Electronic Journals


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Groma : documenting archaeolgy is focusing particularly on Mediterranean archaeology and to specific methodological aspects such as archaeological documentation and landscape archaeology. Issued by the Department of History and Cultures (DISCI) of the University of Bologna. Open access.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
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Clotho (issued by the Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana University) publishes articles in the traditional fields of classical studies : Greek and Latin language and literature, textual criticism, rhetoric, philosophy, and history ; as well as archaeology, numismatics, epigraphy, papyrology, and paleography.

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Byzantine Review

Resource description

Byzantine Review publishes reviews, notes and reports on current publications from all areas of Byzantine studies (history, philology, archaeology, numismatics, sigillography, literature), with a timeframe from Late Antiquity to the 15th century. Issued by the Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

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PHASIS : Greek and Roman Studies (founded in 1999) has been published annually by the Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.

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Hefte des Archäologischen Seminars der Universität Bern = HASB

Resource description

Issued by the Archäologisches Seminar at the Universittät of Bern, Switzerland, and focusing on classical archaeology and the history of classical art. Click here to access v.1 (1975) to v.21 (2009), also available in the Library. Beginning with v.22 (2017) online only, as HASBonline

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
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