Research Databases & Digital Collections

Amphoras, Other Pottery, and Ancient Lamps

Resource description

Some websites on the study of Greek and Roman amphoras, pottery, and lamps : Amphora Stamps of the Northern Black Sea ; Amphorae ex Hispania ; Amphoreus ; Ancient Lamps ; APE (Greek amphorae from Northern Pontus Euxinus) ; AVI (Attic Vase Inscriptions) ; CEAlex (Centre Alexandrin d’Étude des Amphores) ; Corpus of Attic vase inscriptions ; FACEM (Fabrics of the Central Mediterranean, on provenance studies on pottery) ; FARLI Ancient Pottery Database ; IARPotHP (International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period) ; (on defining the intellectual concepts of pottery) ; Opus doliare signatum (on finds from Rome, Ostia, and Central Italy) ; potsherd : Atlas of Roman pottery ; RCRF (Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, dedicated to Roman pottery) ; R.T.A.R. (Recueil de Timbres sur Amphores Romaines) ; SECAH (Sociedad de Estudios de la Cerámica Antigua en Hispania) ; Sfécag (Société Française d’Étude de la Céramique Antique en Gaule) ; the older Actes conference proceedings are accessible online) ; Terres d’Amphores.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Regional Studies: Black Sea Area

Resource description

Some websites and digital collections concerning archaeological and historical research in the Black Sea region in classical antiquity : Amphora Stamps of the Northern Black Sea ; APE (Greek Amphorae from Northern Pontus Euxinus) ; BCOSPE (Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini) ; IOSPE (Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae = Ancient inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea) ; Pontos (the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies) provides many resources ; Spartokos a lu gathers links about open access monographs, e-journals, provides bibliographies, presents new publications and informs about new discoveries and conferences.
To access the Journal of Institute of Black Sea Studies (issued by KAREN, the Institute of Black Sea Studies, Trabzon, Turkey), click here.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Database of Classical Scholars

Resource description

The Database of Classical Scholars, a work of international cooperation, is a database that aims to provide biographical and bibliographical information on classical scholars from the period associated with classical scholarship as currently understood, from the end of the eighteenth century and the publication of F. A. Wolf’s Prolegomena zu Homer (1795) to the current day.

Resource subject

Digital Classicist Wiki

Resource description

The Digital Classicist is a hub for scholars and students interested in the application of humanities computing to research in the ancient and Byzantine worlds. This wiki collects guidelines and suggestions of major technical issues and catalogues digital projects and tools of relevance to classicists. The wiki also lists events, bibliographies, publications (print and electronic), and other developments in the field.

Resource subject
Digital Collections

Rome, Palatine, Imperial Residences: Brick Stamps

Resource description

Database to the brick stamps of the imperial residences on the Palatine Hill in Rome, complementing the artice in the journal RM 121, 2015, 311-482. The current collection consists of 940 stamps, of which 599 were found in situ and 349 out of context. Issued by the DAI.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art


Resource description

Archeomar: The Archaeological Map of the Italian Seas, issued by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, aims to create a register of all the underwater archaeological sites along the coastlines of the regions of Italy, which today has now covered Calabria, Puglia, Basilicata, Campania, Lazio, and Tuscany.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Société Française d’Étude de la Céramique Antique en Gaule: Actes

Resource description

Proceedings of the conferences organized by the Société Française d’Étude de la Céramique Antique en Gaule (SFECAG). Several older volumes are downloadable as PDF files; click here for the table of contents of all volumes and here to perform simple or combined search in the volumes.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
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