New Surveys in the Classics

Resource description

The New Surveys in the Classics are a series of short books dedicated to key themes and concepts in the classical world. They deal with a wide range of topics, from key figures like Homer and Virgil to subjects such as Greek tragedy, thought and science, women, slavery, Roman religion, and satire. The AAR Library’s online subscription covers C. Steel, Roman Oratory (2006), N. J. Lowe, Comedy (2007), N. Livingstone and G. Nisbet, Epigram (2008), D. Spencer, Roman Landscape (2009), the second edition of B. A. Sparkes, Greek Art (2010), the second edition of R. Rutherford, Homer (2011), S. Harrison, Horace (2012), P. Gainsford, Early Greek Hexameter Poetry (2013), P.J. Finglass, Sophocles (2014), M. Bonazzi, The Sophists (2015), the second edition of J. N. Bremmer, Greek religion (2016), G. Roskam, Plutarch (2017). The volumes prior to 2006 are available in the library.

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