Research Databases & Digital Collections


Resource description

HUNAYNNET : Transmission of classical scientific and philosophical literature from Greek into Syriac and Arabic : attemps at compiling a trilingual annotated parallel corpus of Greek classical scientific and philosophical literature and the Syriac and Arabic translations thereof. Hosted at the ÖAW (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Austrian Academy of Sciences). 

Resource subject
Philosophy & Religious Studies

USA : Yale University : Visual Resources of the Middle East

Resource description

Includes manuscript paintings, textiles, ceramics, photography, contemporary art, resources from books and periodicals, archaeological objects, and many more. Collection items from Yale University, Yale University Art Gallery, Yale Center for British Art and the Lewis Walpole Library, Sterling Memorial Library, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Beinecke Library and many many more. 

Resource subject
Art Museums & Galleries

OAI : Open Art Images

Resource description

OAI (Open Art Images) is a search and visualisation engine that groups on a single platform photographic reproductions of works of art (HD & free of rights) plus information necessary for their historical and cultural contextualization and retrieval. Art from all around the world and from every period. 

Resource subject
Digital Collections

Regional Studies: Greece : Athens & Attika

Resource description

Some websites and digital resources on archaeological and historical research on Athens and Attica : AIO (Attic Inscriptions online) ; Ancient Athens3D ; Athenian Agora excavations (ASCSA, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens) ; the Athenians Project (prosopography) ; Athens Western Hills ; Attica : Karten von Attika in the Era of Digital Humanities ; AVI (Attic Vase Insrciptions) ; Corpus of Attic vase inscriptions ; the epigraphic landscape of Athens (focusing on the relationship between public inscriptions and urban space) ; Mapping Ancient Athens (and see also the other projects by DIPYLON) ; NAM (Network of Museums & Cultural Organisations in the Historic Center of Athens, offering access to various resources and publications) ; RAP (Roman Attica Project) [...]

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Classics blogs

Resource description

A don’s life (Mary Beard) ; adventures in my head (Liv Mariah Yarrow) ; Alin Suciu (patristics, apocrypha, coptic literature, manuscripts) ; Antigone : an open forum for classics in the twenty-first century ; antiquipop : antiquity, pop, culture & politics (on ancient Egyptian and classical reception in pop culture & politics) ; AWOL ; c&c (classics & class : a people’s history of classics) ; classically inclined (Liz Gloyn) ; classics and social justice ; Classics at the intersections (Rebecca Futo Kennedy) ; classicslibrarians ; ECS  Early Christian Studies () ; eidolon ; endoxa : an ancient Greek and Roman philosophy blog ; Ethnic relations & migrations in the Ancient World (Philip A. Harland) ; explorator ; faces & voices (Roberta Mazza) ; Following Hadrian (Carole Raddato) ; History from Below (Sarah E. Bond) ; it’s all Greek to me (Anna P. Judson) ; latinNOW (with a main focus on the Latinization of the north-western Roman provinces) ; lugubelinus (Llewelyn Morgan) ; manuscriptevidence ; MYTHLAB blog ; MythTakes (Donna Zuckerberg) ; notes from the apotheke : a blog about being BIPOC in Classics (Nadhira Hill) ; on pre-Roman Italy (Katherine McDonald) ; On Roman religion (Csaba Szabó) ; Reading, Writing, Romans (Ashmolean Museum) ; rogueclassicism ; Roman Times ; SASA (Save Ancient Studies Alliance) ; SCS blog (Society for Classical Studies) ; sententiae antiquae ; Dr Sophie Hay’s blog ; The partial historians (Dr F. Radford & Dr P. Greenfield) ; the queer classicist ; sphinx (Neville Morley) the stoa ; trowelblazers (on women in archaeology) ; WCC blog (women’s classical commitee, UK) [...]

Resource subject

Database of Byzantine book epigrams

Resource description

DBBE (The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams) is an ongoing project that makes available both textual and contextual data of book epigrams from medieval Greek manuscripts dating up to the 15th century. The site offers several other resources, too. Issued by the Universiteit Ghent. Open access. 

Resource subject
Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies

Urbanism, cities and towns, settlements in ancient times

Resource description

Urbanism in ancient times, cities and towns, settlements in Graeco-Roman antiquity : some resources : The Catalog of Ancient Coastal Settlements, Ports, and Harbours ; Journal of Urban Archaeology ; ROMURBITAL (Roman period urbanism on the Italian Peninsula) ; Rural settlements of Roman Britain database ; Urbanism and the Roman world (AD 14-284) ; UrbNet : Centre for Urban Network Evolutions, Aarhus University (Denmark) plus their Annual reports ; [...]

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
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