Magic in Greece and Rome

Resource description

Some resources on magic : CBD (Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database) ; CENOB (Corpus des énoncés barbares : multilingual database (Latin, Greek, Demotic, Coptic, Syriac, Hebrew, Aramaic) of onomata barbara) ; Charaktêres (on magical signs) ; Coptic magical papyri ; Curse tablets of Roman Britain ; Curses in context ; Kyprianos database of ancient ritual texts ; LMPG (online version of Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos, anejo 5 of DGE) ; Magia agressiva nel mondo antico ; ML (Magica Levantina) ; Tabella defixionis project ; TheDefix ; TMmagic ; To zodion ; Transmission of magical knowledge in antiquity ; [...]

Resource subject