Color photograph of the head and torso of a light skinned womman in a photographer's studio wearing a dark top and smiling at the camera

Hope H. Hasbrouck

Garden Club of America Rome Prize
September 8, 2008–August 7, 2009
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin
Project title
Interpreting Cultural Territories through Prospect and Passage
Project description

This study seeks to inventory the devices of interpretation for the reading of cultural sites and territories. In making this inventory I intend to reveal the form making and management criteria that determine the assembly of prospect and passage in archeological sites and their cultural landscapes, as that assembly relates to the fostering of historical imagination and the experience of place. My interpretative inventory will focus on about four large cultural-archeological sites within the urban, middle, and rural landscapes surrounding Rome. It is Rome’s enumerable historic strata in which multiple periods of occupation are revealed and interpreted through scholarship that make Rome ideal for this investigation. It is through the lens of design practice that the inventory—and all the prospects and passages in the sites—at a range of scales from site-based material to urban design and regional planning, will target the devices of design that affect the individual or private spatial experience.