Electronic Journals

History of Religions

Resource description

History of Religions has set the standard for the study of religious phenomena from prehistory to modern times. It publishes scholarship reflecting engagement with particular traditions, places, and times and yet also speaking to broader methodological and/or theoretical issues in the study of religion. Access thru JSTOR, with moving wall (AAR only).

Resource subject
Philosophy & Religious Studies
Resource type

Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal

Resource description

The geographic focus of the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal (TRAJ) is the whole of the Roman world, including areas beyond the frontiers where Roman influence was evident; its temporal scope is from the Bronze Age to the late antique period. TRAJ provides a venue for innovative and interdisciplinary research in the field of Roman archaeology, promoting the use of theoretical approaches to the Roman past. The proceedings of the TRAC conferences are accessible here; the AAR Library holds all volumes.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type

Archaeology: Approaches, Methods, Theories

Resource description

Journals on methodologies, theories, different approaches, material culture, anthropology, sociology, etc., all accessible via JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only): Acta Sociologica ; American Anthropologist ; Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales ; Annual Review of Anthropology ; Anthropologica ; Anthropology Today ; Archives de sciences sociales des religions ; Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie ; Cambridge Journal of Anthropology ; Civilisations ; Comparative Studies in Society and History ; Cultural Anthropology ; Current Anthropology ; Dialectical Anthropology ; Historical Archaeology ; Historische Sozialforschung (Historical Social Research) ; L'Homme ; International Journal of Historical Archaeology ; JAR (Journal of Anthropological Research) ; Journal of Anthropology ; Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory ; Journal of Archaeological Research ; Journal of Ritual Studies ; Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (click here to access v.37 (1907)-v.95 (1965) and here to access the volumes beginning with v.1 (1995), with moving wall) ; Man ; Material Culture ; RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics ; Signs and Society (v.1 (2013)-v.3 (2015) and here for all volumes) ; Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice ; Sociological Methodology ; Sociological Theory ; and World Archaeology.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type

Early Medieval Europe

Resource description

Early Medieval Europe focuses on the history of Europe from the later Roman Empire to the eleventh century and covers Europe in its entirety, dealing with all kinds of material (archaeology, numismatics, palaeography, diplomatic, literature, onomastics, art history, linguistics, and epigraphy). The AAR Library’s subscription covers v.6 (1997) to present.

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type
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