Spring–Summer 2023
In this AAR Magazine we announce the winners of the 2023–24 Rome Prize and Italian Fellowships. These exceptional artists, scholars, and thinkers will travel to Rome in the fall to spend five to ten months of creativity and community atop the Janiculum Hill. But what is happening with our current group of Fellows? We offer a glimpse into their studios and studies and describe their projects and research.
This issue looks back at our fall exhibition, From Las Vegas to Rome: Photographs by Iwan Baan, and previews our spring show, June Jordan, The Poetry of Design. Both were curated by Lindsay Harris (2014 Fellow), our interim Andrew Heiskell Arts Director for the last two years. We report on the recent New York Gala, which raised over $1 million for the Academy, as well as introduce Residents and Affiliated Fellows who will join our community this spring and summer.