

The Memoirs is an annual, peer-reviewed publication of the American Academy in Rome. The journal publishes scholarly articles in the following areas: archaeology, classics, history, the histories of art and architecture, economic and political policy, literature, musicology, theory, cultural heritage, and other relevant fields in Italy’s ancient, medieval, Renaissance and early modern, and modern periods. 

We encourage interdisciplinary work on historical and contemporary issues across the humanities including one or more of the chronological periods previously mentioned. Cross-cultural projects that share Italy and its influences are also welcome. All manuscripts are double blind peer reviewed by at least two specialists in the relevant field(s). Beginning with volume 65 (2020), the journal was redesigned and became an open access and entirely digital publication available via JSTOR.

Questions regarding the Memoirs can be sent to aareditor [at] (aareditor[at]aarome[dot]org).

Guidelines for Submission

We welcome manuscripts in English from all categories of scholars, including advanced graduate students, early career researchers, and independent scholars. Affiliation with AAR is not necessary. All articles must be original work, free of plagiarism, and must not be published or in press elsewhere.

Please review the Guidelines for Submission webpage for more information about contributing to the Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome.

Current & Past Issues

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