Political Violence: From the Storming of the US Capitol to the March on Rome

Italian Fascist paramilitary squadristi, 1921
Both the far right and far left have used and continue to use political violence for the purpose of destabilization or actual overthrow of the state. What do the methods and modalities of these movements across time and location have in common? Answering this question is central to addressing current challenges to democracy occurring across the globe.
Through a series of presentations centering on twentieth- and twenty-first-century American and European politics—particularly the present day, the 1960s and 1970s, and the era of Fascism and Nazism—this conference explores, in reverse chronology, how political violence has been mobilized to justify political ends by analyzing a series of questions: How did violence relate to the goals of the movement, and how was it represented by the perpetrators and victims? How was it legitimized and rationalized as a tool and instrument of mobilization? What role did previous war, combat, and policing experience play in the violent political mobilization?
Delivering the keynote lectures are Nancy MacLean (Duke University) on February 10 and Alexander Hinton (Rutgers University, Newark) on February 11. The conference speakers include: Manuela Consonni (Hebrew University), Donna Murch (Rutgers University), Simon Martin (Trinity College Rome/British School at Rome), Ousmane Power-Greene (Clark University), Matthew Myers (British School at Rome), Luca Peretti (University of Warwick), John Foot (University of Bristol), Giulia Albanese (University of Padua), Amy King (University of Bristol), Gabriele Proglio (University of Gastronomic Sciences), Giorgia Bulli (University of Florence), Alessandro Saluppo (University of Padua), Andrea Mammone (La Sapienza), and Marla Stone (American Academy in Rome and Occidental College).
The presentations will be given in English.
This event, to be presented in person at the Academy as well as on Zoom, is free and open to the public.
Watch the Proceedings
The Academy has created a playlist on its YouTube channel that gathers video of most presentations from Political Violence.
Thursday, February 10
Mark Robbins, President and CEO, American Academy in Rome
Marla Stone, Andrew W. Mellon Humanities Professor, American Academy in Rome, and Professor of History, Occidental College
Panel 1 - Political Violence and the Contemporary Politics of Left and Right
Chair: Elena Past, Rome Prize Fellow in Modern Italian Studies, American Academy in Rome, and Professor, Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Wayne State University
Giorgia Bulli, Assistant Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Florence
Mainstreaming or Legitimation of Political Violence? Examples from Italy and Germany
Andrea Mammone, La Sapienza University of Rome
Legitimizing Contemporary Right-Wing Nationalism
Donna Murch, Associate Professor of History, Department of History, Rutgers University
The March to Save America: Black Radicalism and the Specter of Racial Fascism
Coffee Break
Panel 2 - Political Violence and Anti-Colonial, Anti-Racist, and Anti-Globalist Struggle
Chair: Mary Jane Dempsey, Rome Prize Fellow in Modern Italian Studies, American Academy in Rome, and PhD Candidate, Department of Romance Languages, Cornell University
Luca Peretti, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Warwick
Thirdworldism, Anticolonialism, and Violence in 1960s Italian Cinema
Ousmane K. Power-Greene, Associate Professor, History Department and Africana Studies, Clark University,
“Stop Killer Cops! Death to the Klan!” Black Activists Fight Racism and Fascism in the 1970s
Gabriele Proglio, Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo
Facing Violence through a Metaphor. The Genoa G8 Summit: From a Single History to Multiple Stories
Keynote Lecture I
Nancy MacLean, William H. Chafe Distinguished Professor of History and Public Policy, Duke University
The Pre-History—and Likely Sequels—of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol
Followed by a reception.
Friday, February 11
Panel 3 - Political Violence: Far Right and Far Left in the 1970s
Chair: Eugenio Refini, National Endowment for the Humanities Rome Prize Fellow, American Academy in Rome, and Associate Professor, Department of Italian Studies, New York University
John Foot, Professor of Modern Italian History, Department of Italian, University of Bristol
How Historians Talk about Violence: Experience, Micro-Histories, and the Lived Experience
Amy King, Lecturer in Liberal Arts, School of Humanities, University of Bristol
The Politics of Sacrifice: Remembering the 1973 Rogo di Primavalle
Matthew Myers, Rome Fellow, British School at Rome
The Spectre of 1922: The Italian Communist Party, Working Class Politics, and the Movement of 1977
Panel 4 - Fascist Political Violence I
Chair: Maddalena Carli, University of Teramo
Simon Martin, Research Fellow, British School at Rome/Trinity College
Giovanni Berta: Political Violence and the Mobilization of a Martyr
Alessandro Saluppo, ERC Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Padua
“Killing and Laughing, Laughing and Killing”: Some Observations on the Nature of Fascist Violence, 1921–1925
Marla Stone, Andrew W. Mellon Humanities Professor, American Academy in Rome, and Professor of History, Occidental College
The Names and Faces of the Enemy as a Mobilization for Fascist Political Violence, 1919–1922
Coffee Break
Panel 5 - Fascist Political Violence II
Chair: Victoria Witkowski, European University Institute
Giulia Albanese, Associate Professor of Modern History, University of Padua
A Violent March on Rome
Manuela Consonni, Pela and Adam Starkopf Chair in Holocaust Studies, Associate Professor, Department of Romance Studies and Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry, Director of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Julius Evola’s Apolitia: Praxis for Political Violence
Victor Isaac Taranto, President’s Fellow at the Mandel School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Inheritance of Violence in Fascism’s Second Generation
Concluding Discussion
Keynote Lecture II
Alexander Hinton, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Director, Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights, Rutgers University
White Power and the Rising Threat of Violence in the US
Followed by a reception.
Space in the Villa Aurelia is limited, and seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you plan to attend an event with a group of over six guests or students, please inform events [at] aarome.org (events[at]aarome[dot]org) with at least 48 hours prior notice so that special arrangements can be made.
Guests will be asked to comply with Covid-19 safety protocols for events:
- Access to the Academy requires the presentation of a valid photo ID and a Super Green Pass
- FFP2 masks are required when indoors, and temperature will be checked before entry
- Visitor contact information may be shared for contact tracing
Please contact events [at] aarome.org (events[at]aarome[dot]org) with any questions.
Backpacks and luggage with dimensions larger than 40 x 35 x 15 cm (16 x 14 x 6 in.) are not permitted on the property. There are no locker facilities available.
Thursday, February 10, 2022 2:00–7:30 PM
Friday, February 11, 2022 11:00 AM–7:30 PM