Music Scores
Listed here are uncatalogued music scores in the AAR Library.
S. Adler, J. Alexander, M. Babbitt, E. Bacon, A. Berger, S. Berkowitz, M. Brunswick, N. Cazden, I. Dahl, V. Fine, M. Gideon, M. Gould, R. Helps, P. Glanville-Hicks, A. Hovhanes, K. Kennan, E. Kim, L. Kraft, H. Overton, G. Perle, P. A. Pisk, M. Powell, J. Prostakoff, B. Weber.
New Music for the Piano, selected by Joseph Prostakoff Lawson-Gould Music Publishers, Inc., New York, 1963; Part (pianoforte).
Adams, John.
Nixon in China. Opera in Two Acts; Score; Gift of John Adams RAAR '1988, in due volumi separatamente rilegati.
Alexander, Kathryn.
Rainbows Stretched Like Endless Reins for Solo Violin (1986) 1986; Part (violino).
Aliferis, James (arr.).
Cherubic Hymn for Four Part Mixed Voices S.A.T.B. - A Cappella M. Witmark & Sons, New York, 1940.
Asia, Daniel.
Sacred Songs, 1989, Score.
Asia, Daniel.
Symphony 1 for orchestra, 1987.
Beeson, Jack.
Tides of Miranda. Madrigal for Five Voices, SSATB unaccompanied. Poem by Sarah Moore. Oxford University Press Inc. 1969, Score; “Ex munificentia: The Composer.”
Beeson, Jack.
Homer’s Woe. 12 Rounds for Treble Voices. Texts anonymous. Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., New York, 1967, Score, “Ex munificentia: The Composer.”
Beeson, Jack.
Three Settings from the Bay Psalm Book. No. 1. Psalm 131 Oxford University Press Inc., 1969, Score, “Ex munificentia: The Composer.”
Beeson, Jack.
Three Settings from the Bay Psalm Book. No. 2. Psalm 47; Oxford University Press Inc., 1969, Score, “Ex munificentia: The Composer.”
Beeson, Jack.
Three Settings from the Bay Psalm Book. No. 3. Psalm 23; Oxford University Press Inc., 1969.
Beeson, Jack.
To a Lady who Asked for a Cypher. Chromatic double canon for mixed voices. Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., New York, 1970, Score, “Ex munificentia: The Composer.”
Bermel, Derek.
Animal Jam (2002). Text: Mark Halliday; Music: Derek Bermel, 2002.
Biscardi, Chester.
Companion Piece. Piano solo Edition Peters, New York, London, Frankfurt, 1995, Part (pianoforte).
Biscardi, Chester.
Incitation to Desire (Tango). Piano solo, Edition Peters, New York, London, Frankfurt, 1996, Part (pianoforte).
Biscardi, Chester.
Mestiere for Piano, Merion Music, Inc., Bryn Mawr, 1980, Part (pianoforte).
Biscardi, Chester.
Nel giardinetto della villa. In the Little Garden of the Villa for piano four hands, 1994.
Biscardi, Chester.
Piano Sonata Edition Peters, New York, London, Frankfurt, 1989, Part (pianoforte).
Biscardi, Chester.
Resisting Stillness. Two Guitars, Merion Music, Inc., Bryn Mawr, 1998, Due parti singole uguali (chitarre).
Biscardi, Chester.
Tenzone for 2 flutes and piano, Merion Music, Inc., Bryn Mawr, 1977.
Biscardi, Chester.
The Gift of Life. Soprano and Piano Edition Peters, New York, London, Frankfurt, 1996, Part (pianoforte e voce).
Biscardi, Chester.
Trasumanar. Twelve Percussionists and Piano, Edition Peters, New York, London, Frankfurt, 1995, Score, Photocopy?
Biscardi, Chester.
Traverso for Flute and Piano Merion Music, Inc., Bryn Mawr, 1987, Parti singole: una part per pianoforte e flauto, un'altra per il flauto.
Boatwright, Howard.
God is our refuge and strength. Motet for Four-part Chorus of Mixed Voices (a cappella), E. C. Schirmer Music Company, Boston, 1959.
Botti, Susan.
3 Poèmes de Jaccottet, voice & piano, Score, Gift of Susan Botti, Subo Music.
Botti, Susan.
Arias from Telaio: Desdemona. Soprano & String Quartet, 1995, Score, Gift of Susan Botti.
Botti, Susan.
Translucence. Symphony Orchestra, 2005, Score, Gift of Susan Botti.
Bresnick, Martin.
String Quartet 2. 'Bucephalus', 1984.
Bresnick, Martin.
Wir Weben, Wir Weben for String Orchestra, 1976-78.
Carter, Elliott.
A Mirror on Which to Dwell (Six Poems of Elizabeth Bishop) for Soprano and Chamber Orchestra, Associated Music Publishers,
New York/London, 1977, Score, No. 2 copie.
Carter, Elliott.
Double Concerto for Harpsichord and Piano with Two Chamber Orchestras (1961), Associated Music Publishers, New York/London,1962, 1964.
Carter, Elliott.
Duo for Violin and Piano (1974), Associated Music Publishers, New York/London, 1976, Parti singole: una part per pianoforte e violino, un'altra per il violino.
Carter, Elliott.
In Sleep, in Thunder. Six Poems of Robert Lowell for Tenor and 14 Instrumentalists, Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., New York, 1982, Score No. 2 copie.
Carter, Elliott.
Night Fantasies for Piano, Associated Music Publishers, New York/London, 1982, Part (pianoforte), No. 2 copie.
Carter, Elliott.
Piano Concerto, Associated Music Publishers, Inc., New York, 1967, Two-piano-score: Reduction by the Composer(due copie).
Carter, Elliott.
Sonata for Violoncello and Piano (1948). Corrected edition, 1966, Associated Music Publishers, New York/London, 1951, 1953, Parti singole: una part per pianoforte e violoncello, un'altra per il violoncello.
Carter, Elliott.
String Quartet No. 3, Associated Music Publishers, New York/London, 1973.
Carter, Elliott.
Three Poems of Robert Frost for Voice and Piano, Associated Music Publishers, New York/London, 1975.
Carter, Elliott.
Voyage for Medium Voice and Piano, Associated Music Publishers, New York/London, 1973.
Cowell, Henry.
Concerto Brevis for Accordion and Orchestra, Pietro Deiro Publications/MOMAC Music, New York, 1962, Piano Reduction by the Composer Gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra, C. F. Peters Corporation, New York - London - Frankfurt 1961, Score Gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Four Declamations with Return for Cello and Piano Associated Music Publishers, New York/London, 1979, Parti singole: una per pianoforte e violoncello, un'altra per violoncello, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Homage to Iran for Violin and Piano C. F. Peters Corporation, New York - London – Frankfurt, 1959, Parti singole: una per pianoforte e violino, un'altra per violino, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Hymn and Fuguing Tune No. 16 for Orchestra, C. F. Peters Corporation, New York - London - Frankfurt 1966, Score, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Rondo for 3 Trumpets, 2 Horns, 2 Trombones, C. F. Peters Corporation, New York - London - Frankfurt , 1959, Score, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor
Cowell, Henry.
Set of Four for Harpsichord (or Piano) (1960), Associated Music Publishers, New York/London, 1976, Part singola (pianoforte/clavicembalo), gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Seven Paragraphs. Trio. Violin, Viola, Violoncello, C. F. Peters Corporation, New York - London – Frankfurt, 1966, Score e tre parti singole per violino, viola, violoncello, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Suite for Woodwind Quintet: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn and Basson, Merrymount Music Press, Bryn Mawr, 1949, Score e parti singole per: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Horn I in F, Bassoon, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Symphony No. 12, Associated Music Publishers, Inc., New York, 1960, Score, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Symphony No. 15 “Thesis,” Associated Music Publishers, Inc., New York, 1962, Score, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
The Piano Music, Associated Music Publishers, New York/London 1982, Part (pianoforte), gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Trio for Flute, Violin and Harp, 1979, Score e due parti singole (violino, flauto), Photocopy dell'edizione di 1979 di C. F. Peters Corporation, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Cowell, Henry.
Trio in Nine Short Movements for Violin, Violoncello and Piano, C. F. Peters Corporation, New York - London – Frankfurt, 1968, Parti singole: una per pianoforte, violino, violoncello; una per violino; una per violoncello, gift of Mr. Bruce Saylor.
Crumb, George.
Ancient Voices of Children. Soprano, Boy Soprano, Oboe, Mandolin, Harp, Electric Piano, Percussion, C. F. Peters Corporation, New York - London – Frankfurt, 1970.
Danzi, Franç[ois].
Quintetto pour le Pianoforte, Hautbois, Clarinette, Cor et Basson op. 41, Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Parti singole (pianoforte, fagotto, cor in F, clarinetto in B, oboe).
Diesendruck, Tamar.
The Second Coming - Poem by W. B. Yeats - setting for Baritone and Orchestra by Tamar Diesendruck, 1987.
Dohnányi, Ernst von.
Quintett c Moll Op. 1 für Pianoforte, zwei Violinen, Viola und Violoncell Universal-Edition - Ludwig Doblinger (Bernhard Herzmansky - Wien).
Druckman, Jacob.
Duo for Violin and Piano, Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., 1978, Parti singole: una part per pianoforte e violino, un'altra per violino.
Eaton, John.
Ma Barker (libretto by Arthus Gold), Partitua, manoscritto in condizioni cattive.
Erb, Donald.
String Quartet No. 2, 1989.
Erb, Donald.
Concerto for Brass and Orchestra, Merion Music, Inc., Bryn Mawr 1989.
Franck, César.
Quintette en Fa mineur pour Piano, 2 Violons, Alto et Violoncello. Maison J. Maho, Editeur, J. Hamelle Succr., Paris, Score e parti singole per le i due violini, la viola, il violoncello.
Grieg, Edvard.
Sonata op. 45, G. Schirmer, 1910, Solo part per il violino, manca il frontespizio con il titolo dell'opera.
Haieff, Alexei.
Quintet per Fl. Ob. Cl. Fg. Cr., Score e due parti una per oboe, una per fagotto.
Hanon, C[harles] L[ouis].
The Virtuoso-Pianist In Sixty Exercises. Part III. The B. F. Wood Music Co., Boston – London, 1907, Part (pianoforte).
Harrison, Lou.
Six Sonatas for Cembalo or Pianoforte. New Music. A Quarterly Publishing Modern Compositions. The New Music Society Publisher, New York 1943. Part (pianoforte/clavicembalo).
Hartke, Stephen.
Alvorada. Three Madrigals for String Orchestra (1983), Norruth Music, Inc., St. Louis, 1989.
Hartke, Stephen.
Canções modernistas. Modernist Songs (1982) for Soprano and Piano, Norruth Music, Inc., St. Louis, 1991, 1982.
Hartke, Stephen.
Canções modernistas. Soprano, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet & Viola (1982), Norruth Music, Inc., St. Louis, 1991, 1982.
Hartke, Stephen.
Caoline for Solo Violin, Unaccompanied, The Unicorn Music Company, Inc., 1982, Part (violino).
Hartke, Stephen.
Four Madrigals on old Portuguese Texts for Unaccompanied SATB and SSATB Solo Voices or Chamber Choir, Serenissima Music Company, 1982.
Hartke, Stephen.
Iglesia abandonada for soprano & violin, Serenissima Music Company, 1984, Score, No. 2 copie.
Hartke, Stephen.
Maltese Cat Blues for Orchestra, Norruth Music Inc., St. Louis, 1987.
Hartke, Stephen.
Night Rubrics (1990). Phantasy for Solo Cello, Norruth Music, Inc., St. Louis, 1990, Part (violoncello).
Hartke, Stephen.
Pacific Rim for Orchestra, Norruth Music, Inc., Saint Louis 1988.
Hartke, Stephen.
Symphony No. 2, Norruth Music Inc., St. Louis, 1991.
Hartke, Stephen.
The King of the Sun. Tableaux for Violin, Viola, Cello and Piano (1988), Norruth Music, Inc., Saint Louis, 1989, Score, esiste anche una Photocopy (Norruth Music Inc., 1989).
Hartke, Stephen.
Wir küssen Ihnen tausendmal die Hände. Homage to Mozart (1991), Norruth Music, Inc., Saint Louis, 1991.
Helps, Robert.
Fantasy for Violin and Piano (Part I of Serenade commissioned by the Fromm Music Foundation), American Composers Alliance. American Composers Edition - Composers Facsimile Edition, New York, 1963.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Echo for solo horn, 1996, Part (corno).
Hindman, Dorothy.
I Have Heard… for SSAATTBB choir, Broadcast Music, Inc. Birmingham?, 1994, arr. 1996.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Magic City in moto perpertuo for Orchestra, 1999.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Psalm 121 for SATB choir, a capella, 2001.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Scintille for orchestra, 2006.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Strata for Orchestra, 2004.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Streaming for orchestra, 2003.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Time Management for double bass solo. 2003. Part (contrabasso).
Hindman, Dorothy.
Soliloquy for Clarinet, 1991, revised 1993, Part (clarinetto).
Hindman, Dorothy.
Trembling for flute, 1998, Part (flauto).
Hindman, Dorothy.
Setting Century in three movements for orchestra, 1999/2003.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Chemistry for Chamber Orchestra, 1993.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Beyond the Cloud of Unknowing for Marimba solo, 1992, revised 1993, Part (marimba).
Hindman, Dorothy.
“drowning Xnumbers” for amplified solo cello, 1994, Part (violoncello).
Hindman, Dorothy.
Needlepoint for guitar solo, 2004, Part (chitarra).
Hindman, Dorothy.
Drift for saxophone quartet, 2002, Score, No. 2 copie.
Hindman, Dorothy.
Taut for guitar quartet, 2003.
Hummel, J[ohann] N[epomuk].
Quintette pour Piano, Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et Contrebasse op. 87, Henry Litolff's Verlag, Braunschweig & New York, Parti singole archi e score.
Ince, Kamran.
Cross Scintillations (1986) for Piano with two Players, 1986.
Ince, Kamran.
Kaç, 1983.
Jaffe, Stephen.
Centering. Duo for Violins (1978), Mobart Music Publications, New York 1983, Score (due copie uguali).
Jaffe, Stephen.
Four Images for Orchestra - I. Intrada (preliminary version), 1981.
Janssen, Werner.
Fuge über das amerikanische Volkslied “Dixie” für Orchester (aus der Louisiana-Suite). Fugue on the American Folk-Song, Dixie, for Orchestra (out of the Louisiana Suite), Ernst Eulenburg, Leipzig; C. C. Birchard & Co. Boston, Mass., 1934, Score, Publications of the American Academy in Rome No. 5, No. 10 copie.
Kilstofte, Mark.
Peace for SATB choir, a cappella, The Newmatic Press, 2003.
Kreiger, Arthur.
Remnants for Orchestra, 1983.
Kreiger, Arthur, V.
Complaint for chorus, soloists and electronic tape. Poem by William Carlos Williams, Mobart Music Publications, New York, 1979.
Lam, Bun-Ching.
Another Spring, Due parti singole: uno per: Violoncello, uno per: Alto Flute, Photocopy.
Lam, Bun-Ching.
Quartetto, solo part per il violoncello, Photocopy.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
Concerto for two pianos and chamber orchestra, 1983.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
“Hylidae... The Tree Frogs” for violin double bass and piano..., Commissioned by Collage for Joel Smirnoff and Edwin Barker. 1984.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
Marimolin (1986) ... For Sharon “violin” Leventhal and Nancy “marimba” Zeltsman! 1986.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
29 Fireflies for solo piano... Book I, four pieces. 1977, Part (pianoforte).
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
29 Fireflies for solo piano... Book II, 7 pieces, V-XI (1982-1986). 1986, Part (pianoforte).
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
Concertino (1986) for trumpet, strings and timpani... Commisioned by the Fairfield Chamber Orchestra! 1986.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
... to Leah, “Waltzes, opus 26,” (1984)... For the Brookline Wind Quintet. 1984.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
String Quartet No. 5... Subtitle: Four Birthdays! (1987). 1987.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
String Trio (1985)... commissioned by the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra. 1985.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
Harp Trio (1986) (subtitle: “September”), 1986.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
Piano Sextet (1985), 1985.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
“The Double L Triptych,” opus 22 four double-read (oboe), double-string quartet, and double-bass. Commissioned by Fredric T. Cohen. 1983, Score.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
Harp Concerto (1985), 1985.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
“Saxxologie... A Sextet” (1984) for 2 soprano, alto, 2 tenor, and baritone saxophones. 1984.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
Phantasia for Elvira Shatayev text by Adrienne Rich music by Thomas Oboe Lee... For soprano and orchestra., 1981.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
“The Cockscomb” ...text by Barbara Kühn ...music by Thomas Oboe Lee ...a theatre-piece in seven scenes. Commissioned by the Berkshire Music Center and the Fromm Music Foundation. 1981.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
Cavatina Cavadini for orchestra..., 1984.
Lee, Thomas Oboe.
Third String Quartet (“...child of Uranus, father of Zeus”), Margun Music Inc., Newton Centre, 1985, Score e parti singole per: Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Violoncello.
Leidesdorf, M. J.
Grand Quintetto pour Pianoforte, Violon, Clarinette, Violoncelle et Basson, Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Parti singole: pianoforte, violino, clarinetto in B, violoncello, fagotto.
Lennon, John Antony.
Metapictures for Chamber Orchestra, 1981.
Mason, Charles Norman.
Expressway for Orchestra, 2003.
Mason, Charles Norman.
Mirrors, Stones, and Cotton for Guitar and Pre-Recorded Sound, Living Artist Publishing, Brimingham, 1995, Part singola per la chitarra, Photocopy.
Mason, Charles Norman.
A completed Portrait of Picasso. Tenor, Violin, Cello, Bassoon, and Piano, 2003.
Mason, Charles Norman.
From shook foil for SATB chorus and Tape, Living Music Foundation, Inc., Birmingham, 1992.
Mason, Charles Norman.
Anthem of Despair and Hope. SATB Choir Living Music Foundation, Inc., Birmingham 1996.
Mason, Charles Norman.
Hradcanska. Living Artist Publishing, Brimingham, 1995.
Mason, Charles Norman.
Senderos Que se Bifurcan for Bb Clarinet, Living Artist Publishing, Brimingham 2000.
Mason, Charles Norman.
Thimblerigger For Double Bass and Pre-recorded Sound, Living Artist Publishing, Brimingham, 2003.
Mason, Charles Norman.
Fishing through the open door, Living Artist Publishing, Brimingham, 1999.
Mason, Charles Norman.
The Artist and his Model for Cello and TapeAmerican Composers Alliance, New York, 1992.
Moevs, R[obert].
Una collana musicale: 12 Brief Pieces for Pianoforte 1977, Part (pianoforte), Photocopy.
Mozart, W[olfgang] A[madeus].
Quintett für Pianoforte, Oboe, Clarinette, Horn u. Fagott, Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, Parti singole: pianoforte, oboe, clarinetto, corno, fagotto.
Neil, William.
A Play of Poems (1984), 1984, Score.
Neil, William
Oboe Concerto in One Movement, Part (oboe).
Rakowski, David.
Études Book I. 1988-1996. Part (pianoforte).
Rakowski, David.
Études Book II. 1996-1998, Part (pianoforte).
Rakowski, David.
E-Machines, 1990, 1988, Part, Photocopy dell'edizione C. F. Peters di 1990.
Rakowski, David.
BAM! 1991, Part, Photocopy.
Rakowski, David.
Nocturnal (Étude #3), 1991, Part (pianoforte), Photocopy.
Rakowski, David.
Étude No. 5. Figure Eight for piano solo, Part (pianoforte), Photocopy.
Rakowski, David.
Mano à Mano (Étude No. 6), 1995, Part (pianoforte), Photocopy.
Rakowski, David.
Les Arbres Embués (Étude #7), 1995, Part (pianoforte), Photocopy.
Rakowski, David.
Close Enough for Jazz (Étude #8), 1995, Part (pianoforte), Photocopy.
Rakowski, David.
Pollici e Mignoli (or, The Virus That Ate New York) (Etude #9), 1995, Part (pianoforte), Photocopy.
Rakowski, David.
Terra Firma for flute, B-flat clarinet, piano, violin and violoncello, 1988.
Rakowski, David.
Trillage, 1995, 1993, Part, Photocopy dell'edizione C. F. Peters di 1995.
Rakowski, David.
Persistent Memory for chamber orchestra, 1996-97, Score, “Ex munificentia David Rakowski FAAR’”. CD allegato, No. 2 copie.
Rochberg, George.
Songs in Praise of Krishna for Soprano and Piano. Texts from the Bengali edited by Edward C. Dimock, Jr., Denise Levertov Theodore Presser Company, Bryn Mawr, 1981, Score, Gift of Rochberg family.
Rochberg, George.
Songs of Inanna and Dumuzi for Contralto and Piano based on Ancient Sumerian texts, Theodore Presser Company, Bryn Mawr, 1983.
Rorem, Ned.
Sound Points for Piano. 2003, Part (pianoforte), Photocopy.
Rubinstein, A[rthur].
Sei Studi per Pianoforte Op.23, G. Ricordi & C., Milano.
Schumann, Robert.
Ouverture zu der Oper Genoveva Op. 81, Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1882, Score, herausgegeben von Clara Schumann.
Schumann, Robert.
Ouverture zu Schiller's Braut von Messina Op.100, Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1882, Score, herausgegeben von Clara Schumann.
Schumann, Robert.
Ouverture zu Shakespeare's Julius Cäsar Op. 128 für grosses Orchester, Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1885, Score, herausgegeben von Clara Schumann.
Schumann, Robert.
Zweite Grosse Sonate für Violine und Pianoforte Op. 121, Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig, 1880, Parti singole: una per pianoforte e violino, un'altra per violino herausgegeben von Clara Schumann.
Sessions, Roger.
Symphony No. 3, Marks Music Corporation, New York, 1962.
Shapey, Ralph.
Incantations for Soprano & 10 Instruments, USIS.
Silver, Sheila.
Canto for Baritone and Chamber Ensemble. Text - Canto XXXIX by Ezra Pound. Commissioned by the Berkshire Music Center in cooperation with the Fromm Music Foundation. 1979.
Smit, Leo.
Copernicus. Narrative and Credo for Four-part Chorus of Mixed Voices, Narrator and Instrumental Ensemble. Carl Fischer, Inc., New York, 1982, Piano reduction, voices.
Sowerby, Leo.
Sonata for Violin and Piano Universal-Edition A. G., Wien – Leipzig, 1929, Publications of the Music Department of the American Academy in Rome No. 2.
Steiger, Rand.
Quintessence for Clarinet and Bass Clarinet, Percussion, Piano, Electric Piano, Cello, Score, Photocopy.
Steiger, Rand.
ReSonata, Score, Photocopy.
Stucky, Steven.
Second Concerto for Orchestra, Merion Music, Inc., King of Prussia, PA, 2006, Score, Gift of Steven Stucky.
Tcherepin, Ivan.
Silent Night Mix, 1970, Parti singoli per due piani (Piano I, Piano II).
Tcherepin, Ivan.
Piece sans titre, 1971, Parti singoli per due piani (Piano I, Piano II).
Tcherepin, Ivan.
Alleluia, 1972, Parti singoli per due piani (Piano I, Piano II).
Thorne, Nicholas C. K.
Symphony from Silence. A Piano Symphony (Opus 17, 1982), Margun Music, Inc., Newton Centre.
Thorne, Nicholas C. K.
Symphony No. 2. A Symphony of Light (Opus 21, 1981), Edition Wilhelm Hansen, Copenhagen 1985.
Weisgall, Hugo.
A garden eastward. Cantata for High Voice and Orchestra, Merion Music, Inc., 1960, Riduzione per voce e pianoforte.
Weisgall, Hugo.
Overture in F for Orchestra, Theodore Presser Company, Bryn Mawr, 1963.
Weisgall, Hugo.
Purgatory. Opera in One Act Merion Music, Inc., Bryn Mawr, 1959.
Weisgall, Hugo.
Fancies and Inventions for Baritone Voice, Flute, Bb Clarinet, Viola, Cello and Piano. Texts of poems from The Hesperides by Robert Herrick. Theodore Presser Company, Bryn Mawr, 1974.
Weisgall, Hugo.
Translations. Seven Songs for Voice and Piano. Theodore Presser Company, Bryn Mawr, 1978.
Weisgall, Hugo.
End of Summer for Tenor Voice, Oboe and String Trio, Theodore Presser Company, Bryn Mawr, 1977.
Zwilich, Ellen Taaffe.
Triple Concerto for Violin, Violoncello, Piano, and Orchestra, Merion Music, Inc., Bryn Mawr, 1997.
Unknown Composers
Part for piano and some base instruments, lacks frontispiece with name of composer and title of the work. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig.
Part for piano and some string instruments; only from page 337 to page 351, which seems to be the last page. Variations for piano, violin?? and violoncello? C. F. Peters.
Lacks first page - score (orchestra and voices); lacks the first page with the name of composer and title; for orchestra and voices; text in French.