Research Databases & Digital Collections

Rome, Via Ostiense, necropolis

Resource description

This archive collects 3D models of the Roman cemetery along the Via Ostiense in Rome. The total station survey records the basic outline of the structures, important features (such as earthquake damage), and references the virtual 3D model to the real world. This project is developed by Dorian Borbonus, FAAR '17.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Comparative Archaeology Database

Resource description

The Comparative Archaeology Database of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology publishes primary archaeological data to complement more traditional means of publication, such as journals, collections of articles, and monographs (including those published by the center itself). The database thus works toward the preservation and dissemination of primary data recovered in fieldwork, a fundamental ethical responsibility in archaeology.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Greece: Excavations, Archaeological Reports, News

Resource description

Archaeology in Greece Online (managed jointly by the École française d’Athènes and the British School at Athens) combines the Chronique, published annually in the BCH by the EFA, and Archaeology in Greece, published as part of the annual Archaeological Reports by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies and the BSA.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Papyrus Resources

Resource description

Several sites on papyri, issued by various institutions: e.g., ADRA (Alexandrian documents from the reign of Augustus) ; APIS (Advanced Papyrological Information System) ; BerlPap (papyri at the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin) ; Bibliographie papyrologique ; the Bodmer Papyri ; Cairo Museum (a photographic archive of the papyri) ; CeDoPal (Centre de documentation de papyrologie littéraire) ; Chartes (online catalog of the Herculaneum papyri) ; CISPE (Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi) ; Coptic magical papyri (Universität Würzburg) ; CTP (Center for Tebtunis Papyri) ; D-Scribes ; DVCTVS (papyrology portal of Spain) ; Duke Papyrus Archive and the DDbDP (Duke Databank of Dokumentary Papyri) ; Forging Antiquity ; GPBC (Gazetteer of papyri in British collections) ; Herculaneum Papyri ; Heidelberger Papyrussammlung ; the HGV (Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens) ; Kölner Papyri ; Macquarie Papyri ; ML (Magica Levantina) ; OPES (Oslo Papyri Electronic System) ; Organa Papyrologica ; Oxyrhynchus Online ; Oxyrhynchus papyri belonging to the Egypt Exploration Society and housed in the Sackler library at Oxford : database ; PapPal : the paleography of papyri ; ; The Papyrus Carlsberg Collection ; Papyrus Portal ; Papyrus Projekt Halle-Jena-Leipzig ; papyrus stories ; PATHs ("Tracking papyrus and parchment paths") ; platinum : towards a philological, literary and historical approach to Latin papyri ; PSIonline (Papiri della Società Italiana) ; PUG (collezione dei Papiri dell'Università di Genova) ; Sorbonne, Institut de papyrologie papyri ; TMmagic (thematic database hosted by Trismegistos : religious, ritual, magic, and divinatory texts) ; TPOP : Turin Papyrus Online Platform (Museo Egizio, Turin) ; Trismegistos ; University of Michigan Papyrus Colletion ; University of Warsaw, papyri held at the Department of Papyrology ; further links on the site of the American Society of Papyrologists.

Resource subject


Resource description

ARIADNE is a research infrastructure funded by the European Commission. It brings together and integrates existing archaeological research data infrastructures so that researchers can use the various distributed datasets and new and powerful technologies as an integral component of the archaeological research methodology. ARIADNE has been further developed and extended to ARIADNEplus, launched in 2019.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

NPAPH Project

Resource description

The NPAPH (Non-Professional Archaeological Photographs) project, an international collaboration, has the aim to preserve nonprofessional documentation of archaeological campaigns (prior to the 1980s) to the future and make it accessible to the public via digital archives.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Immensa aequora

Resource description

The project, hosted at the Università degli Studi di Milano, aims at improving the knowledge of Roman economy and trade in the Western Mediterranean Sea (fourth century BC–first century AD), with particular focus on the production of pottery, including production centers, of wine and agricultural products, including the production structures, and on shipwrecks.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
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