Regional Studies: Black Sea Area

Resource description

Some websites and digital collections concerning archaeological and historical research in the Black Sea region in classical antiquity : Amphora Stamps of the Northern Black Sea ; APE (Greek Amphorae from Northern Pontus Euxinus) ; BCOSPE (Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini) ; IOSPE (Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae = Ancient inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea) ; Pontos (the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies) provides many resources ; Spartokos a lu gathers links about open access monographs, e-journals, provides bibliographies, presents new publications and informs about new discoveries and conferences.
To access the Journal of Institute of Black Sea Studies (issued by KAREN, the Institute of Black Sea Studies, Trabzon, Turkey), click here.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art