Incontri AIAC – Immagini e società

The American Academy in Rome will host a panel of the Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica (AIAC), in that organization’s long-standing Incontri series. The theme for this evening is Immagini e società.
Presenting on the AIAC program, to be moderated by Eugenio Polito of Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, will be:
- Chiara Lo Verme, Sapienza Università di Roma, La coroplastica votiva nell’agro ceretano. Il complesso santuariale di Pyrgi e le aree sacre di Caere e del suo territorio a confronto
- Evan Jewell (2023 Fellow), American Academy in Rome and Rutgers University, Re-thinking the bearded portraits of the Julio-Claudian family: The “depositio barbae” from subaltern ritual to dynastic event?
- Joacim Seger, Svenska Institutet i Rom, “Imagines Clipeatae”: Framing Memory in the Roman World
- Rebecca Levitan (2021 Fellow), British School at Rome and University of California, Berkeley, Revisiting the Sculpture from the Grotto at Sperlonga
Founded in Rome in 1945, AIAC aims to facilitate international collaboration among classical archaeologists through coordinating conferences and congresses of classical archeology. It also serves as the principal clearinghouse in Rome for information on archaeology-related scholarly events. AIAC publishes Fasti Online, the premier international database for archaeological excavations in thirteen countries in the territory of the former Roman Empire (including Italy), which in turn continues its print Fasti Archaeologici (published 1948–87). Since 2000, AIAC has organized a series of monthly Incontri in Rome, where young scholars from Italian universities and the many foreign institutes in the city can present their research.
For more information about the event, please write to conferenze [at] (conferenze[at]aiac[dot]org).