Libraries & Institutions

Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

Resource description

The Laurentian Library, whose core collection is the Medici’s private library (now, belonging to the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali), contains a repository of more than 11,000 manuscripts 2,500 papyri, 43 ostraka, 566 incunabula, 1,681 sixteenth century printed books, 592 periodicals on related subjects and a total of 126,527 books dating from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. The exceptional character of the collections can be attributed to the fact that the manuscripts and books have been chosen for their age, textual worth and beauty. For information (e.g. regarding access, opening hours, catalog, etc.) please consult the Laurenziana's homepage. The Accademia Fiorentina di Papirologia e di Studi sul Mondo Antico has made a collection of the Laurenziana's literary papyri accessible online.

Piazza San Lorenzo, 9, 50123 Firenze
tel. 055 2937 911 or b-mela [at] (b-mela[at]beniculturali[dot]it)

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Biblioteca della Pontificia facoltà teologica San Bonaventura, “Seraphicum”

Resource description

This is the library of the Seraphicum—Pontificia facoltà teologica San Bonaventura, with a special focus on religious studies, theology, and the Franciscan Order. For further information (e.g., access, opening hours, catalog, more), please consult the Seraphicum’s website.

Via del Serafico, 1, 00142 Rome
tel. 06 515031 or seraphicumbiblioteca [at] (seraphicumbiblioteca[at]gmail[dot]com)

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Biblioteca dell’Osservatorio Astronomico di Monteporzio Catone (RM), Biblioteca moderna e storica

Resource description

This is the “parte storico-moderna” of the Biblioteca dell’Osservatorio astronomico di Roma, holding the post-800 titles of the immense collection. For further information (e.g., access, catalog, opening hours), please consult the INAF’s website.

Via Frascati, 33, 00040, Monte Porzio Catone (RM)
tel. 06 942 86440 or marco.ferruci [at] (marco[dot]ferruci[at]oa-roma[dot]inaf[dot]it)

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Biblioteca dell’Osservatorio Astronomico di Monte Mario, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

Resource description

The historical and scientific heritage of the INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica/National Institute for Astrophysics) consists of books, archival documents, and instruments that testify to the development of astronomy in Italy from pre-Galilean observations to the present time. The Museo Astronomico e Copernicano is unique worldwide, the INAF has also archives and libraries. At Monte Mario, there is the Biblioteca antica, holding pre-800 titles. For further information (e.g., opening hours, access), please consult the INAF’s website.

Via Parco Mellini, 84, 00136 Rome
tel. 06 94286425 or 06 3534 7056

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Biblioteca del Museo degli Strumenti Musicali

Resource description

The Museo Nazionale degli strumenti musicali houses a rich and exceptional collection of musical instruments from antiquity to these days and is one of the most important institutions of its kind in Europe. It has a specialized library that can be consulted for research purposes. For further information, please consult the Museo’s homepage; for the library call 06 7014796.

Piazza Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 9/a, 00185 Rome
tel. 06 7014796

Resource subject
Resource type

Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana

Resource description

The Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana, a public library founded by Count Giovanni M. Bertolo, opened in 1708. It owns 3,556 codices, more than 100,000 items of autograph material, approximately 100,000 photographs, 2,500 shelf meters of archival documents, and 850 incunabula; further, more than 200,000 volumes, mainly in humanities. For further information (e.g., opening hours, addresses of the seven buildings of which the library consists, contact, access), please consult the Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana’s homepage.

Biblioteca di Palazzo San Giacomo: Sede di Palazzo S. Giacomo, Contrà Riale, 5, 36100 Vicenza
tel. 0444 578211 or consulenza.bertoliana [at] (consulenza[dot]bertoliana[at]comune[dot]vicenza[dot]it)

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Biblioteca Casanatense

Resource description

The Biblioteca Casanatense, founded by the Dominicans of the Monastery of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome and opened in 1701, had ever since a focus not only on the traditional religious and theological arguments, but also on Roman Law, economy, and the history of the city of Rome. Currently, the Casanatense owns almost 400,000 volumes; furthermore, valuable prints and drawings, paintings, scientific instruments, and furnishings. For further information (e.g. opening hours, catalog, access, and more) please consult the Casanatense’s homepage.

Via S. Ignazio, 52, 00186 Rome
tel. 06 69760300 or b-casa[at]

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

Resource description

The Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana is the library of the Holy See, formally established in 1475, although it is much older. It is one of the oldest libraries in the world and contains one of the most significant collections of historical texts. It currently has 75,000 codices from throughout history, as well as 1.1 million printed books, which include some 8,500 incunabula. The Vatican Library is a research library for history, law, philosophy, science, and theology. The Vatican Library is open to anyone who can document their qualifications and research needs. The Archivio Segreto Vaticano, the central archives of the Holy See, is one of the most important research centers in the world. For further information (e.g., opening hours, admission criteria, access to its enormous collections), please consult the homepage of the Biblioteca or the Archivio Segreto.

Cortile del Belvedere, V-00120 Città del Vaticano
tel. 06 6987 9411 (Biblioteca) and 06 69883314 or asv [at] (asv[at]asv[dot]va) (Archivio)

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Biblioteca Angelica

Resource description

The Biblioteca Angelica owes its name to the Augustinian Bishop Angelo Rocca (1546–1620), an erudite writer and a keen collector of rare editions. The library’s heritage consists today of nearly 200,000 volumes. Its specialized areas are Italian literature and literary criticism, Italian theater from fifteenth to eighteenth century, religious historical studies with a particular reference to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, and Augustinian studies. The Manuscript Fund consists of nearly 24,000 unbound documents and 2,700 Latin, Greek, and Oriental volumes. The biblioteca further owns 460 unbound geographical maps, of which 85 are manuscript nautical charts produced in the Netherlands, numerous atlases and around 10,000 maps bound in volumes. For further information (e.g., opening hours, access, more), please consult the Biblioteca Angelica’s homepage.

Piazza di S. Agostino, 8, 00186 Rome
tel. 06 6840801 or b-ange[at]

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type

Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Resource description

The Biblioteca Ambrosiana, founded by Cardinal Federico Borromeo in 1607, was one of the first libraries to be opened to the public. It is undoubtedly one of the most important libraries in Italy and indeed in the world, owing to the vastness of its collections and the number and pricelessness of its codices. The library specializes on the fields of classics, history, literature, and religious studies. It also has an extremely rich collection of drawings, etchings, and prints, encompassing approximately forty thousand items. The Medal Collection is made up of more than twenty thousand coins and medals, including some items of exceptionally great value. See also the Pinacoteca and the Mediateca. For further information (e.g., opening hours, access, catalog, etc.), please consult the Biblioteca’s homepage.

Piazza Pio XI, 2 - 20123 Milano
tel. 02 806921 or direzione.biblioteca [at] (direzione[dot]biblioteca[at]ambrosiana[dot]it)

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies
Resource type
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