Electronic Journals


Resource description

Technè : La science au service de l’histoire et de l’art de la préservation des biens culturels, issued by the C2RMF (Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France), on the intersection of research in humanities and applied science. Open access to more recent volumes.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type

Forum Kritische Archäologie

Resource description

On issues such as the political and the ethical dimensions of archaeology, on questioning of archaeological truth claims, on demands for the return of cultural property, and else ; further, on critiques of ideology and discourse analyses, that include critiques of androcentrism, heteronormativity, and colonial discourse. Open access.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type

Restauro archeologico

Resource description

On conservation and valorisation of all kinds of endangered, neglected, ruined architectural structures; further focusing on methods and approaches of study of and intervention on architectural heritage in archaeological contexts. Issued by the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Open access. 

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type
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