Regional Studies: Greece : Athens & Attika

Resource description

Some websites and digital resources on archaeological and historical research on Athens and Attica : AIO (Attic Inscriptions online) ; Ancient Athens3D ; Athenian Agora excavations (ASCSA, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens) ; the Athenians Project (prosopography) ; Athens Western Hills ; Attica : Karten von Attika in the Era of Digital Humanities ; AVI (Attic Vase Insrciptions) ; Corpus of Attic vase inscriptions ; the epigraphic landscape of Athens (focusing on the relationship between public inscriptions and urban space) ; Mapping Ancient Athens (and see also the other projects by DIPYLON) ; NAM (Network of Museums & Cultural Organisations in the Historic Center of Athens, offering access to various resources and publications) ; RAP (Roman Attica Project) [...]

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art