Electronic Journals

Historical Social Research

Resource description

Historische Sozialforschung = Historical Social Research, issued by GESIS (Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften), covers the fields of historical-social science research and empirical quantitative as well as qualitative social research. Access thru JSTOR (without moving wall, AAR only). 

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Rivista dell’istituto nazionale di archeologia e storia dell’arte

Resource description

Issued by the INASA (Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte, the National Institute of Archaeology and Art History), the RIASA was established in 1929 and is still one of the most authoritative Italian journals in the field of classical archaeology and art history. Open access until n.s.v.26 (2003).

Resource subject
Postclassical Art & Architecture
Resource type

Rivista dell’istituto nazionale di archeologia e storia dell’arte

Resource description

Issued by the INASA (Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte, the National Institute of Archaeology and Art History), the RIASA was established in 1929 and is still one of the most authoritative Italian journals in the field of classical archaeology and art history. Open access until n.s.v.26 (2003).

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Histoire & mesure

Resource description

Histoire & mesure focuses entirely on history and measurements, by proposing tools and methods for statistical processing of information, using figures to measure historical phenomena and analyze processes, and, further, it aims to develop reflection on the content and relevance of data, on the conditions under which they have been produced -- thru all historical periods. Most issues have a thematic focus. Open access.

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Urban studies, urban history, urbanism... : some journals

Resource description

Some journals on the history of cities, on urbanism, on urban issues and similar (AAR only on subscription, or open access or access with moving wall) ; articulo : journal of urban research ; Built environment ; Contesti : Città, territori, progetti ; Journal of urban archaeology ; Métropoles ; places ; Urban History ; Urban History Review ; Urban Studies ; UrbNet : The Annual of the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions [...]

Resource subject
Postclassical Art & Architecture
Resource type
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