Electronic Journals

Imago Mundi

Resource description

Imago Mundi is a scholarly periodical devoted exclusively to the history of premodern maps, mapping, and map-related ideas from anywhere in the world. It was founded in Berlin in 1935 by the Russian émigré Leo Bagrow. Access thru JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall).

Resource subject
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Resource description

Mirabilia is a journal that focuses on literature, religion, philosophy, and art in the Middle Ages. Issued by the Institut d’ Estudis Medievals (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain). The institute publishes also Mirabilia Ars (with particular focus on art and aesthetics) and Mirabilia Medicinae (history of medicine and related issues).

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Syria: Archéologie, art et histoire

Resource description

Published since 1920 by the Institut français du Proche-Orient, on ancient Syria (including the current states Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Palestinian Territories). The covered chronological period runs from the prehistory until the Muslim conquest. Some issues are dedicated to specific topics. Access to all volumes, including the supplements (AAR only). Access also thru persée (with moving wall) and JSTOR (AAR only, with moving wall). The Library has the full run. 

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type
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