Research Databases & Digital Collections

CoReMa : Cooking Recipes of the Middle Ages

Resource description

CoReMa : Cooking recipes of the Middle Ages provides, first, a collection of cookery manuscripts written from the 12th to 16th century, in German, French or Latin (approx. 80 volumes and about 8000 recipes), secondly, the critical edition (plus digital editing with digital enrichment) of these Medieval Latin, Middle French, and Early New High German recipes, making them accessible for scholarly use, allowing thus, thirdly, comparative and interdisciplinary study from various points of views (food history ; diets and medicine ; the migration of recipes, food items, or eating habits ; the historical and cultural development of national food habits and many more). 

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies

Poetry, Greek & Latin : some resources

Resource description

CARMEN (communal art — reconceptualising metrical epigraphy network) : on carmina latina epigraphica, the Latin poetry in the epigraphic tradition ; Greek song network : on archaic and classical lyric, elegiac, iambic poetry ; Hellenica : a digital archive of Greek poetry ; MAPPOLA : Mapping out the poetic landscape(s) of the Roman Empire ; Musisque Deoque : a digital archive of Latin poetry ; Pedecerto : digital Latin metre, a program for analysing of Latin verses ; [...]

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