Research Databases & Digital Collections

Limes & Roman frontier studies

Resource description

Antonine Wall ; Danube Limes in Croatia ; Danube Limes in Serbia ; Deutsche Limeskommission (see also the journal Nachrichtenblatt der DLK, open access) ; Deutsche Limesstrasse ; Hadrian's Wall ; Limes in Nederland ; Limes in Österreich ; limesromania ; [...]. The volumes of the monographic series 'Frontiers of the Roman Empire' (archeopress) are available open access.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Classics : professional associations, coalitions, groups, communities of interest...

Resource description

Asterion : neurodiversity in Classics ; Cripantiquity (advocacy organization for disabled and neurodivergent students, teachers, scholars, staff, artists, writers in ancient studies) ; The Disability History Association ; LCC : Lambda Classical Caucus (a coalition of queer Classicists and allies) ; Mountaintop Coalition (shared interest : advancing the professional goals of Classicists who identify as members of ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in the field) ; MRECC (Multiculturalism, race & ethnicity in Classics consortium) ; SCS (Society for Classical Studies) ; WCC (Women's Classical Caucus) ; workingclassclassicists : The Network for Working-Class Classicists ; Working Classicists [...]

Resource subject

Emotions in history, history of emotions

Resource description

Some sites and resources related to the study of emotions in history : ACCESS (Amsterdam Centre for Cross-Disciplinary Emotion and Sensory Studies) ; Centre for the History of Emotions at Queen Mary University of London (further links, events, news, blog) ; Centre for the History of Emotions at the Max Planck-Institut Berlin ; Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions at the Australian Research Council ; EMMA (Les émotions au moyen âge) ; [...]

Resource subject

Architectural Lantern Slides

Resource description

The University of Notre Dame's Architecture Library holds about 4,600 lantern slides, with European architecture as primary (but not only) focus. The photographs appear to have been taken in the time between 1870 and 1914, presenting a historical look at the sites, including many bystanders and artifacts which were intentionally or unintentionally part of the site.The images are thus of interest to a wider audience thnan architecture historians and students. 

Resource subject
Postclassical Art & Architecture
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