Electronic Journals


Resource description

Twice a year, researchers are invited (see cfp) to discuss the theme of the border (e.g. : "Exceeding the border", "Imagining the border", "Materializing the border", "Investing (in) the frontier" and more). Spans protohistory, classical antiquity and the middle ages and their reception. Open access. 

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type

AIUK papers

Resource description

AIUK : Attic inscriptions in UK collections. Each AIUK issue contains the inscriptions in a different UK collection, e.g. : the British Museum, the Ashmolean Museum, Petworth House, Fitzwilliam Museum, Leeds City Museum and more. Open access. 

Resource subject
Resource type

STAR : Science & Technology of Archaeological Research

Resource description

On all epochs and cultures : focuses on topics, methods and approaches such as : airborne remote sensing, geophysical techniques and imaging ; biological and biochemical approaches ; computational analyses ; forensic archaeology ; heritage studies and conservation methods ; spatial analyses and GIS ; underwater archaeological methods and more. Open access. 

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type
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