Mark Strand, 1983 Resident

Mark Strand, RAAR 1983
Mark Strand at the Academy, 1982
Mark Strand, RAAR 1983
Mark Strand by Philip Pearlstein, RAAR 1982, watercolor on paper, 1983
Mark Strand, RAAR 1983
Mark Strand, 4th of July at the Academy, 1983
Mark Strand, RAAR 1983
Mark Strand

Mark Strand, writer, editor, critic, Pulitzer Prize winner, and Poet Laureate of the United States died at the end of November at the age of 80.

At the Academy we knew him as a Resident, Trustee, adventurer, traveler, expert shopper, and friend. Many tributes have been published, including by the Poetry Foundation, the New York Times, LA Times, The New Yorker, and NPR. The Academy community will not be the same without him, and the possibility of his showing up at dinner on any random night. He was very tall, in many ways.