All over Italy, the weeks-long celebration of Carnevale marks the beginning of Lent with opulent feasts, extravagant costumes, and over-the-top public festivities.
At the American Academy in Rome, especially during the 1960s, Carnevale was an excuse for Fellows to let loose, and to open the Academy’s doors to Italian friends and visitors from other foreign academies. The Fellows—with considerable help from their partners and spouses—organized lively parties featuring food, drink, live music, thematic décor, and costume contests.
In 1966, the theme was Pitture Scelte: animate un quadro favorito; the Academy’s halls were decorated with reproductions of famous artworks, and guests were invited to arrive in costumes inspired by their favorite paintings—you can see one man wearing a life-sized interpretation of Jasper Johns’s Target with Four Faces in one photograph. “The Ball was successful due to the cooperation of all the Fellows,” wrote Linda Patterson, a member of the event committee and the wife of William J. Patterson (1967 Fellow). Three hundred thirty-nine tickets were distributed that year.
The event committees kept detailed reports—such as the one reproduced below—for the benefit of future Fellows, and now for our benefit. Also included is a recipe for wine punch that was served in 1966, as well as at other similar events—in case anyone is inspired to throw their own party à la AAR. Buon Carnevale!
Ball 1966

Ball 1966
The ball was successful due to the cooperation of all the fellows. There are full reports from all committees. I have a few suggestions and tips, as follows:
1. Contract and contract the band first! (we had a date set and then had to change it)
2. Food committee was very important—everyone seemed hungry. Passing food seemed best.
3. Costumes were judged. Important to set up a place for the judges. Signs around the academy the night of the ball explaining the judging should be in both English and Italian.
4. Many people are needed for decorations; that is the setting up the day or two days before.
5. Watch the tips for the coat room. We felt that they should be distributed between all the help! All those working were salaried. Make it clear (in writing) that the tips are either to be distributed or what have you.
6. Tickets should be collected at the front door. This way there can be a count of guests kept.
7. Ball ended around 4 or so.
L. Patterson

1. Large reproductions of paintings were used – paint by artists & sculptures [sic] in Academy.
2. Large crepe paper flowers were made by wives.
3. Streamers and flowers around every door
4. Very colorful & gay.
Artists and committee members started early doing the decorations which is very necessary. There are many last minute chores that are usually unexpected and require a lot of energy.
Punch Recipe

Base for 1 punch bowl
2 Liters white wine
1 cup cognac
¾ cup pineapple juice
½ cup pineapple* chunks marinated for 12 hrs in white wine
(Add mineral water at last minute)
*Cherries and orange + lemon sections were also used
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