theory. The Library's subscription ends with v.64 (2020). Available also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
JAMS publishes scholarship from a broad array of musical inquiry : from historical musicology, critical theory, music analysis, iconography and organology, to pedagogy, performance practice, aesthetics and hermeneutics, ethnomusicology, gender and sexuality, popular music, and cultural studies. Available also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Musica disciplina : a yearbook of the history of music, published by the American Institute of Musicology, with a focus on Medieval and Renaissance music. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Issued by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Publishes on the field of musicology in the broadest sense. Access thru JSTOR, AAR only and with moving wall.
Issued by the Austrian DTÖ (Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe von Denkmälern der Tonkunst in Österreich). Access thru JSTOR, AAR only with moving wall.
MQ's sections include 'American Musics', 'Music and Culture', 'The Twentieth Century', and an 'Institutions, Industries, Technologies' ; a section entitled 'Primary Sources' features discussions on issues of biography, texts, and manuscripts, and more. Access thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
A comprehensive list of journals on philosophy available at the AAR, both on subscription and open access.
A comprehensive list of journals on the history of religions and religious studies available at the AAR, both on subscription and open access.
Agathos : Revue ivoirienne de philosophie antique, issued at the Université Alassane Ouattara de Bouaké, Ivory Coast. On all aspects of ancient philosophy and its influence on philosophical thinking in later periods. Open access.
Issued by the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Analecta Bollaniana : A Journal of Critical Hagiography, edited and published since 1882 by the Société des Bollandistes in Brussels, was conceived, since the very beginning, as a continuous updating of the prestigious Acta Sanctorum series, as well as an entirely new instrument devoted to hagiographical research. Every issue contains both critical editions of hagiographical texts (Greek, Latin, Oriental…), and fundamental studies about hagiography. Full text online (AAR only) beginning with v.130 (2012) to present ; earlier volumes are held in the Library.
Antiquorum philosophia : An international journal, on the history of Greek and Roman philosophy, also with a comparative approach, considering the history of thought of other chronologically parallel cultures (Ancient Near East, Egypt, India, China). The Library's subscription covers v.1 (2007)-v.13 (2019).
AAR only. The issues prior to 1995 are available thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Journal on the origins of the Western thought. Issued jointly by the Universidade de Brasília and Universidade de Coimbra.
Issued by the CNRS/Editiones de l’EHESS. Free access (with moving wall) or through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Aristotelica publishes on Aristotle and Aristotelianism through the centuries, from Aristotle's contemporaries and Greek philosophical literature in Roman times, through the Medieval period and Renaissance, up to the 20th century. Open access.
Arys : Antigüedad : Religiones y sociedades, issued by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, focuses on the interaction between religious and social phenomena in the ancient world. Open access to the volumes v.10 (2012) to present and to v.1 (1998)-v.9 (2011).
ASDIWAL, Revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions. Free access (persée, with moving wall).
Beit Mikra: Journal for the Study of the Bible and Its World, published by the Bialik Institute, Jerusalem. Access at the AAR Library thru JSTOR, with a moving wall.
JSTOR provides access (with moving wall) to a number of journals in the field of Biblical studies and related areas to many of which the Library does not subscribe (plus other, open access journals) : AABNER (Advances in ancient Biblical and Near Eastern research) ; Beit Mikra ; Bible and Critical Theory ; Biblica ; Biblische Notizen ; BiKu : Die Bibel in der Kunst ; the Catholic Biblical Quarterly ; Dead Sea Discoveries ; Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis ; Journal of Biblical Literature ; Journal of Hebrew Scriptures ; Journal of the National Association of Biblical Instructors ; Journal of Bible and Religion ; Journal of the American Academy of Religion ; Neotestamentica ; Novum Testamentum ; Old Testament Essays ; PZB : Protokolle zur Bibel ; Scripta Biblica ; Shnaton ; TC : A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism ; Vetus Testamentum [...].
Issued by the research center CRISES, Cahiers d’études du religieux : recherches interdisciplinaires publishes on religion and religiousness in all manifestations from antiquity to present day. AAR only.
Journal dedicated to studies on Augustine of Hippo. Issued by the Instituto de Filosofia of the Faculdade de Letras at the Universidade do Porto
Focusing on history, literature, textual tradition, liturgy, art history of Eastern Christianity, with a special focus on Christian textual production in Arabic, Coptic, Syriac, and Ethiopic. Open access.
Dionysius, the journal of Dalhousie University's Department of Classics, publishes articles on the history of ancient philosophy and theology, including Patristics, and their nachleben. Open access.
Doctor virtualis : Rivista online di storia della filosofia medievale publishes research on the history of medieval philosophy. Open access.
Electra, issued by the Centre for the Study of Myth and Religion in Greek and Roman Antiquity in Patras University’s Department of Philology, publishes on ancient Greek and Roman mythology and religion from a philological, historical, anthropological, archaeological, linguistic, or philosophical point of view.
Elenchos : Journal of sudies on ancient thought covers all aspects of ancient philosophy in Greek and Roman times, from earliest beginnings to late antiquity. Full text online (AAR only) ; the volumes not covered by online access are in the Library.
Epekeina: International Journal of Ontology History and Critics, published by the Centro Internazionale per la ricerca filosofica, Palermo (CRF)
Études platoniciennes, issued by the Société d’Études platoniciennes, is devoted entirely to current issues in research on Plato and the platonic tradition. AAR only.
HThR has been a central forum for scholars of religion since its founding in 1908. Publishes in the history and philosophy of religious thought in all traditions and periods, including the areas of Judaic studies, Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Christianity, archaeology, comparative religious studies, theology and ethics. AAR only. The issues prior to 2001 are available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Historical Interactions of Religious Cultures (HIReC), a journal focusing on the three major monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and the processes of interaction among these and other religions in the pre-modern period. Open access.
History of Religions has set the standard for the study of religious phenomena from prehistory to modern times. It publishes scholarship reflecting engagement with particular traditions, places, and times and yet also speaking to broader methodological and/or theoretical issues in the study of religion. Access thru JSTOR, with moving wall (AAR only).
The main focus of Hypnos is on Greek and Roman philosophy.
Issued by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Has also supplement volumes with a thematic focus (Anejos). Open access.
IJRTP deals with all aspects of religious tourism and pilgrimage, with an interdisciplinary approach, including all aspects of religious tourism and pilgrimage. The journal is published by the Technological University Dublin. Open access.
JEAC : Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity, issued by the Department of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, with the scope to establish a dialogue between exegetical, Jewish, patristic, philosophical and systemaic theological approaches to current ethical issues. Open access.
Journal for the Study of Judaism is a leading international forum for scholarly discussions on the history, literature, and religious ideas on Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman period. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Published by the Department of Philosophy of the Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil). Open access.
JGRChJ originates from McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, Canada. It appears continuously throughout the year and the electronic form of the previous volume is removed soon after the new volume year's postings begin. The book reviews of all volumes are available here.
Journal of Late Antique Religion and Culture (JLARC) is edited by members and associates of the Centre for Late Antique Religion and Culture at Cardiff University. The scope of the journal is the study of late antique religion and culture from the late hellenistic period to the early Middle Ages, also in relation to earlier and later periods, in particular classical antiquity and the modern world.
Publishes chiefly, but not exclusively, on mystical and devotional texts, especially of the Western Middle Ages. Access through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). Continues Mystics Quarlerly.
The Journal of Religion promotes critical, hermeneutical, historical, and constructive inquiry into religion. First published in 1882 as the Hebrew Student, the title was changed in 1883 to the Old Testament Student, in 1889 to the Old and New Testament Student, in 1893 to the Biblical World, and in 1897 to the American Journal of Theology. In 1921 the title became the Journal of Religion. The publication is available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Kernos : Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique. Open access.
Lexicon Philosophicum: International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas (open access), interdisciplinary character, focuses on the history of philosophy, the history of science, and the history of ideas. Issued by the CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
Medieval Philosophy and Theology was a semiannual, peer-reviewed online journal devoted to the publication of articles in all areas of medieval philosophy, including logic and natural science, and in medieval theology, including Christian, Jewish, and Islamic. Coverage extended from the Patristic period through the neoscholasticism of the seventeenth century. Open access, v.1 (1991)-v.11 (2003), the last volume published.
Focusing explicitly on problems of methodology and theory in the academic study of religion. Access through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Mythos : Rivista di storia delle religioni. On the history of religions in the Mediterranean region. Open access.
Noctua : la tradizione filosofica dall'antico al moderno = History of philosophy from ancient to the modern age, publishes research on the history of philosophy and science from antiquity to modern times, and related fields, such as the history of ideas and intellectual history. See also the supplementary monographic series Quaderni di Noctua. Open access.
Available thru JSTOR (AAR only, with a moving wall).
Numen publishes in all areas of the history of religions ranging from antiquity to contemporary history, covering a diversity of geographical regions. The approach of the journal to the study of religion is strictly non-confessional. AAR only. Also available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Oqimta is a journal in the field of classical rabbinic literature (Tannaitic and Amoraic literature), also publishing on other aspects of late ancient Jewish culture and history as well as on the reception of rabbinic literature in the medieval and modern periods.
Published by the Collegium Patristicum Lundense, Lund University, Sweden. Focuses on the study of late antiquity and early Christianity during the first eight centuries. Open access.
Focusing exclusively on ancient philosophy. Each issue includes a 'dossier thématique'. Open access (with moving wall).
AAR only. Phronesis is the leading international journal dealing specifically with the study of ancient Greek and Roman thought. Also available thru JSTOR (AAR only, with a moving wall).
Issued by the International Plato Society. To access the volumes beginning with v.13 (2013), click here. To access v.1 (2001) to v.12 (2012), click here.
Accessible through JSTOR, with a moving wall (AAR only).
Religion in the Roman Empire intends to further and document new and integrative perspectives on religion in the ancient world combining multidisciplinary methodologies, across the disciplinary boundaries of the history of religion, archaeology, anthropology, classics, ancient history, Jewish history, rabbinics, New Testament, early Christianity, patristics, Coptic studies, Gnostic and Manichean studies, late antiquity, and oriental languages. AAR only.
Issued by the IEA (Institut d'Études Augustiniennes, Paris). Open access with moving wall.
Founded in 1921 and issued by the Association des Publications de la Faculté de Théologie protestante de Strasbourg. Covered fields: exegesis (Old and New Testament), history of Christianity, and history of religions. Free access with moving wall (persée).
Free access, with moving wall. Available also at persée (free access, with moving wall) at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). The AAR Library has all volumes.
Available through JSTOR (AAR only, with a moving wall).
Revue de théologie et de philosophie was founded in 1868, within the three universities of Geneva, Lausanne, and Neuchâtel. Free access with moving wall. To access v.1 (1968) to v.5 (1872), click here; click here to access v.6 (1873) to v.44 (1911). To access the volumes beginning with v.1 (1913), click here.
Issued by the Faculté de théologie catholique de Strasbourg. On all aspects of theology, canonic law, history of religions. AAR only.
Journal for ancient philosophy and science, covering the full range of ancient philosophy (AAR only).
Founded in 1947, on all aspects of Church history in Italy. Accessible also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Schole : Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition. Issued by the Center for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition at the Philosophy Department at Novosibirsk State University, Russia. Open access.
Journal of patrology and critical hagiography. Open access.
Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, published by the chair in Jewish studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, focuses on the history, culture, language, and religion of the Jewish people from antiquity to present.
Syzetesis : an open access journal that focuses on philosophy and its history.
Accessible through JSTOR, with a moving wall (AAR only).
Issued by the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, publishing on the history and the literature of Early Christianity, from the beginning up to the Middle Ages. Open access with moving wall.
Accessible through JSTOR (AAR only, with a moving wall).
On historical, cultural, linguistic, and philological aspects of early Christian literature, as well as on Christian epigraphy archaeology, Church history in relation to social history and more. AAR only ; also available at JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Publishing on Christian antiquity, especially the writings of the Fathers of the Church and their teaching, and on the Byzantine era and the reception of early Christian thought in later centuries. Issued by the Section of History of Church and Patrology of the John Paul II University of Lublin. Open access.
A comprehensive list of journals on the history of art available at the AAR, both on subscription and open access.
AA Files is the journal of the Architectural Association School of Architecture, UK. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). More recent issues are available in the Library.
ABE : Architecture beyond Europe is dedicated to the history of architecture and urban planning outside Europe. It focuses on colonial and post-colonial aspects of built environment since the 19th century, as well as on professional networks, media, doctrines and models circulating from and to Europe. AAR only.
The American Art Journal published on American painting, sculpture, decorative arts, photography, architecture, and cultural history. Ceased in 2004. Accessible thru JSTOR (AAR only) and in the Library.
Studies within the main range of the Danish Academy’s research activities (e.g., ancient history, archaeology, art history, history, literature, philology, the fine arts and architecture).
On the history of art, all epochs, all areas. Issued by the Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Facultad de Geografia e Historia, Universidad Complutense, Madrid. Open access.
Issued by the Society of Antiquaries of London, the Antiquaries Journal aims to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the study of material culture, publishing papers from all periods from prehistory to the recent past. It addresses research questions from a variety of perspectives, combining, for example, historical, art historical, architectural, linguistic, archaeological, and scientific data. AAR only; the older volumes are available in the library.
Founded in 1952, each issue of Aperture examines one theme explored in two distinct sections: Words, focused on the best writing surrounding contemporary photography; and Pictures, featuring immersive portfolios and artist projects. Access thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Older volumes available at the Library.
Architectura: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Baukunst (Journal of the History of Architecture) focuses on historic and archaeological building research, as well as newer building history and history of architecture. Volumes prior to 2017 are available in the Library.
Historically grounded research into all aspects of architecture and the built environment. Issued by the EAHN (European Architectural History Network). Open access.
Issued by the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB). Publishes on historical architecture world-wide, on buildings, the built environment, the history of architectural theory, and architectural historiography, in all places and periods. Access thru JSTOR with moving wall (AAR only).
Issued by the CSIC, Archivo español de arte focuses on all areas of the history of Spanish art and foreign art in relation to Spain, from the Middle Ages to present. Open access (CSIC).
ArchNet-IJAR's (Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT) objective is to establish a bridge between theory and practice in the fields of architectural and design research, urban planning, and built environment studies. It reports on the latest research findings and innovative approaches for creating responsive environments, with special focus on architecture and planning in developing countries. Hybrid open access.
The Art Bulletin publishes leading scholarship in all aspects of art history, in all areas and periods. Articles take a variety of methodological approaches, from the historical to the theoretical. Older issues available also at JSTOR and in the Library.
Art History promotes world-class art-historical scholarship from across the globe, representing the diversity of the discipline at large. Access to v.20 (1997) to present (AAR only). Older issues are available in the Library.
Published by the College Art Association. Older issues available also at JSTOR.
Open access.
Founded in 1955, Arte lombarda focuses on the works and artists who have marked the centuries of Lombard artistic culture. Access through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library owns all volumes.
Artibus et Historiae focuses on art history in its broadest sense, including film, photography, and other areas of art connected with visual expression. Access through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library owns all volumes.
Articulo : Journal of Urban Research publishes research on urban issues through the lens of a wide range of social science approaches, embracing a multidisciplinary perspective on the transformation of social, environmental and economic issues of cities and city regions. AAR only.
Combining a variety of approaches (linguistic, genetic, epistemocritical, intertextual or inter-aesthetic), the works published by the journal Arts et savoirs compare discourses and representations, examining the relationship between literature and the arts and knowledge from the humanities, as well as the sciences of matter and life. Issues are sometimes focused on a single discipline, or on a particular work or question, and sometimes more cross-disciplinary, involving several disciplines. Open access.
A journal of architectural theory and criticism, examining the interrelationships between culture and design, and theory and material reality. Each issue presents essays, projects, and debates from a wide range of fields: architectural and art history and theory, cultural criticism, literary theory, philosophy, and politics. Full text online (AAF only) : v.1 (1986)-v.41 (2000).
Published since 1907, Bollettino d’arte is issued by the Ministero dei beni culturali. Access to several older and select newer volumes, tables of contents, or abstracts of the articles. The Library has all volumes from 1907 to present.
BOMB Magazine has been publishing conversations between artists of all disciplines since 1981. Today, BOMB is a nonprofit, multiplatform publishing house that creates, disseminates, and preserves artist-generated content from interviews to artist’s essays to new literature. To access BOMB content, click here (AAR only); access also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
British Museum Quarterly, published from 1926-1973 by the British Museum, deals with recent British Museum acquisitions and research concerning the Museum's collections. Access to all volumes thru JSTOR (AAR only).
Each issue of Built environment focuses on a single subject of contemporary interest. Subject areas of the journal include: architecture, conservation, economic development, environmental planning, social issues, spatial planning, sustainability, urban design, and more. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall): Official Architecture and Planning (previous title), v.19 (1956)-v.34 (1971); continued by Built Environment: v.1 (1972)-v.4 (1975), Built Environment Quarterly: v.1 (1975)-v.4 (1978); and again Built Environment: v.4 (1978)-
Founded in 1903, the Burlington Magazine (until 1947, the Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs) soon established itself as the world’s leading monthly art periodical, covering all aspects of the fine and decorative arts from ancient times to the present day. To access the most recent volumes : click here (AAR only). Access through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall): click here to access v.1 (1903) to v.89 (1947) or here to access v.90 (1948) and following. The Library owns the complete run, including the newest issues. To access additional content (open access) : click here.
Open access to select articles.
California Italian Studies Journal, issued by the University of California, Berkeley, is publishing scholarly work in the field of Italian studies today. Relevant disciplines, among others, are medieval, early modern, modern, and contemporary studies, visual studies, the history of art and architecture, philosophy, religious studies, literary studies, film, media and new-media studies, political science, and any other cross-disciplinary and comparative field of inquiry. Open access.
Journal of regional and urban planning, studies and design, issued by the Architecture Department, Università degli Studi Firenze. Open access.
Different Visions : A Journal of New Perspectives on Medieval Art. Open Access.
Issued by the Dorotheum, Vienna.
On all aspects of human settlement, human settlement development, design and planning, and urban transformation. Ekistics has been published from 1957 to 2006. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only). Continued by Ekistics and the New Habitat (the Library does not subscribe to ; several articles are open access)
La Rivista di Engramma : La tradizione classica nella memoria occidentale, focusing on the classical tradition in Western culture, with a broad range : the persistence, renewal and new formal interpretations, themes and topics in art, architecture, literature, from antiquity to modern times. Issued by ClassicA : Centro di studi Architettura Civiltà Tradizione del Classico. Open access.
Fenestella publishes on medieval art and architecture, between Late Antiquity and c. 1400, covering the Latin West, the Byzantine East and medieval Islam. Open access.
Issued by Gagosian.
Issued by The Gardens Trust. On all aspects of garden history scholarship. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
1971 to 1972.
Issued by the Musée d'art et d'histoire in Geneva, Switzerland. Open access with moving wall.
Gesta publishes original research on medieval art and architecture, embracing all facets of artistic production from ca. 300 to ca. 1500 C.E. in every corner of the medieval world. Available also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall) and in the Library.
The Getty Research Journal, issued by the Getty Research Institute, features the work of established and emerging art historians, museum curators, and conservators around the world as part of the Getty’s mission to promote critical thinking in the presentation, conservation, and interpretation of the world’s artistic legacy. The AAR Library’s subscription covers the most recent volumes; older volumes are available thru JSTOR or in the Library.
Horti Hesperidum : Studi di storia del collezionismo e della storiografia artistica, issued by the Università di Roma Tor Vergata, focuses on art history and collecting art, from antiquity to modern times.
The journal Images re-vues positions itself as a space for research and reflection into the image, in all periods and from all perspectives. Founded in 2005, it is produced by four research centres of the EHESS and CNRS housed in the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art: the UMR 8210-Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes Antiques (ANHIMA), the Groupe d’Anthropologie Historique de l’Occident Médiéval (GAHOM), the Centre d’Histoire et Théorie des Arts (CEHTA) and the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale (LAS). Open access.
The International Journal for Digital Art History seeks to gather current developments in the field of digital art history world-wide and to foster discourse on the subject both from art history and information science (open access). See also DAHJ, the platform for digital art history, providing information on events, past and upcoming conferences, cfp and more.
The International Journal of Design is devoted to publishing in all fields of design, including industrial design, visual communication design, interface design, animation and game design, architectural design, urban design, and other design related fields. Open access.
Research articles and shorter notes pertaining to the Museum's permanent collection of antiquities, decorative arts, drawings, illuminated manuscripts, paintings, photographs, sculpture and more. Published by the J. Paul Getty Trust. Access thru JSTOR (v.1 (1974)-v.96 (1996), AAR only).
The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin are one of the largest museum complexes in the world (15 museums, 3 research institutions, plaster molding workshop). They are a universal museum from the beginnings of art to the present day. The Jahrbuch is one of Germany's leading annuals in the area of art history and conservation science. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). More recent volumes are available in the Library. To access v.40 (1919) to v.60 (1939), Jahrbuch der Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, click here. To access v.1 (1880) to v.39 (1918), Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, click here.
Publishes research on the art market of all periods. Issued by the Forum Kunst und Markt. Open access.
Since 1986, focuses on the period 1875 to 1945 and parallels themes contained in the collection of The Wolfsonian. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Publishes research, commentaries, book reviews on historical or contemporary planning experience, broadly defined, in domestic or global contexts.
Publishes in architectural history, all periods of history and all parts of the world. AAR only. Accessible also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). Continues the Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians, v.1 (1941)-v.4 (1944).
Publishes research in art history, the history of ideas, and cultural history, including topics such as arts in their various forms, religion, philosophy, science, literature and magic, as well as intellectual, political and social life, from Antiquity to the dawn of the contemporary era. Accessible also thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). Continues the Journal of the Warburg Institute, v.1 (1937)-v.2 (1939).
Kunstgeschichte Open Peer Reviewed Journal, on all aspects and all epochs in history of art. Open access.
Publishes academic articles, judgements, on upcoming conferences, on news and current developments within the field of art law. Issued by the Institut für Kunst und Recht IFKUR e.V. (Institute of Art and Law, Heidelberg, Germany). Open access.
L'uomo nero : Materiali per una storia delle arti della modernità, published by the Chair of History of Contemporary Art of the Università degli studi di Milano, focuses on contemporary art studies. Open access.
Issued by AILA, the Australian Institute of Landscape Architecture. Continues Landscape Australia (v.1 (1979)-v.28 (2006)). Access thru JSTOR (AAR only).
Publishes on the topics of interest and research of the Louvre : History of art, archaeology, museology, conservation and adjacent areas. Open access.
Issued by the École pratique des hautes études, the École des chartes, and the École du Louvre. On all aspects of architectural history. The biannual volumes have a thematic focus. Open access.
Marges : Revue d'art contemporaine, on all aspects of contemporary art, including aesthetics, philosophy of art and more. The volumes cover a thematic focus each. Open access.
Leading international periodical for the study of drawings from the 14th century to the present day in Europe and the Americas, dealing with all aspects of the field, including the publication of unknown material and new attributions, as well as the presentation of significant findings regarding the collecting, function, subject matter, and conservation of drawings. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall), Available in the Library, most recent issues included.
Contemporary architecture.
Access to the Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin is through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only), at the Met site (also to newer issues), or in the Library, which has the complete holdings.
Miradas : Journal for the Arts and Culture od the Américas and the Iberian Peninsula. Issued by the IEK (Institut für Europäische Kunstgeschichte, Universität Heidelberg). Open access.
Issued by the KHI Florenz. Each volume consists of three issues, which publish the results of current research conducted by the KHI's resident and guest scholars as well as external specialists within the broad field of the history of the visual arts in Italy from the Middle Ages to the present. Access thru KHI, open access with moving wall, or thru JSTOR (without moving wall, AAR only)
Issued by the Museum of Art & Archaeology, University of Missouri. Open access.
Each volume with a thematic focus. Open access.
Founded in 2002, NCAW is a journal devoted to the study of nineteenth-century painting, sculpture, graphic arts, photography, architecture, and decorative arts across the globe, open to various historical and theoretical approaches. The chronological scope of the journal is the “long” nineteenth century, stretching from the American and French Revolutions, at one end, to the outbreak of World War I, at the other. Because the 19th century represents the beginning of the formation of a “global culture,” the journal covers the visual culture of all parts of the world—from the Americas to the Far East and from Scandinavia to Africa and Australia. Open access.
Art criticism and theory ; focuses on contemporary art (film, painting, music, media, photography, performance, sculpture and more and their various contexts of interpretation. Full text online (AAR only) ; access also thru JSTOR with moving wall (AAR only).
Based at The Open University, UK. Each edition tackles a key theme, issue or critical debate. On all aspects of art & architecture, all cultures and all epochs. Open access.
On the history of architecture and of the city. Issued by the Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Firenze. Open access.
Pegasus: Berliner Beiträge zum Nachleben der Antike (issued by Census Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance), published v.1 (1999)-v.20 (2020) covered research in all disciplines focusing on the classical tradition and the reception and adaption of classical antiquity.
Perspective : actualité en histoire de l'art, issued by the INHA (Institut national d'histoire d'art, France), on all aspects of art history, in all periods. Published in issues with a thematic focus. AAR only,
On the future of architecture, landscape and urbanism. Explore also the Places archive, containing the issues pre-2009, prior to moving online.
Issued by the RIHA (the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art). Publishes articles in the full range of the history of art and visual culture. Open access. Access also to special issues with a thematic focus.
Issued by the INASA (Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte, the National Institute of Archaeology and Art History), the RIASA was established in 1929 and is still one of the most authoritative Italian journals in the field of classical archaeology and art history. Open access until n.s.v.26 (2003).
Issued by the SISF (Società Italiana di Studi di Fotografia). Publishes articles on research and studies into photography, both historical and contemporary, articles on sources and the custodianship of photographs, and reviews of books, events and exhibitions of particular importance to the development of the study in this field. Open access.
Issued by the Fondazione Giorgio Cini. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall) ; the more recent volumes are in the Library.
Sculpture Journal is Britain’s foremost scholarly journal devoted to sculpture in all its aspects from prehistory to the present across the globe. Full text online (AAR only) beginning with v.13 (2005) ; previous volumes are available in the Library.
On history of art, including all aspects of western and nonwestern art as well as archaeology. AAR only. Older issues available at JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Studi di Memofonte is the journal issued by the Fondazione Memofonte (Florence), focusing on history and historiography of art and the history of art collections in the fifteenth to twentieth centuries.
Housed at the Index of Christian Art, Princeton University. Publishes on iconography and every aspect of visual culture of the period up to 1600. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Issued by the National Gallery of Art. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). Beginning with v.10 (1982) the titles are monographic and have a thematic focus. The Library has the full run, including the most recent issues (which are not accessible thru JSTOR).
On all aspects of the history of gardens and designed landscapes, diachronically and across cultures, seeking to situate specific analysis in the larger cultural context that includes social and cultural history, geography, aesthetics, technology (including horticulture) and conservation. Full text online beginning with v.17 (1997) to present.
Issued by The National Gallery, London. Publishes on the study of the materials and techniques of painting, and the scientific examination of paintings. Open access.
An an urban planning and regional planning journal, TPR provides a principal forum for communication between researchers and students, policy analysts and practitioners, publishing a diversity of research approaches and topics (spatial planning ; regional development and analysis ; urban regeneration and renewal ; community planning and participation ; social cohesion and spatial inequalities ; urban design and conservation ; environmental planning and sustainable development and more). For newer issues click here ; Issues prior to 2002 available at JSTOR.
Some journals on the history of cities, on urbanism, on urban issues and similar (AAR only on subscription, or open access or access with moving wall) ; articulo : journal of urban research ; Built environment ; Contesti : Città, territori, progetti ; Journal of urban archaeology ; Métropoles ; places ; Urban History ; Urban History Review ; Urban Studies ; UrbNet : The Annual of the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions [...]
Visible Language’s mission is to support the community of communication design scholars and practitioners as they enhance human experience through the advancement of research and practice. Published by the School of Design at the University of Cincinnati. Open access 12 months from publication.
West 86th : A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture (pre-2011 published as Studies in the Decorative Arts). Focusing on all aspects of the content, meaning, and significance of material objects in history. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
WAJ, founded in 1980, focuses on women artists and issues related to women in all areas of the visual arts as well as on research with feminist approaches to women artists from various art historical periods to the present. Full text online, AAR only ; accessible also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
Publishes research with an exclusive focus on the special study of the relations between words and images from all historical periods and perspectives, both theoretical and practical. Full text online, AAR only. See also the special issues.
Founded in 1932, the Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte today is a platform for art historians throughout the world, open to any periods, topics, and methods. Full text online to most recent volumes (AAR only) and thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall) ; the Library holds all volumes. See also its previous titles : Monatshefte der kunstwissenschaftlichen Literatur, 1905-1907 ; Monatshefte für Kunstwissenschaft, 1908-1922 ; Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft, 1923-1930.
Annually published, since 1966, by the Filozofski fakultet’s Department of Art History at the University of Belgrad.
Critical bibliographical journal of Iranian studies. Open access.
Aestimatio : Critical reviews in the history of science, issued by the Institute for Research in Classical Philosophy and Science (IRCPS), provides critical assessments of books published in the history of science from antiquity up to the early modern period. To access v.1 (2004) to v.14 (2009) click here. To access the new series Aestimatio : Sources and studies in the history of science, beginning with v.1 (2020), click here.
The American Journal of Archaeology publishes online-only book reviews (open access). These reviews are posted in tandem with the respective printed issue and are listed in that issue’s table of contents. Prior to 2006, book reviews were published in the printed American Journal of Archaeology and are available in JSTOR.
Beginning with the publication year 2011, the Ancient History Bulletin publishes all reviews online, in a new journal called the Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews.
Review articles on publications in all fields of classical studies. Open access beginning with v.71 (2018). Earlier volumes, beginning with v.1 (1948) are available in the Library.
Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica, the principal classical journal of Finland (published since 1954), provides open access to the reviews published in the journal; the AAR Library owns all volumes.
Reviews on all aspects of classical antiquity and its reception in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Universidade de Coimbra.
Bibliotheca Orientalis is a quadrimonthly journal, issued by the Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, containing reviews and bibliographical data on books published on the ancient and modern Near East. The AAR Library’s online subscription covers v.54 (1997) to v.76 (2019).
The Bryn Mawr Electronic Resources Review (1998-2000) was an independent online journal for reviews of electronic resources having to do with the ancient world.
Byzantine Review publishes reviews, notes and reports on current publications from all areas of Byzantine studies (history, philology, archaeology, numismatics, sigillography, literature), with a timeframe from Late Antiquity to the 15th century. Issued by the Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
caa.reviews, founded in 1998, publishes timely scholarly and critical reviews of studies and projects in all areas and periods of art history, visual studies, and the fine arts, providing peer review for the disciplines served by the College Art Association.
Issued by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. PDF copies of the reviews are available for download each month.
Critical journal for classical studies, covering all fields of classical antiquity. Older issues are available via JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). The Library subscribes to the online version beginning with v.88 (2016).
Issued by the Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Founded in 1739, one of the review journals with longest tradition. On all aspects of humanities. AAR only.
AAR only. Older volumes are available in the library.
Book reviews covering all areas of the humanities, but the reviews can be searched and limited to, for example, Rome.
History, art history, and archaeology.
Issued by the Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Reviews on art history, all aspects, from classical antiquity to modern times (with moving wall).
An international, open-access review of literature and culture at the nexus of history, theology, religion, and the arts.
Since 1993, the Medieval Review (formerly the Bryn Mawr Medieval Review) has been publishing reviews of current work in all areas of medieval studies, a field it interprets as broadly as possible.
This journal publishes reviews of works in Portuguese and Spanish about the ancient world, including also reception studies and the classical tradition. Open access.
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews began publication in January 2002.
Focuses on late antiquity, including history, literary history, archaeology, and the history of religion.
Rhea publishes reviews written exclusively by emerging or alternative academics, giving priority to new and underrepresented voices. Open access.
Ride is a review journal dedicated to digital editions and resources. It aims to direct attention to digital editions and to provide a forum in which expert peers criticize and discuss the efforts of digital editors in order to improve current practices and advance future developments.
Book reviews. History, ancient to modern times.
Book reviews.
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