Lucy Corin

Lucy Corin

John Guare Writers Fund Rome Prize, a gift of Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman
September 10, 2012–August 5, 2013
Associate Professor, Department of English, University of California, Davis
Project title
The Swank Hotel
Project description

My novel in progress, The Swank Hotel, follows a woman whose sister is “mad”/“mentally ill” and a man whose lover is. By refusing to settle on a static conceptualization or depiction of madness my project is to embody the efforts of flawed ordinary people to understand what is, by definition, beyond understanding. I’m interested in the way that a world that includes madness as one of many modes of human experience is a world primarily in flux, and how that changes meaningfulness in narrative. Of course, mostly what I do is imagine these characters and write down what I imagine happens to them, but I want the sentences along the way to suggest shifting architectures of consciousness, both for the people depicted and for the narrator doing the depicting.