Electronic Journals

Regional Archaeology: Switzerland

Resource description

Some journals focusing on archaeolgy and ancient history in Switzerland : Archäologie Baselland : Jahresbericht, Dokumentationen und Funde ; Archäologie Bern (= Annuaire du Service archéologique du canton Berne) and its predecessor Archäologie im Kanton Bern : Fundberichte und Aufsätze (= Archéologie dans le canton de Berne : chronique archéologique et textes) ; Archäologie Graubünden plus Sonderhefte ; AS: Archäologie Schweiz : Mitteilungsblatt von Archäologie Schweiz (= Archéologie Suisse : Bulletin d’Archéologie Suisse = Archeologia Svizzera : Bollettino di Archeologia Svizzera) and its predecessor Archäologie der Schweiz (= Archéologie suisse = Archeologia svizzera) ; Archäologie und Denkmalpflege im Kanton Solothurn ; Bollettino dell’Associazione archeologica ticinese ; Bulletin de l’Association Pro Aventico ; CAF = FHA (Cahiers d’archéologie fribourgeoise = Freiburger Hefte für Archäologie) ; Genava: revue d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie ; Magazin Augusta Raurica ; Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte (= Revue suisse d’art et d’archéologie = Rivista svizzera d’arte e d’archeologia) [...]

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type

Archivio storico italiano

Resource description

Archivio storico italiano publishes essays, commented documents, debates, reports on conferences, reviews, and notes all pertaining (or connected) to Italian history and covering a chronological period from the High Middle Ages to the twentieth century. Access through JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).

Resource subject
Resource type

Built Environment

Resource description

Each issue of Built environment focuses on a single subject of contemporary interest. Subject areas of the journal include: architecture, conservation, economic development, environmental planning, social issues, spatial planning, sustainability, urban design, and more. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall): Official Architecture and Planning (previous title), v.19 (1956)-v.34 (1971); continued by Built Environment: v.1 (1972)-v.4 (1975), Built Environment Quarterly: v.1 (1975)-v.4 (1978); and again Built Environment: v.4 (1978)-

Resource subject
Postclassical Art & Architecture
Resource type
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