Artists Making Books looks at the relationship between arts, graphic design, publishers, and books—ultimately exploring their physicality and their power of circulation.
Claudia Consolandi & Giovanni Aldobrandini – On Collecting Books
Additional programming related to the exhibition includes a conversation between Giovanni Aldobrandini and Claudia Consolandi about the books featured in the exhibition.
Please join us on Monday, September 23 for an online Rome Prize Information Session, taking place on Zoom. All prospective Rome Prize applicants are welcome.
Notes from Rome: Music by American Academy in Rome Fellows
Featuring works by five Rome Prize Fellows and performed by the Longleash Ensemble, this concert presents a unique musical viewpoint of Americans returning from Rome.
This concert develops themes of postglobalization identity and hybridity in a multimovement, multimedia opera where Baldwin Giang’s music is accompanied by video footage that marked his personal journey.
The program presents the Italian premieres of works by two composers associated with AAR, Baldwin Giang (2024 Fellow) and David Lang (1991 Fellow, 2017 Resident).
Drawing on their extensive life and work experiences, Erica Hunt (2024 Fellow) and Lina Pallotta will discuss collaborations across various communities, including visual artists, poets, and musicians.