Catalog of the Blegen, Gennadius, and the British School Library in Athens.
Founded in 1881, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens provides graduate students and scholars from a consortium of about 190 North American colleges and universities a base for research and study in Greece. These institutions, with programs in classical archaeology, classics, linguistic studies, Byzantine, Ottoman, and modern Greek studies, archaeological sciences, political science, history, and other social sciences, regard the outstanding academic programs, excavations, libraries and other facilities of the American School as extensions of their own institutions’ graduate programs.
Archaeological Data Archives of the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma Palazzo Altemps offers “Giornali di scavo” of the superintendency until the late 1930s. It further holds many archaeological archives, so it is useful if you study a specific excavation or geographic area and are interested in new finds, projects, etc.
The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (CSAD) was established in 1995 under the auspices of Oxford University’s Faculty of Literae Humaniores to provide a focus for the study of ancient documents within Oxford. Over the years it has developed into a research centre of national and international importance. The Centre is located in the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies in St Giles.
Over fifty thousand volumes on American topics (history, literature, nonfiction, political science, poetry, theater, etc.).
Via M. Caetani 32 186 Rome
Telephone: 06/68801613
Fax: 06/68307256
About digitally preserving and sharing the world’s heritage.
Extensive collection, including many historical maps.
Interactive version of the 1748 Nolli Map of Rome, hosted by the University of Oregon.
The International Foundation for Art Research (IFAR) is a not-for-profit educational and research organization dedicated to integrity in the visual arts. IFAR offers impartial and authoritative information on authenticity, ownership, theft, and other artistic, legal, and ethical issues concerning art objects.
The largest online catalog of digitized resources in Italian libraries.
The Italian National Forum on Electronic Resources (INFER) was a coordinating group set up to cooperate in promoting access to electronic information resources in Italian libraries. The project seems to be no longer active.
Accessible to the AAR community.
Accessible to the AAR community.
Accessible to the AAR community.
A list of professional organizations and electronic resources compiled by Thesaurus Linguae Graecae.
This site is dedicated to exploring the Forma Urbis Romae, or Severan Marble Plan of Rome. All surviving fragments are featured. This enormous map, measuring approximately 18.10 x 13 meters (60 x 43 feet), was carved between 203 and 211 CE and covered an entire wall inside the Templum Pacis in Rome. It depicted the ground plan of every architectural feature in the ancient city, from large public monuments to small shops, rooms, and even staircases.
Digital collections from the UCLA Library.
Italian encyclopedia and dictionary.
Basic word look-ups to and from English, Italian, French, Spanish, and Russian.
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Open by appointment only
Regular hours:
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