Electronic Journals


Resource description

JoLCEL : Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literature. Publishes on the history of European literature from the perspective of Latin literature as a transnational and cosmopolitan influence. On a broad range of topics, on Latin literature throughout the ages and on the literatures and literary cultures in which Latin played a role, either as a language, a literature, an educational system, or as a literary culture. Closely linked to the research network RELICS (Researchers of European Literary Identity, Cosmopolitanism and the Schools)

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Mainly focusing on the Iberian Peninsula, Antiqu itas publishes on excavations, archaeology, material culture, prehistory and history, pre-Roman and Roman times. Issued by the Museo Histórico Municipal de Priego de Córdoba. Open access with moving wall. More recent volumes are available in the Library.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type

Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l'étranger

Resource description

The BAEFE publishes news, excavation reports, archaeological data and research articles from the EFA (École Française d'Athènes), the EFR (École française de Rome), the IFAO (Institut français d'archéologie orientale), the EFEO (École fançaise d'Extrême-Orient) and the Casa de Velázquez, united within the ResEFE (Réseau des Écoles françaises à l'étranger). Open access. 

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type
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