Regional Studies: Ancient Near East & Levant

Resource description

ARWA : The International Association for Archaeological Research in Western & Central Asia ; BATHS : Database of Roman to Early Islamic Bathhouses of Iudaea / Syria-Palaestina and Provincia Arabia ; Bibliographia iranica ; the CBRL provides access to monographs on research in and on Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus ; see also the CBRL Bulletin ; EAMENA (Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa ; Holy Land : A digital corpus of early Christian churches and monasteries in the Holy Land ; IIP (Inscriptions from Israel / Palestine) ; Palmyra excavations archive (Aarhus) ; patrimonie Proche-Orient ; sasanika : late antique Near East project ; YDEA (Yale digital Dura Europos Archive) [...]

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art