Color photograph of the head and torso of a light skinned man in a photographer's studio wearing a suit and tie and smiling at the camera

Christopher Counts

Prince Charitable Trusts Rome Prize
September 8, 2008–August 7, 2009
Senior Associate, Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
Project title
Painting and Drawing as a Means to Study the Spatial Registration, Appropriated Use, and Movement of Masterpieces of the Italian Urban Landscape
Project description

I propose to study Italian urban landscape masterpieces through drawing and painting. These studies will explore basic principles of composition, scale, and proportion with a particular emphasis on the spatiality of landscape, movement, and experience. As ordinary as this might seem to some, it remains the essence of what landscape architects do, whether in the year 2010 or 1650. Despite my own accomplishments with digital representation, I remain fundamentally interested in timeless questions, such as: what are the effects of movement and use on landscape spatiality, and how does the form and material of interstitial space influence experience and social behavior? My work would focus on traditional en plein aire drawings that would be expanded within studio and would include works on paper and canvas created through various media.