Joseph Williams – Architectural Industry in the Medieval Mediterranean: Evidence from 3D Photography of the Church of S. Corrado in Molfetta (ca. 1150–1300)

On the Apulian coast of South Italy during the 12th and 13th centuries, church building and commerce boomed alongside each other. To what extent did the stimulus of trade help to forge an interconnected architectural industry in the region? Williams probes this question in the example of the church of S. Corrado in Molfetta. The talk will zero in on the data of photogrammetry--the reproduction of a building's three-dimensional structure using photographs--as evidence for themes such as the standardization of materials and the division of labor between quarry and construction site.
Joseph Williams is the Phyllis W.G. Gordan / Lily Auchincloss / Samuel H. Kress Foundation Rome Prize Fellow in Medieval Studies at the American Academy in Rome and a PhD candidate in the Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies at Duke University, North Carolina.
The shoptalk will be held in English. You can watch this event live at