Electronic Journals

Byzantine Studies: Some Journals

Resource description

Bisanzio e l’Occidente (Università degli Studi di Milano) ; Bulletin of British Byzantine Studies (BBBS, open access) ; Byzantina (Centre for Byzantine Research, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Βyzantina Symmeikta (1966–2007: Symmeikta; open access) ; Byzantine Review (open access) ; Byzantinische Zeitschrift (online subscription beginning with v.88 (1995); older volumes in the Library ; Byzantion: Revue internationale des études byzantines (and through JSTOR with moving wall) ; Byzantion Nea Hellás ; Dumbarton Oaks Papers (open access ; access also thru JSTOR ; the Library owns all volumes) ; Erytheia (open access with moving wall) ; Estudios bizantinos (open access) ; Parekbolai : an electronic journal of Byzantine literature (open access) ; Porphyra and its special issues (both open access) ; Revue des études byzantines (persée with moving wall) ; Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (issued by the University of Lund and Uppsala University) [...].

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Resource description

Founded in 1924, Byzantion is devoted to Byzantine culture and covers literature, history, and art history, including the related disciplines. Every volume contains scholarly articles followed by a large bibliographical section. To access v.82 (2012) to present, click here (AAR only). Accessible also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library owns all volumes.

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Resource description

Founded in 1924, Byzantion is devoted to Byzantine culture and covers literature, history, and art history, including the related disciplines. Every volume contains scholarly articles followed by a large bibliographical section. To access v. 82 (2012) to present, click here (AAR only). Accessible also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library owns all volumes.

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Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists

Resource description

The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists has been the official journal of the American Society of Papyrologists since the publication of volume 1 in 1963 and is the only North American journal devoted to papyrology and related disciplines. For open access with moving wall, click here; for accessing the most recent volumes (AAR only), click here. Accessible also through JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only). The Library owns all volumes.

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Bollettino d’arte

Resource description

Published since 1907, Bollettino d’arte is issued by the Ministero dei beni culturali. Access to several older and select newer volumes, tables of contents, or abstracts of the articles. The Library has all volumes from 1907 to present.

Resource subject
Postclassical Art & Architecture
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Resource description

‘Atiqot has been published since 1955, first by the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums (IDAM) and since 1990 by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The articles are not confined to a specific range of periods or topics, but to a geographical area—Israel—that has been influenced by almost every ancient culture that existed in the Levant. Access through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall: 1955-90 and v.20 (1991)-) and through the IAA site (v.50 [2005] to the present). The Library owns all volumes.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type
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