Libraries & Institutions

Archivio di Stato di Roma

Resource description

The Archivio di Stato di Roma preserves archival material from the Papal States and of Rome, beginning from the 9th century to present. It has also a specialized llibrary with approx. 76,000 items. For further information (the Archivio's history, its holdings, access and opening hours) please consult the Archivio's website. 

Complesso di Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza, Corso del Rinascimento, 40, 00186 Rome
tel. 06 67235600 or as-rm[at],it
Sede succursale:
Via di Galla Placidia, 93, 00159 Rome
tel. 06 67235644 or[at]
PLEASE NOTE that the Sede succursale is temporarily closed (its holdings can be consulted at the main seat upon request).

Resource subject
Italian Studies
Resource type

Archivio Centrale dello Stato

Resource description

The Archivio Centrale dello Stato preserves documents and material produced by the Italian state since the Italian unification in 1861. In addition, it holds material from approx. 50 private or public archives which are of national relevance. The Biblioteca of the archive has approx. 230,000 titles (monographs, periodicals, government publications, microforms, and digitized materials) specialized on the history of the Italian state and its governmental departments and a rich, constantly growing and updated collection of daily papers. For further information (e.g. access, opening hours, contacts) please consult the Archivio's website. Some of the materials can be consulted online.

Piazzale degli Archivi, 27, 00144 Rome
tel. 06 545481 or acs[at]

Resource subject
Italian Studies
Resource type

Accademia della Crusca

Resource description

The Accademia della Crusca (founded between 1582 and 1583) is, in both Italy and worldwide, among the leading institutions in the field of research on the Italian language. The Accademia pursues its own editorial activity and grants the public access to a specialist library (approx. 158,000 volumes) and archive. It also maintains international contacts with similar institutions abroad, organizes meetings, seminars, and conventions on the Italian language. For further information about opening hours, access, contacts, and holdings, please consult the Accademia’s homepage.

Via di Castello, 46, 50141 Florence
tel. 055 454277 (-78) or segreteria[at] and biblioteca[at]

Resource subject
Italian Studies
Resource type
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