Research Databases & Digital Collections

Epigraphy: Inscription Corpora, Latin and Greek

Resource description

AIO (Attic Inscriptions Online) ; AshLi (online catalog of the Latin inscriptions in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) ; AXON : Greek historical inscriptions ; Carmina Latina epigraphica Galliae and Hispaniae ; CEIPoM (Corpus of the epigraphy of the Italian Peninsula in the 1st millennium BCE, covering Messapic, Venetic, Sabellic languages and epigraphic Latin up to about 100 BCE) ; CII (Cretan institutional inscriptions) ; CIL : digitized volumes of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum and the official CIL site of the BBAW ; Corpus of Attic vase inscriptions ; CPI (Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions) ; DB (Epigraphic Database Bari, specialized in Christian inscriptions of Rome) ; DOL (Dodona OnLine) ; EDAK (Epigraphische Datenbank zum Antiken Kleinasien) ; EDF : epigraphic database FALSAE ; EDR (Epigraphic Database Roma) plus Italia Epigrafica Digitale ; epigraphia3D : inscriptions in the Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida and the Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid ; epigraphica 3.0 : corpus of the inscriptions of the province of Ourense, Spain ; GVCyr (Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica), IGCyr (Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica) and IGCyr2 (second edition) ; HepOnl (Hispania Epigraphica Online) plus Hispania epigraphica (periodical publication) ; ICG (Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae) ; IG (Inscriptiones Graecae) ; InsAph (Inscriptions of Aphrodisias, including the late Roman and Byzantine inscriptions) ; InsLib (Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania) ; Inscriptions of Israel / Palestine, 500 BCE to 614 AD (Brown University) ; IOSPE (Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea) ; IRCyr (Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica) ; I.Sicily ; RIB online (volume I of The Roman Inscriptions of Britain by R. G. Collingwood and R. P. Wright (1955) plus the addenda and corrigenda) ; SIRAR (Sylloge inscriptionum religionis Africae Romanae) ;Telamon (ancient Greek inscriptions from Bulgaria) ; WPAIP (Wisconsin Palmyrene Aramaic Inscription Project). For further information, please consult the individual sites.

Resource subject

Museum Collections

Resource description

Acropolis Museum, Athens ; BnF : Bibliothèque nationale de France, médailles & et antiques ; the British Museum, London ; Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens ; the Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio ; Cornell University Library's collections of antiquities ; the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge ; J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles ; Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, Baltimore ; Louvre, Paris ; The Met NY : Greek & Roman Art ; Musei Capitolini, Rome ; Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze: Aegean collections ; Rijksmuseum van oudheiden, Amsterdam ; Rijksmuseum van oudheiden, Leiden ; Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel ; Staatliche Museen, Antikensammlung, Berlin: sculpture, ancient bronzes ; Uffizi, Florence ; Ure Museum of Greek antiquities, University of Reading ; The Walters Art Museum : Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire [...].

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Ludus and Locus Ludi

Resource description

Ludus and Locus ludi are databases on ancient boardgames, providing a wide range of resources (bibliographies, dictionaries, iconographical databases, information on conferences, exhibitions, and more). A project at the Université de Fribourg. See also the digital luderne project (Maastricht Universiity).

Resource subject

Regional Studies: Greece

Resource description

For Athens and Attical see below. Some websites and digital collections concerning archaeological and historical research in Greece : archetai : the Archaeological Society at Athens ; Archaeology in Greece online (EFA, the École française d'Athènes jointly with the BSA, the British School at Athens) ; AXON (Greek historical inscriptions) ; BSA (The British School at Athens) digital collections ; Chypre (the French excavations at Kition and Salamis on Cyprus) ; Corinthian matters ; DOL (Dodona OnLine) ; ESAG : archaeological reports of the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece (Eretria, Amarynthos, else) ; excavations in Ancient Corinth (ASCSA) ; excavations at Isthmia by the University of Chicago and by Michigan State University ; excavations at Lefkandi ; excavations at Olynthos ; excavations at Samothrace ; Iklaina archaeological project ; INSTAP SCEC : Study Center for East Crete ; Koutsonglia, Kenchreai (Greek-American excavation project) plus the Kenchreai ceramic catalog ; Kyprios character (on archaeology, history, numismatics of Ancient Cyprus ; Marmor Parium (digital marmor parium) ; Nemea Center for classical archaeology ; Olympia : Grabungsgeschichte(n)  diaries of the excavations 1875 and 1876 ; the Sikyon project ; [...]

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
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