Black and white photograph of the head of a light skinned woman in profile

Abigail Child

Joseph H. Hazen Rome Prize
December 1, 2022
September 9, 2009–July 30, 2010
Filmmaker and Professor, Film Animation School, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Project title
THE PURSUIT: Scenes, Created in the Form of Imaginary Home Movies, from the Life of Percy and Mary Shelley
Project description

I propose writing and shooting of a script for a feature film based on the life of Percy Bysshe Shelley and his second wife, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, created in the form of imaginary home movies: entitled THE PURSUIT. I am motivated by the modernity of the Shelleys—their concern for women, free love, and labor, their choice to move away from family, and the class and cultural background into which they had been born. Their story is a haunting and powerful basis for a modern analysis of sexual mores and a deep look at class distinctions, particularly (even) on the stage of contemporary United States with its Puritanical background and disturbed (dis)continuities. Rome and Italy feature prominently in the Shelleys’ lives and consciousness, and being there will enable me to both write and film the environment from the experimental and original point of view of the home movie.