Electronic Journals


Resource description

Fragmentology : A Journal for the Study of Medieval Manuscript Fragments publishes on any aspect pertaining to Latin and Greek manuscript fragments in the Middle Ages. Issued by the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) with Codices Electronici AG. Open access. 

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Italian Studies : Some journals

Resource description

Annali di storia di Firenze (open access) ; Archivio storico italiano (JSTOR with moving wall) ; BSGI : Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana (open access) ; Cahiers d'études italiennes (open access, issues with thematic focus) ; California Italian Studies (open access) ; clionet : per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi (open access) ; E-Review : Rivista degli Istituti Storici dell’Emiglia Romagna in Rete (open access) ; I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance (AAR only) ; Italian Politics (open access and JSTOR with moving wall, AAR only) ; Italianistica : Rivista di letteratura italiana (JSTOR, AAR only) ; Italica (JSTOR, AAR only) ; Italies (AAR only) ; Journal of Modern Italian Studies (AAR only) ; Laboratoire italien : Politique et société (AAR only) ; MEFRIM : Mélanges de l’École Française de Rome : Italie et mediterranée modernes et contemporaines (AAR only) ; Modern Italy (AAR only) ; Quaderni di italianistica (AAR only ; older issues are open access with moving wall) ; Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia (AAR only) ; storicamente : laboratorio di storia (open access) [...]

Resource subject
Resource type

Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen

Resource description

The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin are one of the largest museum complexes in the world (15 museums, 3 research institutions, plaster molding workshop). They are a universal museum from the beginnings of art to the present day. The Jahrbuch is one of Germany's leading annuals in the area of art history and conservation science. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). More recent volumes are available in the Library. To access v.40 (1919) to v.60 (1939), Jahrbuch der Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, click here. To access v.1 (1880) to v.39 (1918), Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, click here

Resource subject
Postclassical Art & Architecture
Resource type

Frammenti sulla scena

Resource description

Frammenti sulla scena : Studi sul dramma antico frammentario = Studies in Ancient Fragmentary Drama, issued by the Centro Studi sul Teatro Classico dell'Università degli Studi di Torino (Centre for Studies in Greek and Roman Theatre), focuses on the literary, linguistic, philological, cultural, archaeological and papyrological aspects of fragmentary Greek and Latin drama and of the minor theatrical traditions of the Mediterranean, as well as on studies on permanence, fortune and exegesis of theatrical texts in ancient, late antique, Byzantine and early Christian times. Open access. 

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Resource description

On all aspects of human settlement, human settlement development, design and planning, and urban transformation. Ekistics has been published from 1957 to 2006. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only). Continued by Ekistics and the New Habitat (the Library does not subscribe to ; several articles are open access)

Resource subject
Postclassical Art & Architecture
Resource type
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