Founded in 1947, on all aspects of Church history in Italy. Accessible also thru JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only).
A comprehensive list of journals on archaeology available at the AAR, both on subscription and open access
Issued by the University of Salamanca. On late antique latin literature. Open access.
Issued by the Société des Études classiques, on all aspects of classical literature. To access the most recent volumes, click here (AAR only). Open access (with moving wall )to volumes after one year of publication. To access v.1 (1932) to v.68 (2000), click here. The Library owns the more recent volumes as well.
Focusing on history, literature, textual tradition, liturgy, art history of Eastern Christianity, with a special focus on Christian textual production in Arabic, Coptic, Syriac, and Ethiopic. Open access.
Musica disciplina : a yearbook of the history of music, published by the American Institute of Musicology, with a focus on Medieval and Renaissance music. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).
Issued by the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, publishing on the history and the literature of Early Christianity, from the beginning up to the Middle Ages. Open access with moving wall.
A bibliographical bulletin on the field of ancient wall painting, published by the AIPMA (Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique).
On the archaeology and the history of Cyprus. Issued by the CEC (Centre d'Études Chypriotes). Access thru persée : open access with moving wall.