Research Databases & Digital Collections

Economy in Graeco-Roman Times

Resource description

EPNet (Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire : Economic and political dynamics) ; GEI (Greek economic inscriptions) ; Oxrep (The Oxford Roman Economy Project) ; PATRIMONIVM (geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world) ; Project Mercury (computational modelling in Roman economy studies) ; Trapezites (ancient currency conversion website and marketplace simulation) ; [...]

Resource subject

Late Antiquity resources

Resource description

CHAP : Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris, a database inventorising all historiographical works of Late Antiquity (300 to 800 AD approx.) in Latin, Greek, Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Arabic, Coptic, and, to a lesser extent, Hebrew, Aramaic and Persian (Ghent University) ; Clerical Exile in Late Antiquity (325-600), explores the legal circumstances, experiences, social connections, spatial worlds, memory of to date 497 exile cases, 1176 persons / groups, and 442 locations ; CLA : connecting late antiquities (prosopographical database, 3rd to 7th centuries) ; The Cult of Saints (from its origins to circa AD 700) ; digilibLT : Biblioteca digitale di testi latini tardoantichi ; Late Antiquity : Lectures on religion and culture by leading scholars (compiled by TARA) ; LSA : The Last Statues of Antiquity database ; Studi Tardoantichi ; THAT : Textes pour l’histoire de l’antiquité tardive [...]

Resource subject

ICOM Red Lists Database

Resource description

Issued by the ICOM (International Council of Museums). The database compiles all the categories of cultural goods illustrated in the ICOM Red Lists of cultural objects at risk. A Red List is not a list of actual stolen objects ; the cultural goods depicted are inventoried objects within the collections of recognised institutions. They serve to illustrate the categories of cultural goods most vulnerable to illicit traffic.

Resource subject

Mora sample collection

Resource description

Paolo Emilio Mora (1921-1998) and Laura Sbordoni Mora (1923-2015) were remarkable figures in the field of cultural heritage conservation. 
In addition to their teaching and publication legacy, the Moras also gathered an important collection of material samples, held to this day at ICCROM headquarters in Rome. This collection comprises around 1200 material samples collected from heritage sites and monuments in at least 35 countries (wall paintings, ceramics, painted paper, textiles, stone, plaster, stucco, glass and more). 

Resource subject

Architectural terracottas (Greek, Etruscan, Central Italian)

Resource description

Greek architectural terracottas : downloadable images from N.A. Winter, Greek Architectural Terracottas : From the Prehistoric to the End of the Archaic Period (Clarendon Press 1993), available in the Library. Etruscan and Central Italian architectural terracottas : Founded on a revised and updated version of the material in N.A. Winter, Symbols of Wealth and Power: Architectural Terracotta Decoration in Etruria and Central Italy 640-510 B.C. (MAAR Suppl.9, accessible via JSTOR), (Ann Arbour, 2009). The database includes also material down to the 2nd century B.C.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Photographs of archaeological sites & museums, Dan Diffendale, FAAR '20

Resource description

Daniel P. Diffendale, FAAR '20, is a Mediterranean archaeologist whose interests lie primarily in the first millennium BCE central Mediterranean. Since April 2007, he has shared his photographs in open access via Flickr. His over 10 000 photos are now widely used by scholars, either for their courses or for their publications.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques

Resource description

The DPhA is devoted to philosophers and important witnesses of the Greek and Roman philosophical tradition, from the Presocratics of the 6th century BC to the late Neoplatonists of the 6th century AD. The articles, prepared by French and foreign scholars, make use not only of literary sources, but also of inscriptions and papyri. In total, 236 editors from 20 different countries have contributed to this unique and large-scale enterprise, which started its first  printed volume in 1989 and consists of seven volumes -- including a fifth volume in two parts -- and a supplement. AAR only.

Resource subject
Philosophy & Religious Studies
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