Call for Submissions for “Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome”

Front cover of Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, volume 67.

The Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome invites submissions for volume 69, to be published in fall 2024.

The Memoirs is an annual, peer-reviewed publication of the American Academy in Rome. It publishes articles in English in the areas supported by Rome Prizes in the humanities in the following: ancient studies, medieval studies, Renaissance and early modern studies, and modern Italian studies. Beginning with volume 65, the journal was redesigned and became an open access and entirely digital publication available via JSTOR.

We welcome manuscripts from all categories of scholars, including advanced graduate students, early career researchers, and independent scholars. Affiliation with AAR is not necessary. All articles must be original and must not be published or in press elsewhere.

Contributors should select between one of the following two formats:


The recommended maximum length is 15,000 words, including abstract, article body, works cited, notes, and figure captions. The recommended maximum number of figures is twenty. We welcome manuscripts whose scope and/or significance warrants extra space or illustrations on a case-by-case basis; please contact the editor to discuss.

Notes and Discussions

The recommended maximum length is 6,500 words, including abstract, body text, works cited, notes, and figure captions. The recommended maximum number of figures is five. Notes and Discussions are shorter contributions on particular objects or issues.

More Information

Full submission guidelines can be found at

Manuscripts should be sent electronically to the editor, Margaret L. Laird, at aareditor [at] (aareditor[at]aarome[dot]org)

The deadline for submissions is December 18, 2023.

Press inquiries

Hannah Holden / Mason Wright

Resnicow and Associates

212-671-5154 / 212-671-5164

aar [at] (aar[at]resnicow[dot]com)

Maddalena Bonicelli

Rome Press Officer

+39 335 6857707

m.bonicelli.ext [at] (m[dot]bonicelli[dot]ext[at]aarome[dot]org)