Electronic Journals

Regional Archaeology: Egypt (in Greco-Roman times)

Resource description

Aegyptiaca : Journal of the history of reception of Ancient Egypt (open access) ; Aegyptus (JSTOR, AAR only with with moving wall, and newer issues, AAR only) ; BIFAO (older issues open access, recent issues AAR only) ; IWNW (open access) ; JARCE (Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (JSTOR, AAR only, with moving wall) ; JEA (The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, JSTOR, AAR only, with moving wall) ; Shedet (open access) ; [...]

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
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Resource description

Galenos focuses on the philology of medical texts, publishing studies on the manuscript tradition, new critical editions and commentaries related to ancient Medicine, Greek, Latin, Byzantine, Syriac, Arabic, and more. AAR only (JSTOR, with moving wall).

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Food and history

Resource description

Food & History, published by the IEHCA (European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food), focuses on food from a historical perspective, embracing aspects of social, economic, religious, political and cultural history. It deals at the same time with questions of consumption, production, provisioning and distribution, medical aspects, culinary practices, gastronomy and restaurants.

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