Ivan Cangemi

Ivan Cangemi

Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Pre-Doctoral Rome Prize
September 8, 2014–July 31, 2015
Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology and Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Project title
Mobility and Society in Early Iron Age Central Italy
Project description

I am studying social, political, and cultural developments in Tyrrhenian central Italy during the Early Iron Age (EIA) by reconstructing patterns of social inclusion and exclusion as they are reflected in the funerary record of four major sites—Veii, Rome, Gabii, and Capua. Rather than focusing exclusively on aspects of vertical social structure and cultural affiliation, as most previous studies have done, I am applying innovative analytical techniques to funerary assemblages and human remains in order to reconstruct how individuals integrated themselves within various dimensions of social practice and how they actually moved through the landscape. Such a study holds significant potential for understanding how strategies of individual action shaped emerging social networks, the dynamism of which in this context is suggested by later historical sources.