Electronic Journals


Resource description

Publishes on archaeological investigations (from prehistory to industrial archaeology, with a special focus on classical archaeology) carried out in Italy by foreign universities and research institutions. Access to v.1 ( 2003) to v.18 (2020) (AAR only).

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type

Archaeologia maritima mediterranea

Resource description

Archaeologia maritima mediterranea : An International Journal on Underwater Archaeology publishes on, around and within the sphere related to underwater archaeology (finds and findings, excavation techniques, research methods, protection of sites, legislation, etc.). Full text online v.1 (2004) to v.16 (2019) (AAR only).

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type

Analecta Bollandiana

Resource description

Analecta Bollaniana : A Journal of Critical Hagiography, edited and published since 1882 by the Société des Bollandistes in Brussels, was conceived, since the very beginning, as a continuous updating of the prestigious Acta Sanctorum series, as well as an entirely new instrument devoted to hagiographical research. Every issue contains both critical editions of hagiographical texts (Greek, Latin, Oriental…), and fundamental studies about hagiography. Full text online (AAR only) beginning with v.130 (2012) to present ; earlier volumes are held in the Library

Resource subject
Philosophy & Religious Studies
Resource type
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