Research Databases & Digital Collections

Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques

Resource description

The DPhA is devoted to philosophers and important witnesses of the Greek and Roman philosophical tradition, from the Presocratics of the 6th century BC to the late Neoplatonists of the 6th century AD. The articles, prepared by French and foreign scholars, make use not only of literary sources, but also of inscriptions and papyri. In total, 236 editors from 20 different countries have contributed to this unique and large-scale enterprise, which started its first  printed volume in 1989 and consists of seven volumes -- including a fifth volume in two parts -- and a supplement. AAR only.

Resource subject


Resource description

CORE : the world's largest collection of open access research papers provides unified search of repository content (over 208,929,220 papers around the world, all subjects, all types of documents).

Resource subject
Digital Collections

Theaters & Amphitheaters in the Roman Empire

Resource description

A searchable database for theaters and amphitheaters in the Roman Empire. Issued by Landesarchäologie Mainz (Germany). Check also the Ancient Theatre Archive (on Greek and Roman theater architecture) ; Italian Theatres ; Roman amphitheater map and data browser ; and THEATRA (critical bibliography, events, conferences, descriptions and other useful resorces) ; [...]

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art

Magic in Greece and Rome

Resource description

Some resources on magic : CBD (Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database) ; CENOB (Corpus des énoncés barbares : multilingual database (Latin, Greek, Demotic, Coptic, Syriac, Hebrew, Aramaic) of onomata barbara) ; Charaktêres (on magical signs) ; Coptic magical papyri ; Curse tablets of Roman Britain ; Curses in context ; Kyprianos database of ancient ritual texts ; LMPG (online version of Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos, anejo 5 of DGE) ; Magia agressiva nel mondo antico ; ML (Magica Levantina) ; Tabella defixionis project ; TheDefix ; TMmagic ; To zodion ; Transmission of magical knowledge in antiquity ; [...]

Resource subject

On the trail of antiquities

Resource description

Some antiquities went through true journeys, buried for centuries before being discovered, sold, given, from collections to collections to the display cases of current museums. A patient work about their auctions makes it possible to find today these crossed stories. Issued by the INHA (Institut national d'histoire de l'art) and the Louvre.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
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