Color photograph of light skinned woman wearing a cream blazer and crouching next to a planter with red azaleas

Florence Eliza Glaze

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Post-Doctoral Rome Prize
September 3, 2007–August 1, 2008
Assistant Professor of History and Codirector of the Honors Program, Coastal Carolina University
Project title
Gariopontus and the Salernitans: Medical Texts and Medical Practice in Southern Italy ca. 1050–1225
Project description

My project explains the origins and influence of Gariopontus of Salerno’s seven-book medical text, the Passionarius, which was produced ca. 1050 from late ancient sources, and which remained popular through the sixteenth century. My project offers the first critical edition of this text, which was published three times in the Renaissance. I include paleographical descriptions of all fifty-nine surviving manuscripts, as well as indices of glosses, technical terminology, and material medica.